help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?)

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help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

Hi there

this one goes directly to Hawk if he is around:

I have been playing around with an Iberia+Morocco map for some time, trying to create yet another scenario (a mash up of Gibraltar 1.0 with Express D'Orient). In my work/fun, however, I came across a weird behaviour when trying to cross the Gibraltar Straights with a suspension bridge.

Below is the printscreen:
Rights are acquired for both sides of the straight and money is not an issue. However, the bridge is always made to half-length only. I tried from several start/end points on both sides.

Did you have this problem in your Gibraltar Straights, Hawk? If you did, what's the "cure"?
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Does this scenario have a limited track building amount?

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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

:-D Thanks for the under-expectations Stoker

No, I am reasonably new to this but not that daft ;-)

It's not a track-limit issue.
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

There's a hidden territory under the water. Check the Silver requirements and that should tell you what you need to build the bridge.
I believe it's CBV of $50mil and an IP of $15mil. It's been a long, long time since I made that map, but looking in the editor - I believe that's what is required, if I'm looking at the right event - which I think I am.
In the editor, look for the Bounty Up events.

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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post


Problem solved! Actually the territory isn't hidden under the water.. It's a tiny island in the Mediterranean, aligned with the straight. Because I hadn't paint that to any of the adjacent territories, game thought the island and the whole sea were part of Leon (a territory which stands far form the Gibraltar Straight, you'll understand it if you play the scenario).

Means it's fixed now. Means I finished events in a rush after that and made a couple of quick tests in Beginner, just to look for obvious typos/bugs. Will now post for reviews / testers and take some weeks off. Two scenarios in two weeks makes this an addiction and I need to stay away from the sort *,*!

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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

brunom wrote:Cheers!

Problem solved! Actually the territory isn't hidden under the water.. It's a tiny island in the Mediterranean, aligned with the straight.
If you're talking about the Gibraltar Straits I have in the archive, it is a hidden territory; a strip of territory I intentionally painted under the water, as you can see in this screen-shot.
It's not a 'bug' as you stated in your other post. That was intentional.
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

Ok, technically not a bug, I'm cool with that.

Call it newb factor if you like. You still pushed me in the right direction.

btw.. how do you see territories under water? I didn't think it could be done, and I have just been looking around in the editor for that option, with no success.

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brunom wrote:btw.. how do you see territories under water? I didn't think it could be done, and I have just been looking around in the editor for that option, with no success.

You have to click on the Paint button, then the Ocean and Lakes button. Then make sure you remove the check mark for the Change Height option, then just change the ocean/lake to land. Once you're done painting/adjusting the territory, just paint the ocean back in, again making sure there is no check mark in the Change Height option.
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

You can also see the territories in the company detail. It will show which territories you have access to and which you don't.
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

Is that, Ned?

In-game, sea shows as sea, never colored as a territory. At least in my 1.05.

I haven't tried your trick Hawk, since the scenario seems to work fine now.
With two scenarios made almost simultaneously, I'm not in a rush to get into the Editor again... *!*!*!

Anyway, cheers for all the help. Hope you guys try the scenario and enjoy it (and review it for me, in the meantime ;-) )
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

I'm not Ned but in answer to your question in regards to Ned's statement, yes - in-game, as shown in the following screen-shot.
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While I've got you here I thought I'd point out one little minor detail, which is not even problem - just something I noticed.
Generally, when I play a scenario I change the name of the company I start to Hawk & Badger Railroad.
In your scenario you assume that the player will keep the auto-generated company name, as seen in the following screen-shot.
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

Hawk wrote:...when I play a scenario I change the name of the company I start to Hawk & Badger Railroad.
Just or from where does the 'badger' part tie into with the 'hawk' part?
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

Badger is a nick-name an old friend of mine gave to my wife many years ago.
She's only about 4'11" tall but she's not someone you'd want to tangle with. He saw a show on TV about badgers being one of the baddest animals on earth and he thought of her after losing an argument to her.
He was a pretty good sized individual at about 6'1" and about 275#. She never did back down from him. :mrgreen:

A moniker she carries proudly to this day. ;-)
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post


In reply to your reply in Ned's name, that map is showing sea in blue, not in pink as the "territories". That's what I meant.

As for the company's name. That event is "tested against company" and that bit is dynamic text: [Company name]. Not that it occurred to me to change the name of the company in any of my tests... in fact.. be right back...

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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

Yep.. works indeed..
Cheers and have a good weekend guys. I'm off to the countryside :-P
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post

Well how 'bout that. I didn't even try to change the company name. I just assumed.... :oops:
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Re: help on bridging Gibraltar (Hawk?) Unread post


Assumptions and expectations are the source of all unhappiness, so says the Dalai Lama.

Just test-drive the ****** scenario when you find the time ;-)
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