Favorite Scenario(s)?

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

Let's not get too carried away low_grade. It's going to take me a month of Sundays to build the database as it is. The more added - the longer it's going to take.
If I had all the data right now, and knew how to do it, it would take me a couple of months just to get it set up.
This forum isn't the only thing I've got going on.

So - do you want it in this life time or the next one. :roll:
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

The scoring system at The Terminal was a flow imo; probably because you could vote anonymously. The ratings did not reflect reality very well. I would place much greater trust in the comments in this thread here.
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

*!*!*! Yes, I got carried away there... I've fiddled with databases a bit so I know what they're capable of, but I often forget how much work can go into implementing even simple ideas, much less this kind of complicated mess I'm talking about. Sometimes I get too excited over the possibilities and don't know how to contain myself! My friends are always rolling their eyes at me when I get going...

so, don't mind me, just keep up the good work, Hawk, it's appreciated.
Jeremy Mac Donald
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post


Well a few of the scenarios I've enjoyed enough to go back and replay even years later.
South Africa by Steve (Mobius) Lorenz
Australia by Didgabringability (maybe mainly because I realized what you could do with New Guinea)
Mars The New World by Ulf Norlinger
Japanese Miracle by Porter (EPH) Hopson

I don't mind a little history in my maps but I don't like feeling like I have to jump through a ton of hoops to keep playing or having such complicated victory conditions that I barely understand them.
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

Once more, I have to mention, that Taleisin (don't know his real name) has created a lot of really great maps! !!clap!!

My favorites are:

Fosse-Lyss-Hottmudd (which should be played before Hexum to get the 'right' feeling)

Hexum (of course, really hard to do)

Scrimshaw (for fun only, but super mega great!!!)
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

Sugus.....these games aren't posted in the map archive on this website. Where are they?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

All 3 of those maps were at the now defunct Railroad Tycoon Info site.
I downloaded them with the intention of adding them to this site but haven't got around to it.
In the mean time here's links to download all 3 of them.


http://hawkdawg.com/zips/rt3/Fosse-Lyes ... dd.gmp.zip


Here's a thread discussing Hexum. viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1850
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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

This is about like asking a 4-year-old to choose his favorite candy. I have tried so many and like them all so much. Even when I try one that I do not consider to be among my top favorites, I still have a hard time pulling myself away. Some of you have read the high praise that I have for the Louisville & Nashville scenario. Guatemala, Northeast Corridor, Mississippi Valley, Coast-to-Coast, Civil War, Tex-Mex, Canada Bound, and Australia Federation are also big personal favorites. In general, I tend to like having very few restrictions and lots of AI. Acquisitions are my favorite part of this game. A scenario should not be too easy. The Flying Scotsman and Third Republic scenarios on the campaign are both too easy in my opinion. While it is easy to say a scenario should not be too tough, I find that a hard challenge can be quite entertaining. It felt good to win a medal on the Alternate USA scenario, hard level, recently, even if it was only a bronze.

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Re: Favorite Scenario(s)? Unread post

My favorite Pop Top maps are Texas Tea and Southern Pacific. Both offer a variety of game goals without being too restrictive.

My favorite user-created maps are WSherrick's Age of Steam series. I only wish I could have half of his imagination and creativity in creating my map.
Computer: 3.2GHz i3, 6.0GB Ram, 1.5TB HD, Win7, RRT3:1.06, SMRR:1.10
Currently playing: RRT3 - Campaign Scenerios
Currently creating: RRT3 - Southwest scenerio
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