Parenting 101

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Parenting 101 Unread post

Stumbled across this today; ... =attportal

Specifically I loved this;

Never leave a child alone in a car, even with a window slightly open. When leaving a car, always check for your child. To remember a child, place something you'll need at your next stop, such as a purse, lunch, gym bag or briefcase on the floor near where the child is sitting.

I'm absent minded sometimes, but in 19 years as a single parent I NEVER forgot I had or did not have the kid with me, are people really that blase' about their children? **!!!**
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Re: Parenting 101 Unread post

sniper297 wrote:I'm absent minded sometimes, but in 19 years as a single parent I NEVER forgot I had or did not have the kid with me, are people really that blase' about their children? **!!!**
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I was talking to my ex-husband recently and we confessed to each other that both of us had, on different occasions, left the pram with our newborn outside a shop and set off home without her! (The newborn concerned, now in her forties, was not impressed.) We were just lucky society was not so dangerous forty years ago and the pram and the baby were still there when we realised our mistake.

I put it down to post-natal depression, he to sleep deprivation.
!*th_dwn*! !*th_dwn*! !*th_dwn*!
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I have never unintentionally abandoned my child someplace. :-?

But hey, he is graduating high school today, so something must've been done right. !*th_up*!
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We need a license or permit to show we're competent enough to drive a car, motorcycle, or boat, fish, hunt, own a gun, or be a doctor or lawyer, but any two morons can (and do) have a child with no mental or financial ability what so ever. **!!!**
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The Big Dawg
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Sometimes it only takes one moron and artificial insemination (does the term Octamom ring a bell?).
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How does one differentiate between a common run of the mill moron and a over educated moron? The doctor that did the procedure allowing octomom to turn her vagina into a clown car is the moron I had in mind.

Now I understand she is getting a reality tv show to further exploit her children. I have a hard time with that. And Jon an Kate. When is enough, enough. Isn't anything off limits to profit? Of course I live a private lifestyle. Over twenty years in this house and I don't know the names of my neighbors. I'm not wired to get involved in other peoples business. I don't expect me to get anything from watching shows of that nature.
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Knowledge does not necessarily equate into intelligence, however - it can equate into dollar signs. :roll:
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Re: Parenting 101 Unread post

The kid dying from heat stroke, left out in the cold, sunburned, falling out of something, It happens all too often now days.

Makes you wonder how us baby boomers ever lived to be 60+.

I do have a photo of a proposed parent's license, but, that is a subject for the political forum.
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Ron, there are a lot more people in the world now, combined with the news travelling a lot faster thanks to the internet. I would guess that things just were not reported as as often as they happened back in your day.
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