Writing Events

Topics on how to write scenarios for TrainMaster.
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Writing Events

Unread post by OilCan »

All TM users, I'm in the process of writing a guide on 'how to write RT3 events' and I need your help.

I have posted the links to 3 draft documents at this site in this forum: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=3362&p=32525#p32525

Please consider reviewing the documents and offering comments to better tailor the information to TM. Thanks.
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by nedfumpkin »

There's only one difference between TM and 1.06 that I can think of.

You mention that 1.06 and TM allow the adding of buildings. By this I assume you mean via event. This is true, however, 1.06 allows the map maker to permit the player to build municipal buildings and warehouses, TM does not.
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by OilCan »

Interesting! Does TM allow ports by event? Does TM allow houses to be added by event?

Also, please clarify, does TM allow game messages (appear on left corner of screen)?
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by AT41B »

I read the "writing events" by Ned on TM, both 'conditions' & 'effects'. And, when I read too much------ I start getting twisted up. Can you tell me what the results would be if in a scenario-start event, I set the 'Credit Rating' to -10 for a particular player and then later in the game I have an event to set the 'Credit Rating' to +11 for that same player. Does the player (after the later event) end up with a little better credit rating than normal? And, if I set that player's credit rating to +14, does that player have a very good rating?
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by RulerofRails »

You understood correctly. The latter event first counteracts the original decrease. A greater value becomes a net gain. !*th_up*!
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by AT41B »

Are you saying, if I increase the Credit Rating it gives the player a net gain on what he already has or it just makes it possible to have a higher net gain from that point forward ?
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by RulerofRails »

The net gain I mentioned was simple math, true because the latter increase is bigger than initial decrease
For your first example
Credit rating down (-) 10 then up by (+) 11, can be expressed such as a final (-10+11) = +1
If you were to increase by (+) 14 instead, we see (-10+14) = +4

I don't quite understand what you are saying. Credit rating varies according to economic state. But adjustment with an event is overlayed on top of that, it doesn't matter what the economic state is, the effect of an increase event is that the player will always be able to borrow more easily (higher limit, cheaper interest) in that particular circumstance (economy), and the decrease event will make it more difficult (lower limit, higher interest). Does that make sense?
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by AT41B »

Yes, that make since. I just misread your earlier reply. But, yes, I do understand.

My problem right now is, I have tried all sorts of gimmicks to entice the AI to lay track following the lack of progress of the on screen player.
So, therefore, I have left the enticement in place and followed, after a period of time, to let the onscreen player finish the game, with apologies.

I am still working on the game, but when it is finished or I can't do any more, I will let it be beta tested.
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by RulerofRails »

The AI don't understand the complexities of Trainmaster industrial chains. The normal game is almost too complicated for them to begin with. The earlier time period is less complicated and has more passenger revenue, so they do ok. 1880 or 1900 onwards, the industry chains are just too much for them IMO. So I wouldn't generally recommend AI playing a big role in TM games.

Here's a short list of things I would try, I'm guessing you tried some of them all already:
1. Pick chairmen with 200% rating on desire to build track
2. Setting of Aggressive track laying, Stock buyback/dividends set to None
3. Give lots of cash
4. Make industries temporarily more expensive for them
5. Raise express traffic volume at that point
6. The AI look for industries that are "green"/profitable when considering builds (especially the initial two city connection). In TM, more often you need to connect first to bring in cargo needed for production. I believe the AI considers a production warehouse also as a "green"/profitable industry, so you could try building some of those.
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by AT41B »

You are right! I have configured events to do all those things (and more), except for your #4. I will go in and try that, it sounds like a good :idea:
I will let you know. thanks....
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by AT41B »

I have been working on this scenario for over a year or more. It is structured in the Trainmaster version. I can’t seem to get it to work like I want it to do (even in the 1.06 version). The problem is, first: I wanted it to have, in the events, after a certain date, generate a player to start a company in the last ‘territory to be occupied’ and lay track . And, if the new company had not laid more than a 100+ units of track by a specific length of time, would forfeit all holdings to the original company.
I finally learn that the logic in RT/TM would not allow the idea to function. So, I continued to work the scenario event in other ways.
The scenario is not ready to release as I would like, but I have gone as far as I think I have the knowledge. I would like to put it out there for anyone to change/fix or add to it. If you think that it is ok, say so and I will send you a copy of the map/scenario to view/play. And later, if anyone has any changes, feel free to change or add to the scenario or the map. I would like to get all the help I can get.
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Re: Writing Events

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I can take a look. This forum section is Scenario Creation. It's the perfect place for an in-progress map.

PS. Just to let you know that I've been busy currently, so it will be the weekend before I can take a proper look. :-)
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