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Unless I'm missing something, I've been using C\Net for many years with no issues with them. They have givin' me a lot of good free stuff and I even subscribe to their news letter. They're a pretty good outfit as far as I'm concerned.

a.k.a. Rick

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The Big Dawg
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Gwizz-You need to turn off automatic updates.
There's a link in my first post in this thread (third post on page 1). You really should check it out. It requires a little reading but it will give you a plethora of info on the inner workings of XP.
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I thought I had turned off all automatic updates. I must have missed some. I'll read the link again.

I'll try C\net again. Although I've downloaded 3 free DVD burning programs already. They are on this ME machine. That is why I was trying to network the two machines together.
I could burn another CD I guess. But, Both machines support a direct cable network. I unplugged the modem, but they still will not look at each other. Some dumb thing I missed doing I guess.
XP still reminds me of a spoiled kid.
I wonder if machines can reflect the nature of their maker.
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The best way to turn off automatic updates is to click on 'Start' then 'Settings' then 'Control Panel' then 'Security Center'. Then just click on the Automatic Updates option and check the turn off option.


It's best to leave it in Automatic mode in the Services list described in the link mentioned. That way you can still turn it on to manually get updates if you want.


To get to the above screen click on 'Start' then 'Run' and type in 'services.msc' (without the quotes) then 'OK'

Edit 1: BTW! I had the same problems trying to network the XP machine with a 98SE machine. I finally gave up. Now, if I want to get files from one computer to the other I use either a 3 1/2" disc or FTP and my web site.
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Well, here is my networking story.

As you know I got my new computer at the beginning of the year. So it was only natural that I wanted to network my old computer, on XP, and my new one, also on XP. Did reinstall XP at least twice on each computer but without much luck. It was not that it did not work at all since I transferred a lot of files between them. It is just that Mars and Uranus had to be lined up just right and the moon had to be in ascent but still below the horizon.

So I figured I go out and buy myself some of the best and recommended software, within a reasonable price range, and let it figure out what the issue is so I can fix it. Well, it did not identify the switch I used which was a quite common model from D-Link and then the program simply exited out of the network installation. Well, what the heck only less than fifty bucks wasted.
Contacted my computer shop. After trying several things over the phone and getting nowhere it was determent that of course it was the network switch. BTW the same switch I have been using for over a year to access the internet. All that was required for eternal happiness was a router. For a measly 120 bucks and the cost of a router they would fix my problem. Needless to say I was a kind of beefed by then because, after all, to communicate between two computers should be child’s play. What could be easier? Windows XP has all it needs to do what is required as part of the OS.
So I go out and purchase a router. A Linksys Cable/DSL Router with 4 port switch. Rerun the networking installation again on both computers and ….nope wont work. I can go to the internet from both computers but they simply don’t find each other. Oh well there was still that networking software I bought that surely will find my issues now. Well as soon as the program is run after installation it crashes in flames. No indication as to why, it just crashes requiring a computer restart.

So if now I still need any info from my old computer I simply use my USB stick and transfer any files that are required. Perhaps in 10 years or so when some flavor of linux becomes more user friendly or more useful in general, I might just install it on it. Till then I simply will have a spare XP computer.

Needless to say there is a real issue somewhere. If I can not figure out where the issue is I am sure more than half of other computer users would be stuck too. So it is quite understandable that there ought to be a great amount of frustration out there. But I am greatly relieved to know that I do not own XP but only have the rights to use it. Just imagine how upset I might be if it was my own OS.
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Don't look to me for help. I was amazed when I found out Some of the posters here seemed to be able to network 98 and me machines. Something I couldn't do. And that was back when I could afford to throw money at the problem. We did manage to network three XP machines ok. That was with the Microsoft wizard. It went off without a hitch the first time. Have you set up the firewall on the router to a standard that will allow you to connect? I will say we didn't touch our router. About three years go by and the family tech finally secured the unused wireless side of it. I didn't hear the neighbors swearing afterward. Well, no more than they normally do. We use Norton for security. And I don't know how much longer I can keep you from finding a solution......
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I never had a problem networking a 98SE rig with ME, but this XP is for the birds. I had less problems overall with ME than I do with XP.
I still say the best OS I've ever used is 98SE, and I've used 3.1, 95, 98, 98SE, ME, and XP. :roll:
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If you remember Hawk, when you were having networking problems I posted a number of links which may be of some help with the problems that JSS and Gwizz are having. They are on page 2 of 'XP Tips for Hawk (and others)'.
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Oh yea! I remember those links. Didn't do me any good but they may help others. :lol:

Here's a link to Redband's post. Hope it helps y'all. :)

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Well I have spent several days on it trying to make it work some time ago and I simple got tired of it. I do not have a “must have” situation that requires it and perhaps, should I need it one of those days, I will try it again.
For the time being it is not worth any further efforts. All I will say is that for me the networking part is a dismal failure of an otherwise good OS.

Hawk, I believe also that 98SE was a good program for its time. However, folks will tell you that there are severe security issues with that OS that have been resolved with XP (even though new ones are found all the time).
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Ya' know, it may be true that there were a lot of security issues with 98 but I'm thinking that as more and more folks drift away from 98 the hackers will be less and less interested in it, possibly making it the more secure OS. :wink: :lol: !#2bits#!
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I just got a message that HPqtra08 caused an error in unknown and is shutting down. I think that is my 546th shut down error message.

I'm still trying to network the XP to the ME. No luck so far. I just connected my HP printer to the XP machine to see if the ME could see it there. I have yet to try printing from the ME machine. Not enough hours in the day.

I've tried Redbands suggestions. I even tried to put the XP machine in control of the net. Still no go. I moved the Ethernet connections to my Lanpro hub from the router. and ran a wire from the hub to the Router.

