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The Wife and I just had our eyes examined. We were prescribed and have received our new glasses. So now we are in an adjustment period. Getting used to these things is downright dangerous at times. Walking down stairs for example. And just interesting at other times. Like when the monitor distorts and stretches out diagonally. Or a plate folds up on itself. I can't read by moving my eyes. Now I have to move my whole head to keep things in focus. However I can keep what I am reading at a normal distance from my nose.

So, how long does this adjustment period last?? Any hints?? Suggestions?? Stories?? All they said when we picked them up was that the time required varied by individual. But still, What are we looking at here? And don't you guys tell me I'm the first on the boards with bifocals. That would just hurt.
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You will get used to it all. It'll come natural rather than all at once. Just relax and let it all work for you. It does take a little time and I'm going to say months but weeks are also an option.
Keep in mind that you've been using your 'real' eyes for 30, 40, 50 years now?
These 'new' eyes you have are only 30, 40, 50, hours old. It's going to take a little time, don't fight it.

<---- Those, to the left, are my tri focals and I still don't walk down stairs after years of wearing them. Mine are lineless lenses. I have to move my head in the exact direction I'm looking, but I got used to it as you will also.

Oh, a word of caution, never, never, never set you glasses down on a sitting place such as a car seat, the couch, the recliner, or any type of chair. Trust me on this one. You will sit on them one day and break them if you do.

a.k.a. Rick

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The 'left' in the style you use is the 'right' in other styles. :mrgreen:
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Thanks for the heads up Rick. Did you say Months?? wow. The Wife and I have had glasses forever. This is our first bifocals. We have had to go awhile for a new prescription which I'm sure didn't help matters any. I am liking them for everything except sitting at the computer. Although the keyboard is easier to see the morphing of the keyboard and screen is a bit discerning. Ours is the line less as well. It is like I have a greasy thumbprint on the far edge of the lenses. It is that fuzzy at the keyboard. Away from the keyboard that print issue is gone. Oh well. Getting old ain't for the weak.

Yeah Hawk, the arrow to the left when on mine his photo is on the right took a moment. I had faith in Rick and knew he hasn't quite lost it. With a little thought I pulled it together. Rick, that was a slick graphic you had going.

You said Months? Right??
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For me, it lasted until I switched back to my other glasses. I have a pair that is one diopter off 20/20. It is perfect for things like computers and cooking, and is only one diopter off for driving. When I want to read I simply take my glasses off and do fine.I could have gotten used to the progressives that I had, but they certainly were not worth the investment.
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Re: Bifocals Unread post

Grindre uses one of the sub-styles and in those the stuff is on the left.
I was just having a go at him. ;-) ^**lylgh
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Re: Bifocals Unread post

I tried the varifocals (lineless) and couldn't get with it at all. The problem with the computer is that there are three parts to the lens. Through the top part you're seeing distance, through the bottom is close work but the middle bit where you look at the computer is quite narrow in comparison.
I was lucky in that I had a cataract removed, which made my distance vision practically perfect, so now I have bifocals (with a line) which are just for close work at the bottom and seeing the computer at the top. They are still taking some getting used to, but I'd say weeks rather than months.
For some reason they're fine at home, but I just can't seem to get the distances right at work. Once I have the computer set at the right distance, though, I expect it will be OK. Also I have one of those fancy thin screens at work which might have something to do with it.
Everybody says, persevere and the time will come when you can see fine and not even think about it but like JayEff, I abandoned the attempt to use the varifocals. Though I realise that advice is not much use to you after you've bought the d*** things!
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He he, yup, I'm using one of the sub-styles and my pic is on the left. He he

I bought 'computer' glasses and I leave them right there, at all times, by the PC. You ask, what are PC glasses? Well, I went back to my optometrist and asked him if I could have special glasses made and he said yes. He asked me what I wanted them for and I told him I sit behind a PC about 12 hours a day and would like some 'computer' glasses.
Cost was about $150 and I haven't needed to change them in years.
I must say though, sense I've had to go with tri focals, I haven't used them in awhile. The tri focals do it all, now.

a.k.a. Rick

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Re: Bifocals Unread post

I'm being pushed to get gradient lenses.

I need glasses to see distance, but my near vision is exceptional; age has only made it more difficult for me to read micro-security printing. But as I age, the distances that I can see up close with my glasses on has been affected, so now I cannot peel potatoes with glasses on. I cannot read up close with glasses on any more.

I've been told that getting gradient bifocals makes it easier than having the split lines, but I am just too inclined to prefer not reading through glasses. Normally I can look under my glasses for short text, but for books, I just take them off.

You may want to look into the idea, which I am sure costs more money. These days I look at only what I absolute have to see, and I spend enough on glasses that I am not looking for any new expenses. But if it gets to it, I would most likely look into the gradient bifocal lenses. took me about 3 weeks to get used to polarized lenses, and they still cause me trouble at times.
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Re: Bifocals Unread post

I had no real problems when I first had bifocals, as I recall I became comfortable using them very quickly. I was an avid reader so after a couple of days I was very happy to use them and not have to change glasses every time I wanted to read something. I do remember driving seemed a little weird at first but again that fell into place without any real problems.
I found that I just could not use my computer whilst wearing bi's. I couldn't see clearly through the top part, and it gave me a crick in the neck from the bottom section. So, like Rick, I have dedicated computer glasses, and they are beside my keyboard, I don,t spend a lot of money on them, I only have the anti glare coating and any reasonable frame will do, after all its just me and the machine so I don't have to look good.
My wife on the other hand will frequently remove her bi's to read a book because its more comfortable for her,even though we have new prescriptions every two years. So I would say it takes between two days and twenty years to become comfortable with bi or trifocals.
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Re: Bifocals Unread post

After "waiting" one or two years too long, I decided to get new glasses this summer. Last week I got them: a varifocal one for "everything" and something like 'computer glasses' as mentioned by thegrindre. Concerning the latter ones, there are no problems, e.g for reading or working at the PC. But using the varifocals is really a challenge - now I have to redirect the move commands from the eyes to the neck! Hope to get happy after some weeks ...
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Re: Bifocals Unread post

You have the computer glasses made up for use with the computer. Just tell the eye doctor where you want them to focus and he will write up the prescription for them. You can then have them made with only glare and anti scratch coating. That is far cheaper then when you have bifocals with transition coatings.

Have reading glasses made for the closer use for reading.

Bifocals are bothersome if they are mounted too close to center viewing.

I do know of an electrician that had double bifocals made so he could work on overhead wiring without craning his neck.

Take advantage of the 2 for 1 offers to get the specialty glasses made up.
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Re: Bifocals Unread post

I see - there are a lot of options more ... :-) !*th_up*! :salute:

Nevertheless - meanwhile I'm really happy with my new set of glasses!
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Re: Bifocals Unread post

I am pleased to report that the training period is just about over. I checked with The Wife and we seem to be in the same place in regards to bifocal adjustment. They seem a lot more natural than when I first put then on my face. You can train an old dog new tricks. The only time I take them off is when I'm typing at the keyboard. Sometimes during the day. Almost always at night. I do not touch type and at night it gets tough 'cause my back lit keyboard is getting dim. I really enjoyed everybody's feedback. Thanks everybody!!

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Re: Bifocals Unread post

I'm glad I don't need glasses except when my eyes are open. *!*!*!
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