Silence in the malls

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Silence in the malls Unread post

In case you haven't heard, Muzak has filed for bankruptcy. Now get this, the owe about 600 million to their creditors, but they only have 50,000 in assets. Wow.
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The news story I read said that they had liabilities in the range if $100 million to $500 million, how can you not know within $4oo million is there a cheque in the mail that someone forgot to count.
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Re: Silence in the malls Unread post

I know I owe about $92,000 on my house, give or take about $400,000,000.00...
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Re: Silence in the malls Unread post

WPandP wrote:I know I owe about $92,000 on my house, give or take about $400,000,000.00...
Ah! The American Dream, alive and living well in Cincinnati. :shock:
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Re: Silence in the malls Unread post

I know, I had that American dream too, work hard and all sorts of good things will come to you.
I worked hard where are all the good things ???
Of course its obvious, my share of the good things must have been part of the shenanigans of Bernie Madoff or Muzak.
Thanks to all you fine scenario writers out there I have been able to occupy myself instead of looking to see where I put that last $200 million of housekeeping money, It must be round here somewhere, if anyone else finds it or even the odd mill or two just send it on over will you... Thanks.

PS I will accept even measly $100 thous
I got up and the world was still here, isn't that wonderful ?
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Re: Silence in the malls Unread post

Gandar wrote: know, I had that American dream too, work hard and all sorts of good things will come to you.
I worked hard where are all the good things ???
I found out that if you work get more work! Especially in the fields I've worked in. !hairpull!
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Re: Silence in the malls Unread post

MrScott1964 wrote:I found out that if you work get more work! Especially in the fields I've worked in. !hairpull!
And if you are lazy and F#*k-up, you get least in the Corporate World.
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Re: Silence in the malls Unread post

True...there is a fine line to be walked. I recommend working just a little harder than the next hardest worker. :)
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