New Scenario Available - WP&P

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Hawk, I think you're right. I remember when the 1.06 beta came out, the instructions said to uninstall the previous locomotive pack if you had it installed. This old loco pack works with the 1.05 patch but not the 1.06. Double check me to make sure I'm correct about this.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

OK! I just confirmed it.
This is from the 1.06 read me pdf file.
Installing the patch:
1. If you have Bombardiere's Loco Pack installed, uninstall it now.
2. If you have the Unofficial 1.05A patch installed, uninstall it now.
3. Run setup06.exe.
4. Read the license agreement and decide if it works for you.
5. When it asks for a location into which to install, supply the directory in which Railroad
Tycoon 3 is installed. (European users will have to type the full directory in manually for
now.) The installer will back up your RT3.exe before modifying it, and will copy
documentation into a Patches subdirectory.
6. Choose your patches. Clicking on the [+] boxes will expand selections in case you'd
prefer to install, say, just the European engines. By default the installer copies all new
engines, applies all patches to the executable and to existing engines, and adds
documentation links to the menu.
7. Click 'Install' once you are comfortable with your choices.
8. After installation finishes, click 'Close' to exit the installer.
I s'pose I should make a note of this on the Extras page. ;-)
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

I apologize for the troubles you may have been seeing with this scenario; it gives me a lot more to state in my ReadMe file for the next version. And, I am working on refining the events for the scenario based on feedback, as well as some things I have seen.

First of all, I decided to ease up the win conditions a bit: instead of 20 yrs for gold, 30 for silver, 50 for bronze, I'm bumping to 25 - 35 - 50 yr. I playtested last night on Expert difficulty and came extremely close to getting a gold, and figure if I had invested in some industries along the way I could have made it; my CBV was only 17 million not 20, and industries would have been the simple way to extend that value. So, I believe it is very achievable in this new timeframe.

Second, I am re-writing a few of the events dialogs to be clearer, including the briefing and the status pages.

Third, with your help I am discovering which locomotives need to be separately downloaded; there are a few that I thought were part of the Loco Pack but are not, and there are some that I just forgot that they were not game defaults! The ones I have listed separately in the ReadMe are the ones that must be individually installed, so this list will have to grow a bit.

Finally, I still haven't got coal flowing west-to-east like I'd prefer, so I'm tinkering with the warehouse recipes still.

These issues are what have prevented me from asking Hawk to add this to his collection, but I think the next upload of this scenario will have most of these kinks worked out, and I'll get Hawk to Get A Round Tuit.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

OK, I got 'em from the Extras section. I'll remove the Loco Pack I erroneously installed, Then I'll reinstall 1.06 and then the extra locos and see if it works. Thanks for all your help guys.

Edit (1/24/08): I installed the required locos and everything works fine now. One suggestion to WP&P for the re-release: move the maintainance shed back a couple of track sections from the water tower. After leaving the tower, the train creeps very slowly toward the shed. Moving it back a little will reduce the turnaround time.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

So I finally got things rolling. I agree with Wsherrick that the map is beautiful. Nice rolling hills and some formidable mountain ranges. The first run through I stuck with B&O for a few years and was able to get Gold on Expert by 1904. Would have made it sooner except I didn't have a station in the N&W territory. I had to go into the Editor to see where the territory lines were. It might be nice to have these territory lines visible on the map so a player knows where a station needs to be placed. It's a pretty narrow territory, and may make it difficult to place a station, depending on where/how you connect. Perhaps broadening it a bit, especially on the western side would make it a bit easier.
Then I tried it by going it alone and breaking from B&O right from the start. This one proved to be a disaster. Track laying and station building costs were outrageous, and I had to spend several years bankrolling cash before I could connect the next city. I connected to Old Fields first, but then it took almost 5 years to get enough cash to push north to Mechanicsburg and several more years to break through to Trellisville. I couldn't find a decent route over the pass, so I plowed through with a tunnel (is that how you normally do it?). Going East from there was also painfully slow, taking several years to build up cash to push on to the next city. I was issuing stock every year, and took out some bonds when the rates were as low as they would get (8%), but still couldn't accrue enough cash to build. Also, the Prarie and Pacific locos were not up to the task of the grades needed to connect to Shanks and Augusta. I tried my best to keep grades to 2% or less, but there were some passes that were not doable with less than 4% grades. Maybe I'm not taking the correct routes; are the light areas supposed to act as guides for placing track? If so, some of them require upwards of 8% grades to follow. With more circuitous track placement, I probably could have reduced some of the grades, but with cash at a premium, it was near impossible to make the connections in the time alotted for Gold.
I'm going to give it another try, with a later starting date as suggested previously. It's a wonderful map, and I like the historical info. Just out of curiosity, have you been successful on Expert and breaking away from B&O from the start Michael?
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Just for what this is worth.
I'm doing a remake of the last Island Sugar map. I keep crashing when I delete track. Sometimes after 2 or 3 track cells and sometimes after 20 cells or more. i have none of the extra content installed, only the 106 patch. I had no problems playing the original maps. Others have had odd engines appear in their game. I assume they may have had extra content installed that caused this.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

