XP here I come

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LOLOLOL Well, I'd surely keep it away from any connections as far as possible. You know Billy and his OS. LOLOLOL

You can go to ADD/REMOVE Programs and remove that softweare to free up some hard drive space, ya know... (I did) :wink:
a.k.a. Rick

At my age, 'Happy Hour' is a nap...
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I didn't get disks with the reconditioned XP computer.
So I backed up the whole shabang on the external hard drive.

It has been a busy summer so I haven't done much on the two computers.
They still don't talk to each other. I haven't added the 2nd monitor to the XP machine yet. As soon as I get everything running I want to work on my web site and get it up and running. So far hawk has done almost all of the web site work for me, while I've been stuck in this technology mud.

This morning I went to check the one old e-mail site I still have with the icehouse isp. Couldn't log on. I found 4 old e-mail address that had been dropped because of spam that were again active. One had 279 unread messages and another 2,956 messages. I didn't check the other two.

Icehouse said they had a problem during the night. Sounds like they were hacked but he didn't say that. He said maybe later today they would be back in operation.

Odd, when I cancel the 4 addresses icehouse must have left them open to incoming mail. They seemed dead to me. They only billed me once for the remaining address. I should owe more by now.
When icehouse was bought out by 180 they didn't seem to have a smooth change over.
Hummmm I guess it would get boring if things didn't happen to think about.
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The Big Dawg
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I've been patiently waiting for you to send me some more stuff for your web site. :wink:
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Sounds like someone nees a litlle basic networking 101 here.
There are a few things that need to be done before systems will talk to each other, especially in a windows network, and even more so win XP is involved. It isn't hard, just you must do everything. If requested I can try to put together a small text file with proper steps, starting with the XP, just need to know if it is XP Pro or XP home as that will be different.

ME and Win98 are easy.
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Sure, I would appreciate the help. I think I do need some education in networking.

I have XP pro in the HP and I'm trying to network to the ME in a gateway.
The printer is an HP. I have a wireless modem with the wireless part shut off. it is directly wired and works fine with both computers. I have the special eithernet crossover wire needed for networking the two computers together. I tried hooking up a hub. No luck. I've also tried hooking up with firewire. Still no luck. Both computers say they are networked but they can't see each other. I have an external hard drive set up to the XP. It sees the HD with out a problem. But the ME can only see the HD if the XP is disconnected at the HD. What have I missed.

I've gone threw the directions a number of times. It has to be something simple. maybe even dumb that I'm missing.
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I'll try to put something together that anybody can read and use.Might take me a day or two.
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The Big Dawg
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I'd be interested in that too Joe. :)
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One more thing that could be a factor in my lack of success at networking.

I wanted only the ME computer to access the internet.
The XP to only network to the ME and the Printer and not the internet.

I have since put the XP on the internet and moved the printer to the XP.
I have not tried to network since this change.
When I get home from the doctor today I will do as you stated and start networking first with the XP then add the ME.
There is nothing on my computer that MS can't look at. But,
I just don't like the idea that MS does look every time I start or stop the computer. I guess I shouldn't be so fussy. It is how the modern world works.

One last point that may or may not be a clue to the problem. Every time I put the XP on the internet it asks me twice to unlock the internet. If I don't say yes twice I don't get on the internet. The ME asks only once. Strange. :shock: I may have something installed trice. I downloaded a program today that wipes out double installs and unused files.

PS: Just to keep my life interesting, my Icehouse ISP has now put the same almost 3000 spam e-mails at all four icehouse addresses. I seem to have lost the 30 or so e-mails I was saving on the one site I wanted to keep active and it had no spam when last used it. In fact I have had no spam on any of my present 4 new sites since I started them a month ago.
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The Big Dawg
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Sounds like that Icehouse might be a company to stay away from. :wink:
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I have a small text file ready, but I would like to know what your hardware setup is? How do you connect to the Internet? How do you have the PC's connected, do you have a router?

Hawk, I don't see a way to make attachments, may be too big to paste in, but I can do it as a seperate post.

