Where is the Grindre?

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Where is the Grindre? Unread post

Is he on vacation?
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Re: Where is the Grindre? Unread post

Nope, well yes, in a way, I'm in the process of moving. Everything I own is in storage. I'm going to retire and have been looking for a cheep place to live. I've found one but the owner has to fix it up. He's been promising to do it for me for about three months, now and things are finely looking up.
The floors have been replaced and the carpet should be going in this week. I should be moving in next weekend.
Internet service should be installed the following week.

I'm still here but am at the local library and only checking in a couple times a week untill this thing is ready.

GeoCities is closing down later this year so I am closing my web site down, too. If there is anything over there anybody wants, get it while the getting is still good.
Yahoo has notified me that they will be closing my web site down anyday, now.

Hopefuly, I'll be back as soon as I can, on permanent vacation... ::!**!

Take care and see ya later.

a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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Re: Where is the Grindre? Unread post

Glad to see that you have joined the guild.

I just downloaded from your site.


I didn't find the button for downloading your narrow gauge route map for trainz.
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Re: Where is the Grindre? Unread post

thegrindre wrote:
I'm going to retire

Hopefuly, I'll be back as soon as I can, on permanent vacation... ::!**!

Take care and see ya later.


Just a note of warning, don't for one minute think that you will do all of those things, that you didn't have time to do before. If my experience is anything to go by you won't even catch up on your reading. Where the time goes I do not know, but I must say there is nothing finer than sitting at home drinking a cup of coffee when there's 12 inches of snow falling, and traffic is snarled up.
Oh the simple pleasures are the best. ::!**! ::!**!
I got up and the world was still here, isn't that wonderful ?
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Re: Where is the Grindre? Unread post

Ditto: no time to do what I thought I could do.
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Re: Where is the Grindre? Unread post

He he, I've discovered computing and creating 3D objects for games over the past few years and that, alone, is taking up all my time. I love it and it seems as though that's what I'll be doing for the rest of my life. ::!**!

I also love to jump on these forums and help others with my knolwledge when ever possible.
Yes, all my time is taken up and I thank the Lord for all He's done to guide me in this direction.

Life will be fun, finely, when I retire... !*th_up*!

Gwizz, My route was never finished but is a very nice working route as is. I have sent it out to anybody who has asked for it. PM your e-mail addy to me and I'll shoot it over to you.
Better yet, use this Gmail account of mine. Drop me a line at,
thegrindre (at) gmail (dot) com

Later, guys...

a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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