I will be re-posting this scenario someday soon, after I get finished with more pressing things like rebuilding my PC! I spent the weekend installing a 500 GB RAID array, a fresh install of Windows XP, etc.

But, I had done some work on the scenario based on earlier feedback, and I've not yet achieved a Gold on Expert at it, so nice work Wolverine! Of course, I tend to take an early independence from B&O... basically, as soon as I make it to Trellisville, because as scenario creator I know that this connection is one that will trigger big loans from N&W. But in reality, the high cost of tracklaying through the hills does seem to make it a better deal to remain under B&O a bit longer.

I've changed the goals a little bit to give you more time for Gold and Silver. Personally, I don't mind the higher track costs as an independent; it means you really do have to extend yourself to make it. There are events in there as well, that make your credit ratings a little worse once you become an independent short line.

One thing I've not done is play it through without ever leaving the B&O; it might be that it is too easy when you stick with them. I think it's a natural human tendency to want to claim independence.

As for gradients, the grey lines are not suggested routes, rather they are an overlay of the actual roads through the area. I used them as an aid to placing cities, and I just kind of liked them so I left them in. I always end up with very wiggly routes, because I'm trying to stick to 2% and use the topography to test my surveying skills. Trust me, there's more than one way to get through the hills on 2% grades. But, as for connecting Mechanicsburg to Trellisville, I do in fact use a tunnel; there is actually a very narrow water gap in the real world here, but the topo smoothing in the game ruined this feature. The other option is to avoid M'burg, and just run up alongside the South Branch of the Potomac, which is what the real South Branch Valley does - I made sure that there is buildable land to do so.

I appreciate the comments... and keep watching this space, for the next iteration!
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

I downloaded you map; But it said extra content was required.

What will happen if I play the map without adding any extra content.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Gwizz wrote:I downloaded you map; But it said extra content was required. What will happen if I play the map without adding any extra content.
It'll crash the first time you (or Autosave) tries to save the game (see above).
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

WPandP wrote: But, I had done some work on the scenario based on earlier feedback, and I've not yet achieved a Gold on Expert at it, so nice work Wolverine!
If anybody on the Planet can get Gold on Expert it is master Wolverine himself. {,0,}
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

WP & P Stainless steel coaches with EPH's Stainless steel streamlined Northern-I thought it was a pretty sight to show everyone.
WP & P Stainless steel coaches with EPH's Stainless steel streamlined Northern-I thought it was a pretty sight to show everyone.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Thanks for posting that!

I made my first version of this map way back when I first joined the forum, and knew little about modding. I had taken it quite far, but never released it, getting lost in doing engine, building, and then ultimately rolling stock skins. Then, I finally decided to go ahead and post my map, and so I went back and played it again, and this time it was with all these yellow reefers, black hoppers, and maroon (later silver) passenger sets... somehow, that all made it feel very fresh to me!

I guess that's because I'm a modeler at heart, and a good screen shot like yours it what I'm ultimately going for. I want it to really feel like I'm running trains in West Virginia.

I can tell from the sign in the background and the surrounding topography that you have surveyed a route that parallels the South Branch but climbs up out of the valley; your train is shown at about the location of Vance. If you've been reading the "historical" info in the scenario then you are aware that "Trellisville" is a fictional town situated where the real town of Romney is. So, can I infer that you are a Mitt Romney supporter, trying an extremely subtle way to get your point across?
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

The pleasure is all mine. I truly appreciate all the effort you and others have put into this and I'm sure I speak for all. !$th_u$! Keep it up.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

From all the threads I have not come across the problem which I am having. Mainly I am getting bumped off when I try to save the scenario, and it is initially before I start any operations.