Done. It is in a seperate post.Should be easy enough to follow, assuming all hardware is connected correctly.
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The Big Dawg
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I see you got the text into a post. Thanks! :D

This forum doesn't allow for adding images into posts or attachments.
I did set up a work-around for adding images to posts but I don't know if it would work for attachments.

See this post.
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I see some things on your list I need to check.
I think I did most of what was on your list.
I just printed it and will follow it step by step to be sure.

Question: do I need to put the XP machine in charge of the network or can I use the ME machine to do this.

I connect through a DSL line with a wired, using eithernet cable, wireless modem. My routers (hubs) are no longer connected. Neither one seemed to do the job. I may have failed to use a cross over eithernet cable when I installed them.
At that time I did not know that different color eithernet cables are used for different things. I had to buy a cross over eithernet cable. I thought it was green, but I guess it is white since I can't find the green one.

I'm using a yellow cable to connect the ME to the modem
(recommeded by Qwest)
A white Master eithernet cable wire to connect the XP to the modem.
At this time, both machines get on line with no problems.

(Before I had been connecting the XP machine directly to the ME)
I have 2 extra cables, in my sight now; one red and one orange cable.
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If using a router you don't need a crossover.The colors of the cables don't mean much unless someone told you they did.Most routers act as hubs or switches and yes the XP system must be looked at most of the time Although, as I said in the post, using logins with passwords helps, especially if all are same across the network.

basic hardware hook-up with a router goes something like this:

Modem - DSL or Cable
Router - Using Wan port connected with patch cable to modem
Other systems connect to Lan ports also using patch cables

Router is setup as a DHCP server to give out IP address to systems and systems are setup to receive IP address automatically, unless you know how to use TCP/IP addresing properly.Then you can use static addresses,but under the ones being served by the router.

Guess I could have put this in too, but this would be networking 102
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Well my XP checked out OK from your check list.

I'm not using the router on this run through since Qwest said the wireless modem will act like a router. so both computers are connected to the modem. Both will go on the internet.
One thing I'm not sure of: on the check button it said the XP connects to the internet through a residential gateway or through another computer.
I'm assuming the modem is the gateway. ????? Or is there a residential gateway in each computer, which makes more sense?

One other problem I've run into. Connecting the XP to the internet turns on the MSN oneway firewall which allows exceptions and the use of a second firewall. I use zone alarm which protects in both directions. I have checked a number of exceptions including printer and file sharing. But I have not found where to indicate which files I want to share. I think you said copy and place them in a shared folder. Where is this folder or do I create it?

The ME machine had one error. I had client for microsoft network listed but I didn't have Microsoft family logon listed. so I listed it.

Then I started a reboot and I started getting one error after another which finally locked up the computer not allowing it to reboot. I've been having lock up problems before so I don't believe adding microsoft family logon caused this problem. I'm using the ME to write this message. So it is again working.

Still no active network unless I'm looking in the wrong place for it. I will try a different approach tomorrow.
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So Qwest is giving you 2 IP's for your systems if both are attached to it.It should still work, in your case choose , the second option, you are attached directly to the internet thru a residential gateway.

Important part is the workgroup name, it must be the same on both systems.

My network is attached like so:

Modem - HUb, PCS = Router and 1 PC
Router - HUB, PC's = Modem, 2 Hubs, 2 PC's
Big Hub - 12+ PCS from router
Little Hub - Linux PC's

Router is also Wireless.
Most of my PC's have a staic address, except those that are wireless.All systems talk to each other.

I don't draw pictures so well.

I just had fun with a qwest hook-up and a router, they only had 1 connection, and because of the way qwest does it, I had to cheat to get it to work right.Do not use an extra router at this point.You only need 1 firewall software on each PC working. Since you have zonealarm, turn off the Windows Built-in firewall, or at least check that it is. Biggest point is get one system working at a time, then move over to the other one.

Start with XP, is best to share from it to the ME, although once all is working right, a two-way share should work OK, mine does.I am not using ME, just 98,linux, Win2k, and WIn2003 server.

