Mozambique Coast

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Well, I like the "Game Status", as well as the incorporated notices of those required commodities notices. Makes for easier tabulation. !**yaaa

But I am having a problem, and might be due to my system operating with the 1.06 patch. If that is the case, I will have to try an see which other scenarios are operating with the 1.05 patch, and make a different folder for them. *!*!*!

To the problem. The Produce seems to be tabulating adquatly, but I don't get any response for the hauling of "Meat". **!!!**

Have not been able to connect to the "coffee" or "bauxite" as they are on the other side of the map. And rebooting the program a few times, there are always some of the required commodities/industries, requiring a considerable amount of track. Guess that is reality. !hairpull!

Otherwise, the scenario has a good concept of challenge, and took an amount of talent and imagination for its creation. :salute: !*th_up*! !!clap!!
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

I have finally cracked gold!

In my own scenario it took me some half a dozen of attempts!

Here's a after-gold-msg status, in the winning year. (The problems with the ledger are definitely at your end, Sunshine)

Hawk, before this attempt, i realized i had the "Loose" condition miscoded. It's now corrected, and along with the fixed ledger they come ok in this beta8 (i should call it Release-Candidate :D ) - you can make it available in the maps section if you like.

Has anyone played this scenario already? I am really interested in which strategies you picked and problems you faced, playability wise.

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The Big Dawg
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

So - you think this is the final version huh? :mrgreen:

I tried to play this and after loading the map at least a dozen times, trying to get a good seeding, then playing for about 3 or 4 years I never did get anywhere. Then my play time ran out and haven't had a chance to go back to it.

Since you want to add it to the archives do you want to keep the name of it as is or should you maybe change it to look more "finalized"? ;-)
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Yep, final version.

Initial seeding is meant to be hard, Hawk. But demand is in the right places.

As for scenario game. Call it "Mozambique Coast Exports". And i reckon you know that is Southeast Africa ;-) .

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I would prefer you rename it. I'm funny like that. :mrgreen:
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Do you mean renaming the file?
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The Big Dawg
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To be honest I don't what the map file is named. I haven't opened it. I was only suggesting renaming it to remove the beta indication. If you don't want to it's no big deal. I can add it as is. Not trying to complicate things. :mrgreen:
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Well, here is then.

Reviews wanted in exchange.
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Thanks, I'll give it a try.
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The Big Dawg
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

I finally got this added to the archives.
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Played an earlier version and got nowhere. Shall retry shortly and really this is just so I get notifications!
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

I have started playing the scenario, and I enjoy it. But I would like to see some more color diversity in the terrain.
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

The instructions say to haul a commodity 10 years in a row. However, if you hall at least 1 load a year for 10 years or more, then stop hauling that commodity the scenario sets loads hauled back to zero.
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Oh darn! you are absolutely right... Will have to fix that.

Or maybe, just change the objectives - because, really, i always aimed at hauling all cargos in the last ten years...
Anyway, it's an easy fix i think.

As for the colouring of the map, i have always been rubbish at "paintbrushing" since my first PC with Windows 3.1.. If anyone else volunteers to improve the map, i will be very thankful.
In all honesty, i've got another map/scenario lined up which is "stopped" because i just can't paint it..

thank you for reviews

I am very curious about which strategies you used, what worked, what didn't - anyone willing to write their gameplay on this scenario?

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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Interestingly hardly anyone has said anything about whether they can get a medal in this scenario. After two false starts I decided to give up on the objectives and built a textile mill - upgraded and ran a line to nearest town - it worked. Soon had enough to get to a coastal port picking up Produce on the way. Then had enough to get to Bauxite and carried that for 10 years o/k but Produce kept missing.

Half way through I've connected to all four commodities and in theory should be able to get a load of each every year. There's two snags - the gold commodities are a long, long way from the port and even running two trains with a load you can only guarantee getting one each year by micro-managing. i.e. once you've carried the years load halt the second train just before the port and let go in January. I'm afraid for me this makes the game hard work instead of fun and I cant be bothered. However I was asked to connect the capital which was easy because it was close to my Meat line and just got a message to say all commodities would expand as a result so maybe that will avoif the micro-management.

Anyway I'll finish it next time it rains and see what happens :-D :-D :roll: :roll:
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Thanks for the input, belbincolne.

Once you get the medal (sounds like you will get - but..., did you manage to do the transition to electric trains easily?), please tell me what was your strategy, in terms of where you build first and which routes you establish.

I really wonder how the map looks from a non-coder point of view, in terms of where does the profit seem to be, and if some city looks like a must-link or a no-go.

Many thanks once more, i thought this thread was going dead, but seems you guys just need your time to test a scenario.. :D

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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Well Brunom,

You can hardly say that a thread is dead when there are 3 pages of comments. It just some times takes time for players to get some type of "game plan", and a number of attempts to fnd the better system to get the medals. And to have Bel working at a system, yoy can't have a better "strategist" to figure out a game plan, or even comments to make the scenario a better challenge. Not that there aren't other players who are real Tycoons. Just keep your imagination of creation moving along, it will be appreciated, even though most of the time, the majority of players may not make comments or suggestions. :salute:
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

Miserable day today so went back to this. Unfortunately I'd left it going into reccession and it stayed that way for 5 years and started to get train crashes. Managed to sell enough stock to get into the black and could then get a bond (13%) and connect town my lines had just reached with a train from here including the crash replacement. No good just wasn't enough coming in and in 1941 I was $3.5m in the red and more train crashes.

In addition Meat and Coffee were impossible to achieve. There was a Meat Packer at Mzuasa with a ranch miles away (I'd connected a line there but still not enough Livestock reached Mzuasa) so I only had a train every other year with one load. The only Coffee was at Bowa and again it only produced a load every other year. Consequently I dont see how I could ever get a load 10 years running (both places are of course nearly a years journey to the ports).

The two sheep were north of Marrupa and the Textile Mill I built there was always very profitable as were the farms I bought - they just weren't profitable enough to compensate for the frequently poor returns on trains - although they often showed high value the long journeys meant that they didn't give much return at the end of the day.

At no time was there any place where there was large quantity of goods awaiting carriage as I'd expect at this stage in a scenario. There was as much in the south where I couldn't get lines to though was on my way as in connected towns. Very difficult scenario therefor. Will give it another try but there's another couple of new scenarios I've still to try plus some older new ones I've only dabbled with 8-) :-D !hairpull! :-? :-D
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post


In real life, belb, Marrupa is a small town right in the middle of nowhere...

... and the same if true for this scenario.

In the meanwhile, there is now a version with a fix for the problem spotted earlier. Unless you guys want difficulty trimmed down a little, i will call that the last and final version and, sometime in the near future, move to a new scenario (which needs a proper painter to help me!).
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Re: new map: Moz&Mal - exports economy Unread post

This post is two-fold:

1. Attached is the corrected-absolutely-perfect version of this, according to all your reviews/remarks.
Hawk, the one you have in the downloads still has a bug, which is undone in this version.
I also attempted to improve land colouring, but i am so rubbish at it, that whatever is in here is the best i can do.

2. Which brings to subject two. I really need an "artist" on my next project - early version and discussion will be launched on a separate post. This is really just to re-enforce the callout.
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