Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing...

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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

I played about 4 years of the game, connected 5 towns and was awarded the Bronze medal.

Here are some helpful comments:
1. The President offers a job of building rails in the south, but the player starts on the north end of the map.
2. The access cost for the southern territory is too cheap ($100,000). I bought it immediately at the start of the game because that is where the resources are. Either make the access cost a challenge ($1M) or make it free.
3. Turn off customs houses in the special conditions.
4. There was a warehouse at Ivittuut but it had nothing to supply or demand. I looked in the editor and it was supposed to be goods. I did some tests to see why the warehouse did not show goods, but could not come up with a reason. My suggestion is to hand place the warehouse in Ivittuyt just as you did the warehouse in Qassiarsuk.
5. Only 50 track was given to the player instead of 100 track in Scelta 1.
6. Change all the events from "all companies" to "on screen player's company only". The Donazione event did not trigger because it was set to 'all companies'.
7. There is too much water around and in Narsaq. It is almost impossible to place a station in the town.
8. Please show the conditions for Gold and Silver on the status page - it helps the player know their progress and what they need to be working on.
9. Change BRONZO to "Years elapsed since game start = 20". Set to "End of Year". Move this event to below ARGENTO in the event list.
10. Change ARGENTO to "Years elapsed since game start = 15". Set to "End of Year".
11. Move ORO to above ARGENTO in the list (ORO, ARGENTO, BRONZO in that order). Change ORO to "Monthly (End of Month)".

Providing 50 track each year makes the player build track in January and then wait for 11 months for new track. The player needs something else to do while waiting. Maybe allow the player to build industry but at an expensive cost. Maybe provide 20-30 track every 2-3 months. Maybe provide more track (200) at start of year but make it expensive to build. Maybe offer track for sale at start of each year and allow player to choose how fast to build.

There are resources on the eastern edge of the map, but no cities. Maybe provide some cities on the eastern edge which will mean more track building.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

fsantoro91 wrote:
Gumboots wrote:Or just re-compress the file as a zip for everyone. There's not really a lot of point in using the .rar format, since the compression isn't that much better. I'm not sure why it is so popular.
here it is !!howdy!!
Nice! it's pretty difficult, but your map has inspired me again . . . . to do a railroad map about the future . . . in which steam comes back! (lol)
gismoskip, current RT3 player working on the maps of tomorrow for RT3. better belive it.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

OilCan wrote: Here are some helpful comments:
1. The President offers a job of building rails in the south, but the player starts on the north end of the map.
2. The access cost for the southern territory is too cheap ($100,000). I bought it immediately at the start of the game because that is where the resources are. Either make the access cost a challenge ($1M) or make it free.
3. Turn off customs houses in the special conditions.
4. There was a warehouse at Ivittuut but it had nothing to supply or demand. I looked in the editor and it was supposed to be goods. I did some tests to see why the warehouse did not show goods, but could not come up with a reason. My suggestion is to hand place the warehouse in Ivittuyt just as you did the warehouse in Qassiarsuk.
5. Only 50 track was given to the player instead of 100 track in Scelta 1.
6. Change all the events from "all companies" to "on screen player's company only". The Donazione event did not trigger because it was set to 'all companies'.
7. There is too much water around and in Narsaq. It is almost impossible to place a station in the town.
8. Please show the conditions for Gold and Silver on the status page - it helps the player know their progress and what they need to be working on.
9. Change BRONZO to "Years elapsed since game start = 20". Set to "End of Year". Move this event to below ARGENTO in the event list.
10. Change ARGENTO to "Years elapsed since game start = 15". Set to "End of Year".
11. Move ORO to above ARGENTO in the list (ORO, ARGENTO, BRONZO in that order). Change ORO to "Monthly (End of Month)".

Providing 50 track each year makes the player build track in January and then wait for 11 months for new track. The player needs something else to do while waiting. Maybe allow the player to build industry but at an expensive cost. Maybe provide 20-30 track every 2-3 months. Maybe provide more track (200) at start of year but make it expensive to build. Maybe offer track for sale at start of each year and allow player to choose how fast to build.

There are resources on the eastern edge of the map, but no cities. Maybe provide some cities on the eastern edge which will mean more track building.
Well.. :) let me explain.. :D

1) the map covers only the southern part of Greenland, where the climate is "mild" (we're talking about Greenlindic mild, which is few Celsius degrees above 0).. Basically you start to build tracks on the 'northern part' of the southern tip of the enormous Greenlandic island... a little bit tricky...

2) I did a mistake :roll:

4) "There was a warehouse at Ivittuut but it had nothing to supply or demand. I looked in the editor and it was supposed to be goods. I did some tests to see why the warehouse did not show goods, but could not come up with a reason. My suggestion is to hand place the warehouse in Ivittuyt just as you did the warehouse in Qassiarsuk." I really can't understand how I made that warehouse appear and to show goods... :-o I think I have hit my head againt the walls a dozen times because I still can't understand how to make it... :cry:

About the last thing "There are resources on the eastern edge of the map, but no cities. Maybe provide some cities on the eastern edge which will mean more track building"... Simply there are NO towns or villages in that part of Greenland.. :-D

Thanks again for your help {,0,}
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

Your warehouse won't supply goods because it is #2 which has cargo disabled. #1 is separate on the list from the other warehouses. So either change to recipe for number #2 (or whichever number it really is) or place a new warehouse that has the recipe.

I'm 1.06 and TM you can name the warehouses and ports so it is easier to get it right.

If you use an event to add a warehouse, it will always be # 1....which is higher on the lists and separate. This is why I always start with number 2 in case I want to add a warehouse later on with a different cargo recipe.
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Re: Greenlandic new map PROBLEMS!!! Game crash while testing... Unread post

It is actually a very interesting map. I realize that you only have the edge of the coast for cities and that there are few resources in Greenland. You may want to think about a unexpected 'discovery' of a resource (uranium for example) deep in the interior of Greenland so the player has to build track through the mountains. I encourage you to find reasons to make the player build their railroad network to all corners of a map. It adds enjoyment, challenge and strategy to a game, which then adds 're-playability' or makes a player want to play the game again.

An overall good game. :salute:
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