RT3 running on Windows 7

Tips & suggestions for a good RT3 playing environment.
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Here's something I ran into: I couldn't get my "Sold Out" version of RRTIII to install because of a strange Adobe Flash error. Pop-up says, "Autofix" which doesn't fix anything. Eventually, I figured out it is because I use Chrome as my main browser, and Flash wasn't installed for Explorer. Easy to fix: Opened Explorer, downloaded and installed Flash from Adobe's website and the error went away.
Philip 'MrPhil' Ludington
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I've seen a Sold Out installer for another game (Transport Giant). They appeared to have some kind of Flash frontend to the installer, which didn't run because I didn't have a system-wide Flash plugin (only one in Opera). That is even worse than InstallShield preparing a wizard and exploding. Why do installers suck so bad?

But the game included a MSI Windows Installer that could be executed directly, and would, presumably, be run by the Flash application at some point. So I just right-clicked the *.msi file (it should have an "modern" icon of a light-blue computer like Inno setups) and chose Install. Doing the same may or may not work for other "Sold Out" games.
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WOW! It's a good thing I don't need to buy RT3 from them.
I would be extremely ticked off not to know ahead of time I had to have Flash installed in order to use their version. That's one program I refuse to install on my computer.
Flash is such a security risk, as is most Adobe products.

Thanks for the heads-up on that. I believe that's one site I won't recommend anymore.
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Moreover, extracting the Windows Installer doesn't yield a working game, as all the filenames are shortened and coded... The only way I know to get the game out is to execute the MSI. I suspect the purpose of Flash there is to provide a "user friendly" way of switching between Play, Install and Uninstall.
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Sounds to me like a proprietary install setup by the Sold Out web site. Something akin to the Steam setup but even worse.
I thought they sold just the cd's but I guess I was wrong. !*th_dwn*!
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I couldn't get it working on Windows 7, which is as expected, but when I bought it, since it was in new packaging etc I thought it would :( Gonna, have to build me an XP machine it looks like.
Philip 'MrPhil' Ludington
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A lot of other folks have had success getting RT3 to run on Win 7. I'm sure you can too. :mrgreen:
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

Why are more maps listed and able to be accessed by the Editor than are listed in "play" mode? I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium (x86) in RT3 1.05. All the maps have a suffix of ".cgm". There are several maps the editor lists that I am not able to play. :-(

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cgm? That's strange. All RT3 maps are gmp and saved games are gms. cgm is the extension for Computer Graphics Metafile and is a free and open international standard file format for 2D vector graphics, raster graphics, and text, most commonly used in CAD (computer-aided design) and presentation graphics applications.
Are all your maps listed with a cgm extension or just the ones you can't play?

When you say some maps you can't play, what happens when you try to play them? Some maps the editor lists are campaign maps and some are scenario maps. They're listed in two different categories in the main selection list (see the screenshot below).
Are you looking for some maps in the scenario section that may very well be campaigns?

Do you have RT3 installed in the default location, in the Program Files (86) directory?
Selection.jpg (108.09 KiB) Viewed 8497 times
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

Sorry I must have had brain freeze! The maps are all 'gmp' files. The program is in the x86 folder.
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Installing in the Program Files (86) directory is not a good idea due to the security settings Microsoft incorporated on all files in the directory.
RT3 should be installed somewhere outside of that directory, such as C:\Railroad Tycoon. Then take notice of the discussion about multiple installs of RT3 found in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=2363
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

I guess I'm snake-bit or something! ?

Or maybe it's my HW?

Here's a link to my system specs:

http://speccy.piriform.com/results/nvG2 ... m7V8Cz57s4

I cannot get RRT3 to run, I've tried I don't know how many times (I've lost count) I've tried all the suggestions in this thread. Nothing seems to work! Please help me figure this out...

Things I've tried:
Installed v1.00 from my installation CD,
verified that it is 1.00, (via RRT3's main menu)
D/L'ed, unzipped & installed the 1.03 patch,
verified that 1.03 installed,
went into <properties><compatibility> & set it to W-XP SP3...

At this point I get RRT3's main menu W/O a mouse pointer, then I D/L'ed, unzipped & installed the 1.05 patch,
RRT3's main menu won't load any more, but the intro still works, then D/L'ed, unzipped & installed the 1.06 patch
STILL no menu, back to no-go, again!

