Now the real topic - Need scenario help!

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
Polynesia Rail
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Now the real topic - Need scenario help!

Unread post by Polynesia Rail »

Hey guys! I have a big problem: I have to make a Tahiti scenario and I don't have any clue how to make a scenario, so I created a very small island with 2 cities to make an attemp!
But I don't even know how to begin. Please download the map I attached and tell me some tips how to make a great scenario of this map! !hairpull! And how do you start making a scenario? What do you do first?

Greetings, David !*th_up*!
Here's the island
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Re: Now the real topic - Need scenario help!

Unread post by Gwizz »

First choose what you plan for the map. What is the map theme or history.
What will be hauled. How long a period will it span. What years will be represented.

In RT2 you had to build the events in order.
In RT3 you can move the events around so they can be written out of order.

On a two city map I would assume most hauls will be from industry, Ports and farms, etc,
Passenger service between the two cities could be a goal. You have to feed the people and possible ship out the products through a port.

Think it out and store the info in your brain. Or, write out a plan on paper with room between your notes for changes. It is easier to do than you think.
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Re: Now the real topic - Need scenario help!

Unread post by Sugus »

I'm only an unimportant RRT3 fan having started this year to create my own scenarios (Rorschach-Heiden-Railraod, Spanisch-Brötli Railroad) - but due to your "helpless cries" I'll simlpy show you what I've done to fulfill such a job. As seen above, you really have to define first how you would present your scenario to the RRT3 people: what's to do, what's to achieve ... etc.

My way to create a scenario, normally, runs through the following steps:
- First - I have a strange idea !hairpull! ...
- Based on the intended tasks, I create a map - layouting cities and topography (where's iron, where's grain, etc.)
- Then - without formulating any (winniging) conditions - I start to play the map. This way, I'll see what's possible and what not.
- Within this time consuming steps, there's a lot of "trial and error"!
- Therafter, I specify the winning conditions (being very conceited to know the truth)
- And finally, I play the scenario at least five times in each difficulty level to have a good feeling related to conscience ...

Maybe, you'll have a look on my scenarios (using the editor, of course) to see what I mean.

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Re: Now the real topic - Need scenario help!

Unread post by Grandma Ruth »

Just a word of caution - it's been mentioned elsewhere but it's worth saying again. You do need to do a lot of trial and error, so you'll be re-saving your map a lot of times. That might make the colours fade, so it's best to do the events and trial runs and so on before you paint the scenery. Or save the map with a new name each time.
Good luck!
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