Territory Access

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Territory Access Unread post

Hello everyone...

Still working, from time to time on my Eastern Québec map. I am looking for denying access to some territories from startup but even if the "test" message window appears, the territories remain open. Could you tell me if I did something wrong here? In short, I want to close 2 regions until the player reaches some specific villages or towns near those regions (which event works well). But whatever I do, the 2 regions remain open when I start a game.

Thanks for any hint!

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Re: Territory Access Unread post

You could try opening another scenario up in the map editor and seeing how they gave territory access.

It's been awhile since I've worked on a map, but I would try changing the effect "to the player/territory for which is TRUE" and then click on territory below that and select that territory that you want to deny access to.
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Re: Territory Access Unread post

Territorial access is a company variable. If you set it before the player has started any company, then its effects are moot. Try triggering it "after a company is started".

Does that scenario have AI and do you wish to have AI companies building in that territory before the player?
If not, don't test against players/companies and make it an effect for "all companies" or "whole game".

Also, to deny or give access at start, you just need to click on the territory within the "access" map (see below).
I think this only works if you have companies set up at start, however.

Final question: you haven't set that specific territory to be re-mapped as another "parent" territory, did you? If it is the case, you can't define access to it, just to the main territory.

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Re: Territory Access Unread post

Thanks for the answers.

So I have to create a company in the scenario to make it work?

As for the AI, there is a mandatory one AI controlled player in the scenario and I want to apply the same territorial restriction for it.

And: "you haven't set that specific territory to be re-mapped as another "parent" territory, did you? If it is the case, you can't define access to it, just to the main territory."

How can I re-map the territory as a parent one?

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Re: Territory Access Unread post

handelbaroque wrote: So I have to create a company in the scenario to make it work?
Not necessarily. But the event to limit access needs to happen AFTER a company is created, which can happen during the game.
handelbaroque wrote: As for the AI, there is a mandatory one AI controlled player in the scenario and I want to apply the same territorial restriction for it.
Make it an effect to all companies then, or, if it doesn't work, separate events, each one affecting one of the companies (for which you need to check against company ID)
handelbaroque wrote: And: "you haven't set that specific territory to be re-mapped as another "parent" territory, did you? If it is the case, you can't define access to it, just to the main territory."
How can I re-map the territory as a parent one?
You don't re-map a territory as the parent one. You make a territory "invisible" and define to which parent one you want it remapped (basically, to which one should it be merged, from the user point of view).
This is useful when you want to count say, hauls from a specific region, but you don't need the user to be aware of that area as a "political" territory with borders.

Hope all of this helps

You can check Express D'Orient or Gibraltar Express. These two scenarios, amongst many others, handle multiple territories and variable access rules.

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Re: Territory Access Unread post

If you want it to apply to all the companies you can use Force Test against companies, and then as Brunom said just make sure it's testing against all the companies.
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Re: Territory Access Unread post

@handelbaroque: you may have a look in my map "Model Railway", where no AI's are used, but some territories were blocked right at the beginning and opened later based on events.
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Re: Territory Access Unread post

Ok, the problem is not to deny the access (works fine) but to prevent to be able to buy it. Is it possible to do that? The only choice I have is to put an insanely high amount purchase cost....
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Re: Territory Access Unread post

If I remember correctly you can restrict access so it can't be bought, but you have to create the company first and then switch to the being the chairman of the company and use the access rights map to either grant or deny access.
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Re: Territory Access Unread post

Oh, I get it...

You want a territory to be "You cannot buy access to this territory" until a certain date/event.. and after that, to become "Access to this territory costs $$$".

To my knowledge that isn't possible. If you define limited access and a price, the player can pay up that cost at any time. You should think of alternative ways of working that out.

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Re: Territory Access Unread post

handelbaroque wrote:Ok, the problem is not to deny the access (works fine) but to prevent to be able to buy it. Is it possible to do that? The only choice I have is to put an insanely high amount purchase cost....
The easiest way is probably to create the companies and then as Brunon showed in his post deny them access this way.
brunom wrote:
Also, to deny or give access at start, you just need to click on the territory within the "access" map [edited - see picture in Brunom's above post].
I think this only works if you have companies set up at start, however.
Then write an event that once certain cities are connected you grant them access to that territory which was previously denying the company access.
brunom wrote:Oh, I get it...

You want a territory to be "You cannot buy access to this territory" until a certain date/event.. and after that, to become "Access to this territory costs $$$".

To my knowledge that isn't possible. If you define limited access and a price, the player can pay up that cost at any time. You should think of alternative ways of working that out.

If that is what you are trying to do, then as Brunom says that's not really possible. The best you can probably do then is a yearly event asking if you wanted to buy access into the territory. (or the more complicated type of event where you have a territory that's sole purpose is just to trigger an event once something gets built in it, this then could trigger the event asking if you wanted to buy into that territory rather than a yearly event)
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