After 1.03, I get the strart-up menu (W/O a mouse pointer). From there, I can manage to see that T&L is unchecked after installing the "engine.cfg" file (per the Vista recommendations.) Which, BTW, on my PC I found the "engine.cfg" file in the

I was expecting the "engine.cfg" file to be in the

Why is the "engine.cfg" file found in these 2 extra \CONFIGURATION\ folders??? Is this a Win thing? Is this anything of concern?

On my other PC (also 8mb, W-7 Pro 64), I can run RRT2. But only bcause I'm running a Virtual Machine that loads W-XP. The VM makes RRT2 think it's running on a W-XP machine...

(After installing VM, you must install an O/S, in my case Win XP) My only copy of XP quit working on me after I installed it for RRT2! (Figures!) :)

Why don't I run RRT3 on THAT PC? I tried, but RRT3 said it "couldn't find my video card". DUH!!! Maybe because there is no "card", (my video for that PC is built-in on the MoBo.)

In this same configuration, when I tried loading the TSC expansion, RRT2 would no longer work (I forget the exact issue).

I promptly uninstalled TSC. REinstalled RRT2 & VM, then RRT2 started working again..

From that point on I won't do anything else to RRT2 except add a few more maps... I'm afraid something will stop working and I'll be sans RRT2 or 3 both! (not good!)

Now I'm learning how to taylor maps to my liking... I'm weird, I despise AI players & I don't like hilly terrain... After modding a map, I feel as though I'm somewhat cheating a little, but I enjoy playing RRT oh, so much more afterwards!

I'm learning this map editing thing fairly good for someone that's never done any map modding.

Although I'm proud of my "mapping skills", I'm saddened by my lack of success with getting RRT3 to run in W7. Especially when I read all the success stories in this thread. :) Don't get me wong, I'm really happy for all the successe stories.

I've only tried re-playing RRT (1 then 2 then 3) recently for about 1 or 2 months now ...

When I played RRT at first (for many years,) I started with the Sid Meyer's version 1 on a barely playable (old PC-XT) clone (I only had Monochrome, so I used a CGA simulator) (so laughable now!)

Eventually, I shelved the RRT games in favor of the more popular 1st Person Shooters (especially more popular among my friends.) (Admittedly, I too enjoyed them.)

Things changed and I can no longer play these fast-paced 1PS games.

RT2 is OK, but it leaves me wanting more! :) RRT3 on W7 please!!
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I doubt I'll be able to help with your problem but I would like to point out a few things.
After installing the 1.03 patch you need to install the Coast to Coast Expansion, which is version 1.04 prior to installing the 1.05 patch. If you don't, once you do get the game running you'll run into an error that says something to the effect that Pack element < CarSideView_3.imb not Found.
Also, once you get up to that point, you might want to consider reading the thread about multiple installs concer9ng installing the 1.06 patch.
Finally, the engine.cfg should be in the Configuration folder. not two more sub-folders deep, along with the game.cfg file. There should be no sub-folders in the Configuration folder.
For the matter; there should be no sub-folders in any of the folders in the Data folder. The only folders in your RT3 installed directory that should have sub-folders is the Data and UserSkinningTools (which comes with the C to C Expansion) folders. All other folders should have no sub-folders, unless you intentionally create them for some reason.

I doubt any of the advice above will help to get RRT3 running, but they could cause issues if you ever do get it running, and won't add to the problems if you do, but could add to issues if you don't address the above three issues.

That said (this may or may not work for you); what I had to do on my install of Win 7 was to not install it. I had to actually copy the full installed folder from my XP drive and paste it on my Win 7 drive without doing any installation at all (after uninstalling RT3 from the Win 7 drive using a good uninstaller and not the default Windows uninstaller - one that will attempt to clean out the registry entries). I think it's something to do with the difference in the registry between Win XP and the new registry layout in Win 7.
RT3 actually does not need a registry entry to run, which makes the idea of multiple installs work. ;-)
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

Hawk wrote:I doubt I'll be able to help with your problem but I would like to point out a few things.

Well, Hawk, after following the steps you provided, I was able to play RRT3 at last!!! :D

I still have a few issues, but things are much better now as far as RRT3 goes!

