Crystal Cotton Revisited

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
Grandma Ruth
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I'm trying to follow your logic to get to the win conditions so I think you have to fulfil the first (and others) to get the win. The second is the Gold win itself - there's the Game Variable that I can't see what's generated it. I think it should be Company Variable.

By the way - if Hawk sees this - aren't you proud of me ? :wink:
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KevinL wrote:And you're evil for making us go up and down the mountain in the lower right to get to Charlotte.
Stick with it. You can make enough money to tunnel through that mountain with no problem. 8)
Grandma Ruth
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Hey, Orange! I'm here and awaiting your instructions. What's sabermetrics???
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The Big Dawg
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Grandma Ruth wrote:By the way - if Hawk sees this - aren't you proud of me ? :wink:
!*th_up*! !**appl**! ::!**! ::!**! ::!**! !**yaaa !**yaaa :salute:

'Nuff said. :wink:
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Hawk: Grandma Ruth has found an error. Although it will only affect game play if no more track is built, it could cause someone a lot of trouble. The first screen above shows that Delivery comes up when stations or track are placed and it should be either monthly or at the end of the year. I think I edited this while having to cope with my video problems, as i remember this working when I was in the 1.06Beta. You might check Delivery-C and D to see if the same problem exists.

The 3 deliveries result in one of the gold conditions. I'm trying to remember what the game variable is for.
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The Big Dawg
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I was wondering about that but I forgot to ask. (**!!sry
I'm thinking that should check monthly. I'll look at it and the other two and fix it. I'll also look and see if I can find that variable.

Might take me a little while though. My wife just came in and she has something she wants to talk about, and she can get a tad long winded. :lol:
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Boys, how about if I correct what I can find and then let Hawk have the map for re-posting? I've done a "corrected" version already to try out for myself, I can put that on the ftp if you like.
The trouble with the Game Variable is I can't see anywhere it's triggered and if you look at the other conditions I'm sure it should be a Company Variable.
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The Big Dawg
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That will be fine with me. I'll look at that variable thing too. Maybe both our eyes will be able to see something.
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The Big Dawg
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I think that Company Variable 1=3 should be Company Variable 3=1. That's the varible set by the corn delivery.
Double check me on that.
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It's fine with me for GR to fix the game. Hawk is busy doing other stuff, so he shouldn't mind. The other variable should be set somewhere (Produce and Corn?) when the corn and produce are delivered.

Sabermetrics - how did that come up re me? Sabermetrics are used to calculate expected runs and expected victories in baseball based on player stats. For example, a single might be worth .3 runs or .05 chance of a victory. (I just pulled the numbers out of the air.) The numbers can get more refined if you want to know the values in a specific situation, say 2 out, bottom of the ninth, a man on 2nd and the game is tied. Suddenly that single goes way up in value, especially chance of a victory. Bill James either invented it or made Sabermetrics famous. I developed my own much less sophisticated system before I heard of James fr use in board game baseball leagues. Gamers use this for stat based games and real Baseball managers are using it to help them to set salaries, and mange their teams.
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The Big Dawg
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Scratch my previous post. It looks like that Company Variable is right and the Game Variable should be Company Variable as you mentioned Ruth.
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Company Variable 1 must be 3 - each of the eastern deliveries increase it by 1. The other 2 variables should be for corn and produce. One of them let's other RR's deliveries count- that wasn't intentional, but it shouldn't matter much as these two aren't too hard to do.

I'm rying to juggle this and making dinner for a starving 16 year old.
Last edited by Orange46 on Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Grandma Ruth
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It's on the ftp, Hawk On "incoming", I hope. I haven't tested it yet but I'm sure we're on the right track.

Orange, I was going to send you a P.M. so I looked at your profile and you put sabermetrics as a hobby! Boy, I wished I'd never asked! Every individual word you used makes sense, it's in English, but put them all together and it might just as well be Chinese to me. **!!!**
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Gee, one should be careful what one writes. The math can probably be used in American football. I'm not sure how well it would work in other sports.

The words are in American English, not British and that's the problem.
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Orange46 wrote:I'm rying to juggle this and making dinner for a starving 16 year old.
Shouldn't the 16-year-old be making you dinner? And are you using one of the Grindre's recipes? (See The Caboose) :D
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Ruth, you can quick test if you have an advanced game. Just edit the conditions to numbers you have already reached or will reach in a few minutes and see if the condition triggers. OF, Course, DON'T SAVE the edited test. Save beforehand.
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She saw my recipe and - no - she wants nothing to do with this forum. She's a princess, so I cook. Actually, she's doing homework and that's the way it should be.
Grandma Ruth
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I thoroughly approve of men cooking for women, whatever age, so I take that back. I didn't understand your other post, though. You'll just have to be patient with me, I'm afraid. |--0 How do you get your saved in progress map into the Editor? Don't interrupt your dinner to answer - it's after 1 in the morning here and I really, really should go to bed now!

Edit: I didn't go to bed, but I have worked out how to edit the map - it's really easy! Thanks for that, there's another thing I've learnt!
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Designing and editing other peoples scenarios is a fun way to really learn the game and to do the things you want to do, not what some designer wants you to do. The only reason I designed my first scenario (RT2) was because no one was doing what I wanted - a super long scenario where you get to manage a railroad without being overwhelmed by 100's of engines and where express cargoes played a much smaller role. I did it, loved it, then got back to other peoples scenarios because they came up with stuff I never thought of. And, its been the same with RT3. Crystal does stuff I wanted to do and no one else was doing and some of it is thanks to 1.06.

That said, you can see I'm not perfect with RT3. Some of the logic is disorganized and ... But, it did what I wanted to, or will, once you fix it. Thanks. More motivation to get 1.06 working on my PC.

I'm off for the night.
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The Big Dawg
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Grandma Ruth wrote:Edit: I didn't go to bed, but I have worked out how to edit the map - it's really easy! Thanks for that, there's another thing I've learnt!
So-the map in the incoming folder, is it OK to update with or has your testing shown anything else?
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