About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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Max Well
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About converting map from RRT3 to TM

Unread post by Max Well »

Good evening to all. :salute:
A few days ago I downloaded TrainMaster and all extras. I very-very like it, so i decided convert some maps, created in RRT3 Editor, into TM. I read posts on this forum, read Edbangor's instruction, and did everything as written. I deleted all industry buildings, all trains. But I still have one problem. When the map is loaded, game crashes on "Loading Player Database..." And i don't know how to fix it **!!!**
I tried to change everything in Players and Player Pool settings, tried delete companies, etc. But nothing. I want convert this maps so much, because I worked on them a few months, and now I have a chance to make them much better.
But haven't no idea, what to do. !hairpull!
Therefore appeal to you for help. Thanks in advance!

P.S.: excuse me for my (perhaps) bad english - I'm still learning ;-)
P.P.S.: I'm new here, but I want to say - BIG thanks for your great work, your website and for TrainMaster! It's really cool and useful! :-D
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

Unread post by Blackhawk »

I'm not sure what is the problem. Does your TM play TM scenarios correctly? If you have a working version of TM, then that wouldn't be the problem.

Another thing, are you sure you've got all the industries on the map deleted? Just 1 industry somewhere on the map could cause it to crash.

Are these RT 1.06 or 1.05 maps?

If you want, you could put the map file in a zip file and attach it to the forum and if I get a chance I'll take a look at it.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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Yes, TM play TM's scenarios. I don't know, correctly or not, because there are some bugs with industry on these maps (sometimes production equals 0 or just nothing). But whatever, they are loaded. But almost all scenarios from older versions crashes.

Actually, I created maps in RRT3 V1.00, and they are not loaded in V1.05 and V1.06 too for the same reason. I deleted all industries, hotels, restaurants. There are only houses, cinemas, schools, etc. on map. And loading Building Database is OK. One more thing: I have a few maps without industries but with rails and stations. And some of them plays, but some of them crashes all the same. So I'm confused. **!!!**

Oh, it will be great, if you take a look! {,0,} Or someone else. Together more easily search for a problem.
I attached two maps - MyIsland (it's original map) and MyIslandW (without industries and trains).
Looking forward to your response! !*th_up*!
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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Just out of curiosity, what operating system do you run?
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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I have Windows XP SP3.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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OK! I just wanted to make sure you weren't dealing with a Win 7 or Vista problem.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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Always look for the error message since I tried loading a map and you still have a cattle ranch on the map. TM uses argicultural communities.

Remove the farms from the mpas and they should work.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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To Hawk: Fortunately - no :-D
XP - a relatively trouble-free operating system, I think (Compared to Vista or W7).

To nedfumpkin: I carefully looked at the entire map "MyIslandW", but did not find a farm or ranch. I also looked at the list of buildings in Map Editor's control panel. There are no industries or farms (screenshot attached - sorry, I haven't English version of game, so I translated some words). Maybe, I missed something?
There is no concrete text in error - just standard MS window.
If I understand correctly, You can not load the map. Or You did it? :-)
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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Sorry, I only checked the first map. Not sure why the second crashes but TM does not like 1.06 maps at all and that could be the problem.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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Well, it seems that nothing can be done about... I tried delete buildings, trees, stations, rails - it does not help.
I have one more suggestion.. And I would like to ask your opinion. In a bank account of my company is more than minus 260 billion cash (huuuge debt :lol: ). And also I can't create a new company - error message again. So, maybe this is the cause of the problem? I could check it out and add cash with cheat code, but to do that I have to enter the code 26000 times. :shock: And Artmoney for some reason does not work in RRT3. So I'm thinking: is it necessary to do it or it's a waste of time and it can not be a cause of crashes. How do you think? :?:
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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I never use cheat codes so I can't answer anythng about that.

In the editor you can set how much cash a company has. Just go to the company detail and there is a place to set company cash.

Make sure that you don't have a special condition to prevent starting companies, also make sure your player can make a company, i.e. multipe companies with enough player cash., or a different player without a company.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

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Still no change. Well, thank you very much for the tips! {,0,}
I will continue to check everything and try to find the cause. Maybe soon my luck will smile... :-D
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

Unread post by cheminot »

Just to revive this thread posted just yesterday (nov 2012 -hihi).
The question is, as of today: 1.05 or 1.06 to TM?
Some comments says that only 1.05 will work in TM -nedfumking in this thread-, others said that 1.06 is ok.
What's the update on this as some few people are doing that.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

Unread post by Blackhawk »

I'm not sure there is a definitive answer. Often times a 1.06 map will transfer into TM just fine (after the industries that conflict with TM are removed) but other times it may ran no longer even show up as a possible scenario to even attempt to load when you try it in TM. I once had a map where I think I was only doing landscaping in 1.06 (no events/industry were even written yet) and I couldn't get it to load in 1.05 or TM.
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Re: About converting map from RRT3 to TM

Unread post by cheminot »

I've been running a lot of RT3v106 into TM and been very happy with the results!
There is so many of them that don't need any tweeking to be able to run in TM that I'm going back to another thread, '105 or 106' into TM.
It looks like a lot of sceneraii from 106 run very well in TM!!! (forget about the bronze medal into dispatcher, and else) they run fine!!!!

I'm running a great scenario from v106 into TM and it's working so good that the heck with it! I just want to play, and II'm winning!!!
But I will test as many RT3 scenaii into TM as I can. Hey! TM deserves it!!
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