I still didn't have a mouse pointer at the main menu. I decided to try single player anyway and to my amazement, it played and WITH a mouse pointer!! After changing the "color" mouse pointer in RRT3's settings, the cursor stopped flashing/blinking. Which the flashing was more just annoying than anything else as it didn't seem to affect game play.
Finally, the engine.cfg should be in the Configuration folder. not two more sub-folders deep, along with the game.cfg file.
That's what I thought... Thanx for clearing that up for me.

I doubt any of the advice above will help to get RRT3 running, but they could cause issues if you ever do get it running, and won't add to the problems if you do, but could add to issues if you don't address the above three issues.
After REreading your reply, I went to the D/L section & replaced all the patches as I may have had 1 or more corrupt ones from elsewhere. At least 1 patch (1.03) was missing maybe 1.04 too (not real sure of it though).

So, this time, what I did (in this order):
Installed 1.00 from the CD,
applied the 1.03 patch,
applied the 1.04 patch,
copied the engine.cfg from the Vista-fix folfder to write over the existing engine.cfg file,
applied the 1.05 patch.

what I had to do on my install of Win 7 was to not install it. I had to actually copy the full installed folder from my XP drive and paste it on my Win 7 drive without doing any installation at all (after uninstalling RT3 from the Win 7 drive using a good uninstaller and not the default Windows uninstaller

My copy of XP is belly-up now, so I would've had a hard time doing it that way, but it was going to be my next attempt.

- one that will attempt to clean out the registry entries.

I use Revo Uninstaller (got it from bleepingcomputerf.com)

RT3 actually does not need a registry entry to run, which makes the idea of multiple installs work. ;-)

Good to know! THANX again!!!

Now, I remember, I have lots to learn in RRT3. 90% of my past playing was on RRT2! I remember now liking 3 better for the graphix & how the camera views are so superior.
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

Glad you got it working. !*th_up*!
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

Hawk wrote:Glad you got it working. !*th_up*!
I am too!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Today when I tried it, I was expecting the main menu W/O a cursor, but much to my amazement, it was there! Now I can move on
to other things (strategies, ETC.) !$th_u$!

Thanx again, Hawk to you and this wonderful site! !**yaaa
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My pleasure! :salute:
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

Hi all,

As you probably know, RRT3's been running on my W7 system for a week or 2 now, thanks to the great & wonderful help I've gotten here. I've been re-learning , reminiscing, and enjoying RRT3 during this time. I guess all good things must unfortunately come to an end... :-(

The last time I ran RRT3, my mouse pointer disappeared for no apparent reason! I remember I was laying new track on a map I had edited in the map editor when my pointer just suddenly disppeared. I managed to save the game. I then used task manager to end the game. That was the last time I was able to play RRT3. (I've been playing RRT2 ever since)

Things I tried (with no success):
  • Rebooting,
  • Copying my RRT3 folder to a Flash Drive and then copying it to my other PC.
I haven't tried using patch 1.06 (currently I'm using 1.05) as I've read a couple of negative side effects of installing 1.06. I probably should try it??

What do you think? Could 1.06 fix this? Is there something else I can try?
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What negative side affects are you talking about with 1.06? You should read this thread about multiple installs if you want to install 1.06.


Sounds like something in Windows (maybe a Windows update or your A/V program) might have possibly changed or deleted files in your RT3 folder. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?

What kind of mouse are you using? What brand?
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Re: RT3 running on Windows 7 Unread post

Hawk wrote:What negative side affects are you talking about with 1.06? You should read this thread about multiple installs if you want to install 1.06.

I forget now what they were exactly, but it was in this thread... I saved it as a text file in case I ever needeed to refer back to it. Let me take a look.

I guess I misread as I only found 1 negative comment. After rereading the post, the issue was corrected after changing the engine.cfg.

Sounds like something in Windows (maybe a Windows update or your A/V program) might have possibly changed or deleted files in your RT3 folder. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
Yes, I've noticed a change in Win Explorer in the last few days (I don't like it much) & I currently have a pending update requiring a reboot (postponed)

So, I bet Win has updated and screwed up RRT3. I'll try a reinstall later & see what happens... (fingers crossed)
What kind of mouse are you using? What brand?
It's a Logitech M570 Trackball (wireless)... When I installed it, I didn't install any drivers for it since it works W/O doing anything with drivers
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