Internet Explorer 7.0 failing

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Internet Explorer 7.0 failing Unread post

Anybody else having trouble with IE7? I know, I know, "switch to Firefox" but other people than me use the PC. It's been crashing regularly the last month or so, and the last week has been locking up often- I have to ctrl-alt-delete and kill it through Task Manager. Suggestions?

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Seriously osty, I only have IE 6.0.2900.5512.xpsp_3_gdr.080814-1236. Only reason I go to it is there are many sites that don't work fully with Firefox.

First thing to try is see if IE 6.something is available and revert back to that. Next idea, System Restore back to a date before you started having trouble.

If you do like some around here who have System Restore turned off, !*00*! dig out a map and figure out which creek you are up without a what??? !hairpull!
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Ok guys, try IE 8 it's what I am running and it runs GREAT. I also had a fews issues with 7 but 8 has done me well so far, even has a compatability mode to run on site's that aren't up to snuff with IE 8 yet....(Hawk) Just 1 click and it shows everything fine....
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FMCRR wrote:even has a compatability mode to run on site's that aren't up to snuff with IE 8 yet....(Hawk)
Are you saying this site doesn't work right in IE8?
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it works fine, just with IE8 some of the menu's are kinda misplaced or not lined up properly, 1 click and into compatability mode and everything straightens out..Guess thats what its designed for. In all honesty this is 1 site that really does fairly well with IE8 not much out of place at all. I doubt the fact that I may not be wearing my glasses at all times would play any part in that.... :-D
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I hate Internet Explorer!

I work on a Mac at my job, and have just finished re-crafting my company's web pages to be more Google-friendly (see if interested), and so I don't test my work in IE unless I do so at home. I'm able to test in Safari and in Firefox, and I can get things looking and working right, but then when IE gets a hold of it, it does screwy things. One of the most frustrating was that we used a little bit of Java script in some pages to password-protect them (not for security, but just to keep casual browsers away). That little bit of script set off alarm bells in IE, though, as its security settings when cranked up to medium-high or more prohibited execution. We got no end of calls from bidding contractors, trying to access our page using the password we had provided them, and having to explain over and over again about changing IE's security settings. Sure, I set up a default page with instructions for how to do this, so that when they failed they would be told what to do next, but as a general rule contractors do not read instructions.

I've implemented a different password system now, one based on PHP, and it seems to work in IE. Except that IE7 alerts me that I might be looking at a phishing web site! This may be due to the PHP, or it may be due to the fact that it is on a subdomain, it doesn't matter. The point is that IE just isn't happy with solutions that work fine for other browsers, even when those solutions are based on accepted web standards.

M$ acts as if it owns the internet, and its browser is the "right" way to access online content. We need to JUST SAY NO to Internet Explorer!
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The biggest problem with Internet Explorer is the way it renders margins and paddings.
In all my latest work I start my css sheet with something like this:

Code: Select all

That bit of code sets pretty much everything to 0, removing the default styling of all browsers, including IE. This way you can gain much more control over the way you want the pages to render.

I've been putting off installing IE8 but it was my understanding that it is supposed to be the most standards compliant version ever made by Microsoft.
I guess the problem with this site is I used something different in the css sheet (I did this site before I learned the above trick) and that may be what's causing the problem in IE8.
For this site I used this:

Code: Select all

html,body{height:100%;max-height:100%;padding:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden;font:101% "trebuchet ms",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif}
a img{border:none}
I sure dread the thought of having to re-do this site just for IE8.

FM - What's the chances of talking you into grabbing a screen-shot of what it looks like in IE8 without being in compatibility mode. Maybe I can fix it fairly easy by the screen-shot, assuming that you're talking about the site itself and not the forum.

I always check my work in IE 6 & 7, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Netscape to make sure it looks right in all of them, but if I install IE8 I loose IE7 (I have IE6 on another machine that runs Win 98SE).
Since IE8 is still in beta stage I think I'm still going to hold off installing it until it's finished.
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So far its only been 1 page that I ran across that the IE8 compatability mode dialog box popped up on, so I have been running it on the whole site. I'll have to play around and see if I can get that page (if I can remember which one it was) to pop the box up again. If so I'll get a screenie for you. Until then I wouldnt mess with anything, like I say its only been 1 page and that is no big deal. I'll try to nail it down though....

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One page huh? Could it have been the Contact page? That's pretty much all php and the only page I can think of that's drastically different than the rest.
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This thread has drifted away a bit from the original post topic, but I guess talking about IE 8 is kind of in line with the topic - so - :mrgreen:

I subscribe to a weekly newsletter called 'Windows Secrets' and low & behold, the top article in this weeks letter, just received this morning, is about IE 8.
For those interested, they can read this article here.
The article title is 'No reason to rush your upgrade to IE 8'.

BTW! In a previous post I said that IE 8 was still in beta stage. I was wrong. It is a final release. :roll:

BTW! 2: I highly recommend this newsletter. It's been extremely helpful to me over the years. !*th_up*!