Next I'm going to run through the net setup again on the ME machine.
Both the ME and the XP machine use the same wizard to setup a net.
Maybe these two brother wizards don't like each other. :?

It is probably some little click of the mouse that that I missed that is causing this problem.

PS my spell checked suggested I change HPqtra to Petra.
and Lanpro to Landry.
I didn't know the meaning of these two works. Neither word is in my dictionary. Hummm. I guess my dictionary is about as old as I am. :(

Now the spell checker is suggesting I change Hummm to Hum mm.
That word is not in my dictionary either. I guess my dictionary is from the old school era.
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:lol: One thing I like about you Gwizz, other then the fact that you continue to 'keep on keepin' on', is that you continue to keep a sense of humor, too. :lol:

This might be appropriate right about now...

a.k.a. Rick

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I forgot all about that poem. I still think it's funny. :lol:
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I lost my INTERNET connection again on this ME machine.
I called India. We went through the normal checks. Removed the hub.
Then he asked me to remove the Ethernet cable and flip it end for end and plug it back in. My INTERNET connection returned.

Now that cord has 8 wires with the same type of plug on both ends.
I'm I understanding this correctly, the cord remembers which direction the electrons flowed through it and can cause a problem if later it is hooked up backward. :roll:

I told him my network still didn't work. He said that was not a part of his support but he would give me some tips to try. India said reconnect the hub as I had it before and try it with the reversed cord. OK computers still can't see each other. But they do indicate that I have file sharing installed on both computers. Same as before.

Now having ended my talk with India. I thought what if I switch the other two cables. I switched the 2nd one. Haaarawww. (spell check - replace with harrow. Yea a real word) Now I can see some of the shared files on the ME using the XP machine. But using the ME machine I still can't see the files on the XP machine. I'm afraid to switch the 3rd one after all my effort to fix my networking.

Yea, probably just a few more clicks of the mouse.

Grindre, thinking about your comments. It is time to stop and play some RT2. Tomorrow will bring a better day and I will finish what I started.

PS: I found another un-published RT2 remake map. I think I give it another try. That should release some steam.
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Well Heck, reversing the wires didn't really solve my problems.

I still lose connection to the net and
I still can't make my network function correctly or
the printer work on my network.
After doing some reading on the net, I read where MY new HP printer included a CD with some faulty MS programing in the $winmgnt.CFG file. This might be where some of my errors are coming from. But before I start deleting system files I will do more reserach and call HP again.

PS: After installing the new printer a few days before buying the XP, I started getting two errors that shut themselfs down but not the computer.
HPqtra08 and winmgmt files.
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Well I gave the sick network a rest for best part of the day.
I removed all of the files for the printer, thinking the corruption I read about might be getting in the way of my networks operation.

I cleaned networking and file sharing off both computers.

Made a fresh start, putting back these files and programs.
I seem to be a little better off, but it is still not right. I unplugged the cable from the XP and it told me the network cable was not connected.
I Installed another Ethernet PCI card to the ME machine so I could make a direct connection between the two computers and do away with the hub.

I locked all INTERNET access so that zone alarm will block everything. When I get a block, I only unlock programs that I want to go onto the net. I turned off all of the automatic updating of software that I could find. I still get some odd programs trying to find the net. T still have some errors but different ones from before since the printer is not connected. Norton on the XP now says I have a serious MS problem and I need to turn updating back on. hummmm! I guess they need to call home bad. :lol:

So far one major hitch. The printer CD software won't reinstall.
tomorrow I'll try another drive and then I will call the HP people to see if the corruption in their software, that I read about, is true and then ask for a new data disk.

This has been one heck of a week. But, I have learned a lot. I even played one year of RT2 using that map I found.
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Well, all in all, you at least got to play with trains. Isn't that the most important thing, really??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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I tracked down my call home addresses that Zone Alarm was blocking.
Two were Qwest my ISP. Along the way the words "Microsoft private" pop up on one of the sites, but I got a blank page. How how is Qwest and Microsoft connected on one of these DNS Servers?

Another server is no longer active, but the call home was just 2 days ago.
I guess someone forgot to tell the little bug on my computer that they were closing down.

I was told my crossover Ethernet cable for my network should be green. Mine was gray. I bought a green one and it didn't work either. SO, as someone said, don't believe everything someone tells you.

I installed an external storage hard drive. I was short one firewire cable, so I used one USB cable to the ME machine. Both computers are connected to this hard drive. Activated the hard drive with the XP machine. ME found it. I backed up all important data from the ME machine to the 9 partitions and renamed the 9 partitions with folder headings. The XP found the 9 partitions and automatically changed to the new names. So far so good.
Went back to the ME.
Now it can't find this new hard drive. Bugger. :evil:

Tomorrow on the way back home from my appointment I'll pick up another firewire cable. The instructions did say the firewire cables would Daisey wheel, but nothing about my ability to use the USB cable to do this. Well, it worked once.

I still get errors on shut down on the ME , where I have to turn off the master switch to shut down.

The last error was "Nvidia Twinview window error". I find no file using the word "twinview" on the ME. I guess it could be a hidden file. I didn't look there. The XP machine is set up for two monitors and waiting for the adapter. So it might have a twinview file there. But, the two machines are not connected now except through the hard drive that the ME can't find. Hummmmmmm I'm getting too old for more education.
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It has been over a month since I bought my reconditioned HP computer.

I did not put this machine on the net. Did try to network it to the ME machine. But XP says no way Hosea

I keep getting a message that my Norton anti-virus program will expire in less than 30 days. I assume that whoever bought this machine first did so 11 months ago.

Norton says it has blocked 73, 476 viruses in the last 30 days.

Gwizz, is it sneaking on the net to block viruses when I''m not looking?
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