Thought you might enjoy a political Christmas. Hmmm...

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Thought you might enjoy a political Christmas. Hmmm... Unread post

Twas the month before Christmas
When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying
Nor taking a stand.
See the PC Police had taken away,
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.
The children were told by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.
It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
December 25th is just a "Holiday".

Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!
CDs from Brittany, an X BOX, an I-pod
Something was changing, something quite odd!
Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa
In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.
As Targets were hanging their trees upside down
At Lowe's the word Christmas - was nowhere to be found.
At K-Mart and Staples and Penney's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.
Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty
Are words that were used to intimidate me.
Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Pelosi, Al Sharpton,
On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, and Clinton!
At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.
And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace
The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.
So as you celebrate "Winter Break" under your "Dream Tree"
Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.
Choose your words carefully, choose what you say
NOT Happy Holiday!
a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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The Big Dawg
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I like that one. I got it in an email the other day and enjoyed reading it. :D
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I HATE POLITICAL CORRECTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :evil: :x

I understand trying to be considerate of other cultures, but truly, if you're not trying to insult anyone, what about the christians? Don't we deserve some respect too? :roll:
I don't drive a dogsled to work, I don't live in an igloo, and we're the SECOND LARGEST COUNTRY ON EARTH!!!
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proudcanadian wrote:I HATE POLITICAL CORRECTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :evil: :x

I understand trying to be considerate of other cultures, but truly, if you're not trying to insult anyone, what about the christians? Don't we deserve some respect too? :roll:
Here! Here!

I'm the last person to be politically correct. It just irks my craw to read about all this politically correct crap.
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Yup, I couldn't agree with you more... (*!grr!*) My job intails about 100 people a night and I MUST be on my guard at all times. I hate it, too. :evil:
a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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In your line of work Rick, I'll bet you do have to constantly-and unwillingly-deal with that crap. :(
Grandma Ruth
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Boy, am I glad I don't live in America! Our local church just posted a CD of carols through everybody's door - I'm sure they didn't try and work out where the Muslims live so they could avoid them! We who are of other religions or none don't care, anyway, by and large. It's Christmas, for goodness sake - enjoy!
Elite Marksman
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The problem is that the 1 person that does care is 1000 times louder than the 99 people that don't.
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Marksman, They call that freedom of speech. But, there are times when I would like to stuff and old dirty T-shirt between their teeth.
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Just because there are more Christians doesnt mean your religion is better or more deserving of being celebrated than any other.
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KevinL wrote:Just because there are more Christians doesnt mean your religion is better or more deserving of being celebrated than any other.
Doesn't mean it has to be killed off either, as all the Politically Correct crowd is trying to do.
Grandma Ruth
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Elite Marksman wrote:The problem is that the 1 person that does care is 1000 times louder than the 99 people that don't.
That is very true. "For evil to triumph, it is only necessary that good men do nothing" - in this as in other things. :cry:
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Well said Ruth. :)
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Hawk wrote:Doesn't mean it has to be killed off either, as all the Politically Correct crowd is trying to do.
I don't think the PC crowd is trying to "kill off" Christmas. I wouldn't be suprised if most of them are Christians too. They're just saying that in a pluralistic society, we shouldn't assume that one religion trumps others when it comes to designating national holidays. Personally, I don't think Christmas should be a national holiday, but I am not overly offended by the fact that it is. Some things are so rooted in tradition that it is difficult to take an objective view. Same goes for Easter, a 100% Christian celebration. Fortunately it always falls on a Sunday, so we don't designate it as a national holiday.

I'm totally intolerant of those who can't tolerate the views of others (*!grr!*) :wink:
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Wolverine@MSU wrote:
Hawk wrote:Doesn't mean it has to be killed off either, as all the Politically Correct crowd is trying to do.
I don't think the PC crowd is trying to "kill off" Christmas. I wouldn't be suprised if most of them are Christians too.
Then why is it most stores are selling 'Holiday Trees' instead of 'Christmas Trees'?
Why is it these same stores don't use Christmas in their ads?
Why is the ACLU trying to ban nativity scenes in public places, as well as in some assisted living apartment buildings?
The list goes on and you can rest assured the ACLU isn't a Christian organization. :wink:

It's because the 'Politically Correct' crowd is "offended" by the celebration of Christmas but we're supposed to accept their celebrations of their chosen holidays.
Personally I don't have a problem in the world with their celebrations. My problem is their problem with ours.
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This is a debate that has no right or wrong answer, and will only lead to hurt feelings.

I would like to see no public displays of religion at all. My belief is religion is a private matter for your home and your house of worship, only. It is not something to wear on your sleeve.
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Well, Kevin, you do have a pretty good point there and I only posted this poem as a humorous note for the holidays. I certainly didn't mean it to go this far. :shock:
a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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Me thinks this is a good time to lock this thread. :wink: