Sink Hole Island

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Sink Hole Island

Unread post by Wolverine@MSU »

This is a cute little map that only takes an hour or so to play since you have to be done in 5 years. I see why it's named Sink Hole Island: Sink Hole City is invisible. I saw the same thing in "A Railroad Went to Sea", where Key West was invisible. Apparently the cities, complete with buildings, are there, they just don't show up on the map. Has anyone else had this happen? Seems to be just with cities placed in the very corner of a map. Maybe this was commented on in the old Forum.

Back to the map, I noticed an error in the connection status for Cattle City (set to check at beginning of scenario) so I never got credit for it being connected. Also, Rock City and Farm Port #1 were covered by a single station, but weren't counted as connected until I built a short rail spur and put down a station that caught Farm Port #1. Must be that "Connection" requires two separate stations, and not just that a city is connected. Makes sense since the event trigger specifies "City connected to City" and a single station doesn't do that.

I would suggest making the connection checks on a monthly or weekly basis instead of at the end of the year. The Status Ledger screen could be enhanced to tally connections and give status of other medal requirements, such as CBV, company debt and number of companies left. Since there are so few events, they could all be checked at least monthly if not weekly.

Got my gold on expert in 1860, which was more than 5 years into the scenario. The scenario starts in 1855, so 5 years is up by the end of 1859. Would have had it sooner, but spent borrowed money (forgot about the "debt-free" requirement) on double tracking to meet the # of loads goal. Turns out I had over 1,000 loads by the end of the game, so I probably didn't have to spend the extra money there. All in all a nice map and a quick play if you're pressed for time and need your RT3 fix.
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Unread post by Gwizz »

Thanks Wolverine for the review.

It would be better to test the goals more often.
I'll change that and add status reports.
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Unread post by Cliff »

I see why it's named Sink Hole Island: Sink Hole City is invisible.
But I connected to Sink Hole City, even though I couldn't see it, and couldn't even see my station or trains -- but it hauled well, and I'm sure it contributed to my 700 required loads.

-- Cliff in Virginia
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Re: Sink Hole Island

Unread post by Sugus »

The same story as mentioned above (I'm talking about the "corrected" version 2): within the check of the winning conditions, Cattlemen City is looked for twice, but Cattle Port never!!! I'm really sure, that this wouldn't lead to happy players - isn't it, Gwizz?
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