Help wanted - scenario for beta testing

Tips and Tricks on Events, Economy, etc.
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

This is going to take me a little time, I think. Stoker, your comments about the natural resources in your first post are really useful but I've had to bring up a map of the US to find out where all these places are you're talking about! :roll: I was just lazy and used an existing map without changing (or even checking) the resource allocation (apart from the alcohol-related bits, of course!) - I presumed that whoever made the original knew what they were doing.
Re-doing all the lose events I'm having to think now, not only about "punishments" but also I'll have to re-set variables or something to make the game continue, but on a different path. Bit of a challenge.
So don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a while - I'll be |--0
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

Hi Guys!

Here it is - hopefully the last version, but please let me have your comments about anything that still needs changing.

I'm having second thoughts about the cash goal - it might as well be PNW, for one thing, and the amounts aren't right, for another. I got $10m on Hard without too much trying, so it needs to start at that level. Then what? Just higher amounts? Or something else altogether?

Look forward to seeing what you make of it.

Thanks for your help.
This is a 1.06 scenario
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

Hi Ruth

Just given this a first play and I think its gone wrong. Shouldn't be able to build industry but you can build it all - and build Gt Lakes Docks which, in right place, are incredibly profitable. Could make whole scenario far too easy - until I built one I couldn't quite get enough cash to get to Collingwood but 2nd try when I did it was real easy.

Second thing is that after one year an alcohol train in Collingwood hadn't picked up a single load to take to BJs warehouse. Might get better later but have to go out so haven't time to delve further.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

I just fired this map up and I see for the Loose event the only condition you have is the game end year. I think you should add Personal Cash<1,000,000
Also, as Belbi noted, you can build industry, even though you state in the briefing you can't. You forgot to check that in the Special Conditions.
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Now played on for a few more years. Not a single drop of Alcohol has got onto my train waiting at Collingwood/
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

******, ******, ******! I had to allow myself to build while setting up the game, and forgot to switch it off again. !hairpull! Just pretend you can't build :lol:
The lose event is the start of the year 1942, so I think if you make it to that point it means the win events haven't fired at the end of 1941. But to make sure I can put in an extra line as Hawk suggests. I think the cash amounts are too small and will have to be changed, anyway.
Belb, are you shipping grain to the breweries? It takes a long time to get up there of its own accord! - Oh, I see you're here as well - Hi!
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

Grandma Ruth wrote: The lose event is the start of the year 1942, so I think if you make it to that point it means the win events haven't fired at the end of 1941.
I didn't notice that before. I guess that would be OK unless someone wants to play past the win events, in which case I think they would only be able to play until 1942, then the game ends.
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

That's interesting, I'd never thought of that before. Someone wanting to play on, I mean. hmmm . .
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

I have done that before. That's why I thought of that. :mrgreen:
Grandma Ruth
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

Thank you all for your help - I've sent the final version to Hawk to add. I've changed the win conditions and tweaked a bit as you suggested.

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The Big Dawg
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Re: Help wanted - scenario for beta testing Unread post

It's now available in the N. America section.
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