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Eb Zane
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Thanks for the warning, hope you got rid of any problems. IF the cost is around $20+/- then I'll just get it and see how it works.

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Eb Zane, no I have not tried any of those other European railroad games. Have plenty of issues getting support from North American games never mind from European ones.:(
Have also downloaded the demo that is supposed to be fully functional for thirty minutes of playing time. When starting up the game it told me that my demo time had expired. So I never got to play it.
Checked out the web site for the product and found out that you also can purchase additional content. So for two Euros you can get one or two additional locomotives, available from several European countries. For a few more Euros you can get an assortment of trees or additional signal lights. It apparently is even possible to have burning buildings with a fire crew fighting the fire.
I still would have to warm up to the concept of purchasing content. It does not sound very appealing to me even though to pay for only what you want is not such a bad way to go IMHO.

In any case I uninstalled the game again without any issues – so far. Perhaps some of our European colleagues can enlighten us further on that game. There ought to be some users.
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Eb Zane
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Sounds like buying a car or a computer. Might have some advantages over buying the whole deal as in multiplayer or other online events could be dropped. Once the rain stops I think I'll ride to the store and check it out. I like the sound of the game from the few reviews offered.
I took a look a the web site that you offered. Not only burning buildings but burning cars, markets with people in them and and and. I think I have to go spend 20-30 Euro today :) . See what min system requirements are etc. IF I get it up and running I'll pass on a short report.

Thanks for your comments
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It does look interesting. Looking forward to (possibly) reading a hands-on review!
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Actually I own EEP 3 (english version) Got it as bargain earlier this year. It is very complicated , but offers a very deep view of model railroading. I suppose even the basic version offer everything one could want from a model railroad. (expect British engines and cars :wink: ) So someone wanting a very serious model railway tabletop "computer game" might get something out from this.

However it is not userfriendly. It has perhaps most difficult user interface I have ever seen, and the overall look is amateurish. One needs very much time to get into the interface, even with reading the manual. (over and over again.) For example, I never got hang with making own model layout.

I dropped the game pretty fast as I didn't have patience for learn it and a model layout in the computer didn't interested me that much. (I bought it to see, could I test my model layout ideas with it.) It is clearly intended for hardcore fans and the company sound like a garage company. But hey, I don't say it is all bad, and taking in account how today's game industry is, I am happy that there are small garage comapnies to offer games for niche markets.
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Eb Zane
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Welllll, you might have saved me a couple of Euro's. Still havn't gotten to the store to look at it but I'll be looking at it with a different eye now.


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Does anyone here play cybernations?
I do, and i find it pretty good, its a free browser based online game.
Welcome to Cyber Nations, a free nation simulation game. Create a nation anywhere in the world and decide how you will rule your people by choosing a government type, a national religion, ethnicity, tax rate, currency type, and more in this new geo-political, nation, and government simulator. There are no fees associated with Cyber Nations, no credits or upgrades to buy, no gimmicks, just a fun place to hang out and rule your nation
check out the about cybernations page:
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Hmm...pretty cool.

Just started the nation of Happenstance. I'm part of the Orange Team.

Just from reading like 2 pages of the forums, I think I can safely say that some people take the game a little too seriously. :)

It does look interesting, though. Thanks for the heads up!
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my nation is Blue Mountains,
I'm also Orange team,
join the Orange Defence network if you are looking for a good alliance,
yeah some people do take it too seriously,
and a massive war has just began, (The Great War 2),
ODN is currently neutral.

Link to my nation: ... n_ID=53821
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I was reading about all the alliance groups. I got a PM from someone, inviting me to join ODN.

In your experience, what is the advantage of joining an alliance?

Looks like the site is down for maintenance. I will definitely check out your nation when I get a chance. By the way, my resources are coal & aluminum...if you're interested in trading I have an open slot. (Figured I'd at least mention it :) ).

Here is my nation. ... n_ID=90466
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yep, i would be interested in trading,
i have gems and rubber,
i sent you a trade request.

Benefits of joining an alliance,
firstly they will protect you if anyone attacks you,
(i see you are in peace mode, your economy/income is better in war mode)

alliances also give out aid/cash to new nations, give you game tips,
and run programs like tech programs, where high nations buy tech from you,
since it is cheaper for you to buy than them, and then you get to keep some tech.

in wars alliances can sometimes be bad with you getting dragged into them, however ODN seems to only enter wars when it is really needed, and we enter for the "right" cause, ie neutral alliance attacked.
For example so far ODN has remained neutral in the current 2nd Great war.
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Daniel, this Cyber Nations game has me hooked. I'm finding myself wishing they allowed multiple nations.

I just started my first war (mostly just to see what it was like :) ). I should have it won by tomorrow, I hope.

Anyway, thanks for the link!

Have you played Cyber Citizens? ( Seems pretty cool also.
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Cuban Missile Crisis: Aftermath
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no, i have not really played cyber citizens,
first war eh? Well, i have not had one yet!
I get all the protection i need form ODN, and so far odn has not been involved in any wars whilst i have been a part of it.
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This IS a great topic!

On my machine:

Stronghold 1, Crusader, and 2,
Evil Genius, The Movies, Nexus,
Railroad Tycoon 3, RollerCoaster Tycoon, Tropico,
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds,
Theme Hospital, and Trainz Deluxe Edition.

Notable others at the ready:

Space Colony, Indiana Jones and the Emporer's Tomb,
SimCity 4, Majesty Gold Edition, Medieval Total War,
Empire Earth Art of Conquest, Sid Meier's SimGolf,
Dungeon Seige, Descent 2, Freelancer

But lately, I've been surfin' and web buildin'. I haven't been playing ANY games. I've been having urges towards Stronghold 2 and Evil Genius. I'm still very curious about Nexus because I haven't played it more than 5 minutes.

Soon to have Cyber Nations....

So many good games.... it's hard to choose which one to play! (LOL!)
-------->>>HayManMarc (formerly known as 'Marco')
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Hayman, have you played SimGolf before? It's a great little game. Also, beware Cyber's very addictive!
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Yeah -- SimGolf is the best golfing game out there, in my opinion. It seems like it wasn't quite finished, tho. Like they rushed it out to production. (It's slightly buggy, but not bad.) I LOVE building my own course! And then you get to play it!! It's the BEST!!!! And talk about easy controls... Just aim and go. that's it. Your 'ability stats' do the rest for you. I think more games should be built on this system of 'ability stats'. What does 'timing a meter' have to do with... ANYTHING, anyway?

It would be neat to see SimGolf modernized -- but that would probably change it too much.
-------->>>HayManMarc (formerly known as 'Marco')
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yeah, i remember Sim Golf too,
i used to have the demo of it, and it was GREAT!
I usually think of golf as a pretty boring sport but by combining the sim city like element with it, they made a REALLY REALLY great game! :)

I too reckon a remake with modern graphics, and new features would be nice,
but agree that most of today's companies (ie EA) would probably completely stuff up the game in the process,

On the topic of EA stuffing up games,
i installed some of the old command ad conquer games on the weekend,
i got into tiberian sun again, and loved it!
I reckon tiberina sun and tiberian dawn have got to be the best RTS's of all time, and among my top 10 games to play,
i hope EA does not ruin tiberina twilight/C&C3 too much, its finally coming out this year, after they initially cancelled it when they taken over Westwood (and destroyed my favourite gaming company) a few years ago.
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AZ Rail Rat
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Unless I missed it, looks like I'm the only Age of Empires/Age of Mythology player. I REALLY hit it hard. Just noticed I went back to AOM on 13 December. Just finished the entire basic set (32 scenarios) this weekend. Started the Titans Expansion. Up to number 3.

I noticed in the store there's a War Chiefs expansion for AOE III. Maybe AOMT will get me through until it hits the bargain bin.
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Daniel, Westwood did know how to make an RTS, that's for sure. I remember playing hours and hours of C&C Red Alert in college. That was the first computer game that I ever got seriously addicted to.

Rat, I played Age of Mythology for a while and thought it was a great game, but I couldn't find a good difficulty setting. On Easy, I was dominating and the games were boring and over way too quickly. On Medium (or whatever the next level up is) I was getting hammered by huge armies after like 5 minutes on every map. Every game I would be forced into "emergency defense mode" after 5 minutes and that was it - I could never get into a rhythm. Loved the concept of the game, though.
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