new map: Illyrstan (fictional land)

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Re: new map: Illyrstan (fictional land) Unread post

Well Brunom,
I don't understand the reason that you were not able to at least get a medal in the Expert level.
Now I don't know how you could change much of the programming, as that is not my speacialty, as I was able to get the Gold in the Medium level in 21 years, and now just finished with a Silver in the Expert.
Again, the economy was not to my benefit in the final years, as usual. SO, although I managed to just miss the Gold in the Expert, as my PNW had the $12+M with a -$2,189 cash flow, the economy went down hill in the last 4 years, and hence, not able to maintain an adequate dividend, and the stock price continued to drop.
But, it was a lot of fun. A great concept of challenge and imagination. :salute: !*th_up*!
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Re: new map: Illyrstan (fictional land) Unread post


Just goes to show how poor I am as an RRT3 player and that I should stick to making maps, not playing them...

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Re: new map: Illyrstan (fictional land) Unread post

Well Brunom,
Don't belittle your play capabilities. Seeing that you are playing in the "very fast" speed, it is easy to miss "some of the action" of obtaining either revenue or fulfilling a challenge. This one just "bit you in the ass". LOL
There have been other scenarios of which your playing surpasses mine, and I just happened to get the edge on the economy and some good strategy to get the Gold.
However, even if you believe that your playing is not "up to snuff" as an American saying goes, we hope that you will continue to create more challenging scenarios. :salute: !*th_up*!
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Re: new map: Illyrstan (fictional land) Unread post

Map is finished, tested and done. Sending it up to The Archives now... :-)
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Re: new map: Illyrstan (fictional land) Unread post

This is a nemesis of a scenario! !hairpull! How do you guys do it?? I've been playing a couple of times now in expert and never got close to gold. (In fact failed even bronze at the last minute because the AI started dumping my companies' shares, which was fair enough since I sold every industry for a stock buyback. But anyway) Funny is that the only thing that was easy was the donations. Just started with 25K a year and as soon as I (thought I) could afford it spend 100K. No sweat, just one warning somewhere in the 1940's.
But maybe the personal donations are why I'm having such trouble getting an decent PNW...
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Re: new map: Illyrstan (fictional land) Unread post

Okay, I decided on "no more mr nice guy", gave it one last try and it worked. Gold on expert in 1949.
On previous attempts, the margins on the expensive rail operations became too small too early to either make a decent profit or get the required hauls, so I decided to turn it on its head.
I immediately founded a very small company (450k total investment, + of course the 2M grant) en concentrated on industry development. Built a lumber mill near the lumber and bought some grain and dairy farms. I was lucky to see one pop up next to my lumber mill and scoop it up for only 500k. That got me some 20% return yearly, and recession proof.
Just kept this up for a couple of years and got to about 1million yearly returns. That got the local economy going and my rating rocketing. As soon as the economy improved I made the jump to rail. Just the bare skeleton of railway connections (7 stations in the end) with fast trains. Chagyr is the obvious center to start from. First a connection to Pisak for the steel industry, while I bought all connected industries.
In 1933 with a huge loan I jumped immediately to Chimkent and things got going. I think because of all the industies (or sheer luck, who can tell) the company proved incredibly stable. The money just kept pouring in and I could offer myself huge dividends to prop up the PNW and pay my donations while leaving enough cash to buy trains and found new industries.
Donations weren't a problem. Just sent 100k each year for my personal account, Always ran a risk of 3/7, Just one assassination attempt in 2 decades.

thanks very much again Brunom, it is a great scenario, short, original and one of the toughest around. Sad to hear you're closing shop for a while. I'll be on the lookout for new scenario's of yours.
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Re: new map: Illyrstan (fictional land) Unread post

I also struggled on my initial attempt, starting a company normally with $130k personal investment and $1300k investor plus $2M gift, enough money to lay track all the way from Chagyr to Chimkent. But after initially strong returns, the cost of maintenance quickly ate up my profits and I got nowhere close to the gold with just a few years to go, no chance for PNW or supporting my Krasnian friends, and only maybe Silver on hauls to Chimkent.

Well, I followed Joost's advice, only accepting the minimum outside investment of $400k, then building a lumber mill in Chaynabad to catch a stream of logs flowing north. There was a paper mill to the north as well, so prices for pulpwood and logs were already decent and I snatched up 6 or 7 logging camps. Built a paper mill in Chaynabad, then upgraded lumber, then upgraded paper, then build a toy factory in Chaynabad, too. Built a brewery in Timyr on a stack of grain at a bakery.

Finally, in 1932 I started rail service out of Chagyr, and a token spoke out of Chimkent to Ak-Turpak. Only connected Chimkent and Chagyr in 1939, making my way down to Chaynabad vis Pisok first. Profits were up over $4M/year, and I even issued some stock late in the game to hasten a victory, building out east from Chimkent to Iradan then down around to Karym-Baba, mainly for extra express traffic as there was no cargo out there... Also built 18 hotels in Chimkent for good measure, lol! I was worried about making hauls, but was profitable enough to add routes into Chimkent from basically every station on the map, and a bit of that for Chagyr, and was quickly pulling in over 100 loads/year, while still remaining profitable when the economy crashed.

Gave $100k/year, and had two attempts made on me, whew! Needless to say I bought up shares and even bought back shares while price was still low before it could catch up to CBV/share, and quickly had all the shares, so PNW was over $18M before I knew it. Gold on Expert in Nov 1945! ::!**!

Well, not a perfectly balanced game, would have like to be able to use more of the map profitably, but certainly an engaging challenge. Building up to build in April every year, handicapping production every May-Nov making industries less profitable and cargo harder to come by. The path to staying afloat certainly wasn't dangled out in front of me, I had to work for it!

Oh, and because I love them, and because I wanted to maximize efficiency on what I'd anticipated would be a rather jammed-up network, I ran all E428's when they came out, and ditched my loyal H10's.
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