In answer to ostlandr's post:
ostlandr wrote:Anybody else having trouble with IE7? I know, I know, "switch to Firefox" but other people than me use the PC. It's been crashing regularly the last month or so, and the last week has been locking up often- I have to ctrl-alt-delete and kill it through Task Manager. Suggestions?

You can install Firefox on a computer and still have IE installed for other users. Just don't make Firefox the default browser. Others can use IE and you can use Firefox without any problems. Besides, if it's there and the others have access to it, they might try it and like it. ;-)
Since I don't use IE 7 on a regular basis I can't help with your problem. Even when I am forced to use IE 7 occasionally, I don't experience the problems you describe.
You might want to download and run Spybot, a malware seeking utility. You could also try Malwarebytes. Another one to try is HijackThis.
It could be some kind of spyware, adware, or some other nasty malware causing the problem.

What anti-virus do you run?
What Operating System?

BTW! 3: For those that use Spybot and IE 8, there seems to be a problem with the two not playing well together and it seems to be an IE 8 problem. You can read about it here.
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Ok found it, its when I start/reply to a post that IE 8 wants to run in comp view mode, only thing I can think of as to why its even noticing that is maybe because of the smilies??? And how they line up viewed in 7 vs. 8 not sure. Not enough to worry about doing anything in my opinion. I may give Firefox another try anyway LOL hearing so many people giving Praise to the browser. Had it a couple times before and could never figure out what the big deal was but in the article you linked I do see the reason for increased potential of hackers by using any version of IE.

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Oh! OK! It's in the forum that you see that problem. Not the site.
I don't have much control over the forum software. I can only control the web site. The phpBB development team are the ones that would have to upgrade the forum software to work in IE 8.
Thanks! That's a load off my mind. :mrgreen:

Edit 1: I see now you're using the prodarkblue style. I think there's a problem with it in particular. Try another style, like probrown, and see if you still have the problem. You don't have to stick with that style but it will help me troubleshoot a little more.
If it works right in the probrown style I think I might be able to fix the prodarkblue, but I'm not going to mess with it unless I know it's just that style.
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(Hawk, don't tell him how to fix it! Sheesh, the fella's almost a Firefox convert now! Just say "SOL" and let it happen for him, that moment of enlightenment, when one comes to understand "I don't need Micro$oft"...)
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Har, har, har Michael.....Well it's official I made the switch today and I must say that 1 thing I am really happy with is the time it takes to download pages/sites. A little insight as to why I say this is last month I made a move away from Time Warner Cable, who in this rural area is our only choice for cable internet. I really was tired of their domination up here and so I basically told them to "Go pound salt in there a$$" That being said my new ISP is Cricket 3G. I have had to get used to slower DL speeds but it hasnt been so bad. With IE8 it would take sometimes 4-10 secs to DL the main page of this site, but with Firefox it seems to load as fast as when I had the cable. So maybe just maybe Firefox wasnt such a bad move. Now flame me with your "TOLDYASO'S" ^**lylgh

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FMCRR wrote:Now flame me with your "TOLDYASO'S" ^**lylgh

OK guys. He asked for it. Lay it on him. ^**lylgh !*th_up*!
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Re: Internet Explorer 7.0 failing Unread post

Hi all, Well I too was having problems with ie7,so I went to ie8 last week,better with some nice new features,but with even more problems than 7 it seems. !hairpull! !hairpull! SOOOOOoooooo I just put firefox 3.0.8 in, and it loads much faster,seems to have none of the problems ie was giving me. !!ff!! !!ff!!
But it seems some microsoft sites don't like it(wonder why) ^**lylgh ^**lylgh ^**lylgh So I am trying running them at the same time and on this site.
Btw this post was made from the firefox but I am editing from ie8.
BTW !*th_up*! !*th_up*! !*th_up*! !*th_up*! !*th_up*! on Firefox and !*th_dwn*! !*th_dwn*! !*th_dwn*! on ie8
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Hawk wrote:You might want to download and run Spybot, a malware seeking utility. You could also try Malwarebytes. Another one to try is HijackThis.
It could be some kind of spyware, adware, or some other nasty malware causing the problem.

What anti-virus do you run?
What Operating System?
This would have been my suggestion. If its only IE that is crashing, and not other programs, then I would guess you have some kind of virus, spyware, or malware on your computer.
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Re: Internet Explorer 7.0 failing Unread post

My wife spends as much time surfing as I do but now using my gaming computer. Her ME computer is running IE and FireFox together on the same partition.
while surfing using FireFox she occasionally has an IE error conflict with another file, and says it must close. This knocks her off the net.

Originally this problem started after I ran a Microsoft update. I've reinstalled everything since and the system seems to be clean of viruses, etc.

Question: I don't think ME ties together the MSN programs like XP does. So, can I remove the IE program running in ME and just use FireFox or will that shut down her Quest E-mail account. Quest uses MSN for e-mail. I could call India again; but I can barely understand most of those tech support people.
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Re: Internet Explorer 7.0 failing Unread post

If you uninstall IE you might start having problems with Windows Explorer. They are closely tied together.
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