Oh, watch out on the ME, it may try to do a Domain, rather than a workgroup login.Why I said add the family login. Set it as the default type of login on ME.
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Well, since we are telling network stories, when we were in the old house, I got a LinkSys WRT54G because that is what my company required if I was to work at home. It's a wireless with four hard ports. Did not want to spend money to get a wireless card for the old PC (running Win98 then), so I hooked up the router to the Internet, then ran a port from the router to it. The XP machine I built had wireless built into the muthaboard and lived downstairs.

Had some problems getting the wireless network going, turning on encryption more than anything else. Had to apply my touch from the Air Force - FM (second word is MAGIC, you figure out the other one), but finally got everybody talking on the Internet and to each other. Three other family members brought in laptops with wireless and, with the key, were able to jump in too. I also hook in with a laptop from work.

When we moved to another house, I had already upgraded the old machine with XP, but still connected it hardwired into an already available Ethernet outlet in kid's room. I hooked the WRT54G directly to the Qwest gateway in the family room and without ANY other tweaks, all computers were up and running. ALL work off the SINGLE Qwest IP, and WITHOUT the $100 PER COMPUTER they charge to set you up!

That's my story. Not sure what kind of complications some of youse guys are trying to set up.

Good luck to all.
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Some people have all the luck.

This is my third Qwest modem.
They sent the 2nd and when it didn't work sent a serviceman.
He said the 2nd modem was defective and ordered the third.
The third put my ME and 98se machines on line
I had someone in the neighborhood connecting to the wireless modem.
I could have put on a password, but had ethernet hardware.
So I turned off the wireless part and hard wired it. This worked fine.

I bought the XP machine intending to keep it off the internet.
But was unable to network it to the ME where I do downloading.
So I bought an external hard drive. intended to share the drive.
Both computers found the external hard drive.
first the ME, I did a full backup to this drive.
Next I backed up the XP. Went back to the ME and it had lost connection with the external hard drive.

I took a break for a couple of weeks and played RT2.
I did finally put the XP on line as I wanted some downloads.
I could have burned CDs on the ME and used them in the XP.
Tried networking again, I tried firewire, USB cable and different eithernet connections. I tried using a hub again. Have two books on networking.

Now Joebandit is giving me a hand which I greatly appresiate.

I'm just having a barrel fun. :D :shock: :) :( :o :? :oops: :cry: :x :D :cry: :wink: :idea:

PS: I have a new 2 year old dog named bandit. He had the name before I got him. He is a Jack Russel. The smallest dog I have ever owned.
I also have moles in my yard. Guess what Bandit will be doing for me,
While I'm working on this crasy network.
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First thing I do with wireless, turn on security. Set it so only known PC's can connect. Otherwise your neighbors get free internet. Hardest part is getting hardware adresses, even that isn't hard, just have to know what to do with different OS's.

Gwizz, make sure all of your cables when held with ends together, same direction side-by-side, look at wires, they should ,look exactly alike,patch cables, crossovers are different on each end, you don't need any from what you are saying about your hookup. Your modem acts as a switch or hub at same time so all should talk to each other once networking is setup proper.

But you do have to share something.
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I will double check the cables. They are coiled neatly behind the computers

I think it is the sharing setup that I'm missing the target on.
Both computers seem to be set up correctly except I'm not sure sharing is setup correctly.

Both computers have, share the printer and files, checked.
At one point I was able to share the C drive on the XP. But got nothing that showed up on the other ME computer.

Shouldn't the shared files show up in windows explorer?

Today is my wifes birthday so we are going out for lunch and to do some shopping. It looks like it will rain shortly so I will have some time to work on my networking problem early this evening.
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I thought the problem must be in this ME machine.

So I reinstalled the networking program from Qwest for the modem.

Now I get a C++ error that times me out before I can get the encryption code typed in for the modem to network to or from the ME.

Well I can still get on the net.

I think I will take a break and start testing one of my RT2 maps.
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