Having downloaded all the Packs into the Extra Folder, I find that I am not able to find the M2 4-8-0 anywhere, and especially able to find so designated Pack V-1.0. There was not a problem with the Y6 class 2-88-2 or the J 4-8-4 pk, as I had loaded them when I had been downloading eng, car, bldg, etc in Hawk's Extra Pages.

Is there any other reason that I would not be able to save this scenario? Would appreciate where I can find the M2 4-8-0, and maybe it has been saved with a different name selection.

This looks like a very interesting scenario, and the terrain features are of the best I have seen in the many of many scenarios which I have played. Thank you WPP. :salute:

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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Okay fellas,

As I was typing the last thread reply, I remembered the wheel configuration and then went back to the Hawk's Extra Page, to find that it is the Mastedon. Which I had already downloaded. So, any other comments?

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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Thanks for the compliments on the scenery. I am an N-scale model railroader, as well, and this is the route I model, so I wanted to do a bang-up job on the scenery, because this map serves as a testbed for what kinds of scenes I might wish to include on my layout. "The Trough", in particular, is going to make a major appearance... the real-world Potomac Eagle scenic train passes through here, and they brag that it is essentially a bold eagle aviary, and eagles are spotted on 90% of their runs. I created enough of a ledge that one can lay track through the trough if desired, although that isn't necessarily the easiest route to take. I'll shut up, though, because you haven't played it yet, and the big challenge in the game is surveying a decent route!

It may be that there are other assets (engines) you are missing. The events reference the P2 4-8-2, the G5 4-6-0, the N&W Y6 and J engines you already have, the Mastodon, the Ten-Wheeler 4-6-0, the Prairie 2-6-2, the Mogul 2-6-0, and the Hudson (I think the NYC Class J1 4-6-4, not the Royal Hudson, if my memory is correct). Most of these came with the Loco Pack, but check to see what you have.
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Thanks WP%P,

But nothing seems to help. I went back to your site and downloaded the scenario again to override the initial download, just in case there was some error in the download. I also downloaded all those engines/etc from the unzipped folders, which overwrote, or replaced the original from Hawk's Extra Page. I still get bumped off when trying to save

I am going to try again to just "play" to see which engines are available. The reason I mention this method is to check on the scenario itself. This way it will at least show me that there is something wrong/error with the "extras".

And I am/have been a model railroader enthusiast since a youngster, but will just send you a direct e-mail of my activities, as they don't have anything to do with RRT3.

Thanks again for the input, and will get in touch. !$th_u$!

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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

I just downloaded this the other day from your site, WP&P, and I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed trying to survey the routes, and find the right path to put my rails through (hardest part was extending to Winchester after I extended to the B&O Junction and gained independance).
I ended up getting taken over by the N&W, even though they only ever owned 27% of my stock. However, I'm now in 1927, I should have won silver, but nothing is happening. I have Paston and Winchester connected, I've got 35mill CBV, and have hauled 40 loads of coal to Byron, or whatever the centre town on the N&W that starts with a B is called, but still no win.

Other than that, I really like it. Good Job! !*th_up*!
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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

Some what of a problem gettng the WP&P scenario initially saved. It keep crashing. And when I tried the second time, it notified me that it had already benn "saved, and do I want to override it". However, it did not display it when I tried to "load scenario". Now before trying to save it, I did play it for most of the 1st year. Laid track, placed depots, and ran trains. I do have the 1.06 patch installed, so is there another idea?

I would hate to just discard this scenario, as any scenario, as I know that there is a lot of time and imagination which are necessary to create these maps into scenarios.

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Re: New Scenario Available - WP&P Unread post

**!!!** Something amiss,

As mentioned, although a notice indicated that the scenario was already "saved", the screen was blank. However, after I had saved another scenario, the screen showed WP&P, for the both times that I tried to save it. It doesn't help my disposition, as it still crashes when I try to either "load" it from the mentioned screen, or from fresh. What I did notice this last time, the % of the "save" indicates 81% before the crash.

Could use some expertise of explanation, as it doesn't seem be a problem with some other members. It just seems a problem with some of the scenarios, as I have played dozens of others without a problem. I also have a similar problem with Caucasus.

Ray of Sunshine
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