The 3rd Republic Bug?

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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The 3rd Republic Bug? Unread post

I've played through the 3rd Republic campaign scenario twice. The briefing says I have until 1896. Both times in 1886 it ended with awarding me gold. In both cases by 1886 I had easily met the industry profits and company book value goals, but did not have the highest net worth. The second time I decided to keep playing until 1896 to see what would happen. At the end of 1896, nothing happened. I also noticed that the hauling bonus stopped after 1886.

So what is the bug?
Wrong year in briefing or wrong date in event to check win?
The winning event must be programmed wrong such that gold is always awarded?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: The 3rd Republic Bug? Unread post

The Gold event seems to be set up right. It could be that you did in fact have the highest net worth in class. In class being the key word maybe?
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So it looks like it checks the gold conditions every year. So what the heck is "in class"?

I looked at the events and noticed that the siler and bronze are checked only if the year = 1896.
Based on that, when I continued, I would have expected to see the silver message at the end of 1896 unless some flag is set once gold is achieved earlier.
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The Big Dawg
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I'm not sure what the 'in class' is all about, but once you achieve a medal, the other medal conditions are no longer checked.
If you had only achieved a Bronze, playing further into the scenario would not give you the opportunity to achieve Silver or Gold.

The Silver and Bronze are only checked in 1896 if you haven't already achieved Gold. Then the game determines which other medal you have achieved in 1896.

BTW! The Gold event is checked weekly. ;-)
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Re: The 3rd Republic Bug? Unread post

So what the heck is "in class"? - rrt3rookie
I'm thinking that it would be like a class action suit where only a certain group would be effected.

Looking at how the event is set up to be checked against the on-screen player only, I would guess that he or she always has the highest net worth. !#2bits#!
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Re: The 3rd Republic Bug? Unread post

So based on the scenario goals, it seems that the gold event needs to be modified to check against the onscreen player only, but check for the highest PNW of all players.
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Re: The 3rd Republic Bug? Unread post

I was curious to see if my assumption on what "in class" meant was accurate. I opened Third Republic thru the Editor and discovered that the writer of the scenario has 2 events related to PNW, that involve a Player Variable effecting the STATUS event.

Wondering if these PNW events functioned correctly I played, I also changed the Gold event to test against all players. I was not able to obtain the Highest PNW but in 1893 I was awarded the GOLD.

The PNW events seem to work as intended and I feel that the Player Variable should be used to trigger the GOLD event.

Looking a little deeper I found several other issues:

General Validation shows the City of Sedan unable to build a port - set at 30 percent.
Port/Warehouse Recipes demand automobiles and Overall Industry shows (7) Auto Plants - not selected - despite the fact that the scenario ends before they are available.

There are Cites with the port recipe section active, even though Port(1800) is at 0 percent. Sedan is one of them and I could not figure out how to fix it.

So maybe someone with a better knowledge of the Editor would like to take a look. :salute:

Other than that I really like the scenario. !*th_up*!
Player Variable should be used to trigger the GOLD event.
I think I fixed it! Seems the PNW trigger in the GOLD event was being ignored.
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