Introduction and Offer

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

Introduction and Offer Unread post

Hello everyone,

This is my first post, so I thought that I would introduce myself. My name is Kylar (at least online), and I am an avid Railroad Tycoon Fan and history buff. I have probably played the vast majority of all historically themed maps on this site for RRT3, and have a great appreciation for the effort that everyone here has put into keeping the game dynamic and alive. I'm posting here for the first time because I would like to help with that project, in whatever small way that I can.

Having played most of the maps, one thing that I have noticed is that many of them have a large degree of typos, misspellings, or grammatical problems in the game text and ledgers. Now, I want to be absolutely clear - as someone who has spent a great deal of time in countries other than the one of his birth, I pass absolutely no judgment upon anyone who misspells or writes poorly in English... lord knows I have committed far worse crimes against the lexicons of Spanish, French, and Italian! However, as a recent college graduate with some degree of editing experience and a great deal of unemployment provided free time, I have been wondering if it might be possible for me to go through some of the maps on this site and edit them for proper grammar, spelling, etc. If that sort of thing is kosher in this community, how would I go about doing that? Would I need to get the individual permission of each map's author, or would I be allowed to modify the existing files as long as left the proper attributions of authorship intact?

All that aside, its nice to finally say hi to you all, and thanks for keeping my favorite game alive!

~Kylar Vonzain
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Re: Introduction and Offer Unread post

Welcome Kylar. !*th_up*!

I have no objection to anyone sprucing up the text on my maps.

It might be a good idea to scan any maps returned just to be on the safe side. No disrespect intended here. It always pays to be carefull. !*th_up*!
Last edited by Gwizz on Tue May 18, 2010 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introduction and Offer Unread post

Welcome to the forum, and I personally have no objection to anyone fixing something I have messed up. Especially typos in maps.
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Re: Introduction and Offer Unread post

While english isn't my native tongue, you are wellcome to correct any text in any of my maps !*th_up*!
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Re: Introduction and Offer Unread post

Welcome aboard, Kylar.

I agree: why should we forbid to make the (text of the) maps better and better?
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Re: Introduction and Offer Unread post

Like everyone else, I have no objections to any errors I've made being corrected, as long as they aren't translated from my native English into "American" (or Canadian!)
I need a little less pressure, and a little more time
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Re: Introduction and Offer Unread post

I have only one scenario of my creation up in the archives, another one in beta stages and a third one still to come..
You're welcome to review any or all.

Your offer is much appreciated :D

(but i hope you realize that in some scenarios it will be an enormous task, as there may be hundreds of events to review)

Please keep this post updated once you finish any revision.
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