User info in the Pro-Series

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Which do you refer in the Pro-Series styles?

User info on the right (as it currently is)
User info on the left
Total votes: 12

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User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

Just trying to get an idea of what members prefer. :-)

If you would, after voting please make a post to indicate which Pro-Style you use.
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

I'm still using prodark or progothic as Rick called it. Almost tried something else. However enlarging the font was enough to ease the strain on my old eyeballs. I do seem to like the user information on the right. Probably for no other reason than its new.
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

All Pro-Series Styles have the ability to adjust the font size. ;-)
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

I'm using progray for now. (although I personally am post-gray)
The goth was a little too dark for my computer room.
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

I'm with Knave... :-D I sorta have gotten used to it, now. Although, really, It doesn'r matter anymore. :roll:
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

I personally prefer it on the right. When it was on the left, often the topic would go across the page, to to read all the info, I wasn't able to see who was posting. Now, I can clearly see the user info, and read the post. :-D
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

Every other forum I've ever used has it on the left, so having it on the right looks "weird" to me at the moment. Over time, though, I may come to like it. ProudCanadian has a point about being able to see both the post text and the user info.

You'd think the forum software would just have a user preference switch you could toggle to switch it from one side to the other, no matter which theme you were using. But perhaps it hasn't come up before.
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

Actually, considering what's involved with changing from the right to the left, if they coded in a user choice the software would require a whole lot more code than if I were to manually do it.
Does that make sense? *!*!*!
I had considered making two versions of each pro style, one right-one left, but as it stands there is 10 different styles-8 of which are pro series. Every time I make a change to the forum it requires editing 3 or 4 different pages in each style. Some require even more. Then I upload each of those pages in each style. Then I have to go into the ACP and refresh the templates and themes of each style.
As you can probably figure adding a right and left version would almost double my work every time I make a change. I am even considering dropping two or three of the pro styles - progreen2 and proorange - since no one is using them, and procyan is only being used by one person. That would help me a bit.
Don't get me wrong, I want to make these forums as user friendly as I can, and I enjoy doing it, but there comes a time when I have to consider the work involved. ;-)

As it stands there is only 9 votes. 5 for left - 4 for right. Not really what I'd call a landslide vote. :mrgreen: Kinda' hard to make a call on the issue right now.
I'll leave this poll up for a while longer and see what happens.

Edit 1: Just for the sake of 'What-the Heck', here's a link to give you an idea of what's involved with changing the user info from right to left. This would need to be done on each style. ;-) ... e75317431d
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

I just tied it up 6 - 6 with my RIGHT vote. Now you REALLY got a problem!!! ^**lylgh
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Re: User info in the Pro-Series Unread post

Only you Rat! Only you! :roll:
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