New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

!!howdy!! Attached to this topic you will find a beta version of my latest map, called Tunesia, and a map covering the Tunesian National Railways SNCFT. Game start 1872, game end 1932. Any comments, advice and proposals are as always welcome :salute:

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Tunesian Railways Network 1880-1941.jpg
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

It didn't take long in just the first "lay of track", that there was not the "usual" available amount of track. For us dummies who don't calculate either cells or sections, we are at a loss to know how much of the 500 yearly track is available. UNLESS we just lay the track until it runs out. LOL :salute: {,0,}
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In my 2nd year, I believed that there was something wrong with the limitations of the 500 sections per year. So I ran a test, even though it was with a revenue "cheat". From Djedekia I laid track all the was to Chaal. Just to double check, I then also laid another track to Sfax. Hence with an expenditure of $6.0K, I am sure that the limit of track went well over the 500 sections per year. *!*!*!
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:oops: After the test game there were, as usual, some minor corrections, and while working in the editor I left "Limited track amount" unchecked in the editor. Attached below, you will find the correct version, OR simply: go to the editor and check it on. I have been looking for historical events from the French period in Tunesia, but found none avaiable in English. In the next (final?) version I am thinking of adding some bonuses. Does anyone have any suggestions? :salute:

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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

There is a member named Logales, who seems to have a "handle" on the French language, by a couple of new scenarios shown in the "new files added" banner. He might give you some assistance. :idea:

Suggestions? You seem to do well in your previous scenarios, so will just leave bonuses up to your immagination.
:salute: {,0,}
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

As mentioned by Ray of Sunshine, I can help you find information or if you have information in French, I can help with the translation.

Here is the official site of SNCFT with a few historical information and an article on the introduction of a railway system in Tunisia : ... 2&id_rub=4

Just let me know :)
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

!!howdy!! I would be pleased to have some historical events (in english) from the period after the French occupation of tunesia in 1881 until the game ends in 1932. I found a Tunesian timeline, but events during the French period 1881 until the independance in 1956 are not mentioned at all. To my opinion a map from the real world, historical events makes the game somewhat more realistic :salute:
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

I have found this article but you may already know it : ... =ref488033 and this one whic may have some relevant information ... ra_Tunisia

Another incident concerning Railway might be worth mentionning :

The CTT ( Compagnie des Tramways Tunisiens / Tunisian Tramway Company ) , which was founded in 1903 ran the Tramway services in Tunis and obtained the rights to the TGM ( Tunis Goulette MArsa ) in December 1905 ( the newly electrified line being opened to traffic in 1908 ).
On February 9th 1912, the accidental death of a Tunisian child led to more civil unrest and to a non-violent boycott of the line until March of the same year. The wattman was Italian and within the company Wattmen of Italian origin were deemed to be in a more priviledged situation, this accident was a catalyst for the boycott.
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You know, this is what I like about the members of this web site. They will help with any question, suggest, comment, or problem. All a person has to do is ask.
I sure hope that the links mentioned by Logales will be of help. they certainly are of interest. And a !$th_u$! to Logales for his imput. And I am anxious to see what changes are being made in the upcoming version. :salute:
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

!$th_u$! to Logales. These two links and other information might be useful. It seems, that I have to allow one class of electrics (the 2-D-2) in this scenario. I think that the final version can be ready at the end of this week. !*th_up*!
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

Just finished a try now (silver on normal). As usual for arop's maps, the condition for PNW is - from my point of view - too tough. (I know that there are some people "lurking around here" which hate PNW conditions! :-D ) Nevertheless, well done, arop! !*th_up*!

If I were allowed to have a wish: ensure that the sections of track not used at end of year are NOT LOST! (Hmm - you know: specify + instead of = in the related event.)
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

(0!!0) Attached below, Tunesia version 1.0 and the map covering the Tunesian Railways (SNCFT) is now avaiable :salute:

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Tunesian Railways Network 1880-1941.jpg
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

:salute: I have just sent this map attached to a PM to Hawk.
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

I played this scenario until 1910, laying inital 3G of track by 1902, and the 5G total by 1910, and did not receive the $10M for either completion.
Now that last thread was some time ago, with a v1. The version I played is shown as V1.0. Mathematically, they are of the same value, however, I don't know if there was a revision made to correct this error of math programmng
Not saying that my system is not "screwing" up, but would like to hear some comments of similar problem. :salute:
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

:oops: Sorry! I have made a minor blunder! Attached to this answer you have the 1.1 version of this map.
What's new:
A) 3000 miles 10 mill company bonus before 1902: trigger is changed to "when track or station is placed".
B) 5000 miles 10 mill company bonus before 1922: trigger is changed to "when track or station is placed" AND game year corrected from 1902 to 1922 :salute:
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Now this is from the initial v1. I like the concept of challenges but ran into a problem, which only relinquished me a Silver. Part of the problem is in the programming of the Edition itself, which isn't a "problem" but the random. Why does the last number of years "slump" into a Recession or Depression, whether the scenario is 20 or 100 years?

Well that has little to do with the difficulty of which occurred. Early in the scenario, and seeing that "rock" was part of the goal, I initiated a rail system in the areas of the Quarries, and hauled every "rock" with a few engines to the furnaces. YET, by the end of the deadline, I had only carried/transported 1/2, or 1000 rocks. Same with the wool. Actually the hauls are basically a bonus for PNW, of $5M. I kept checking the hauls to make sure that both were being hauled, although I did find that 1 Quarry disappeared, with an engine setting, "waiting for cargo".

The same with the "wool". I had a few Textile Mills doing profitably well, with numerous amount of supply, and would keep checking the the map, to find more "newly created" ranches. Not only buying them, but to add to the total haul. Sort of trying to generate an adequate haul of either, for the $5M bonus to boost my PNW. Actually, it would have given me an adequate amount for the Gold.

Might have a different result from the V1-1, but am just making a comment of difficulties which arose in V1, but enjoyed this creation. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

I loved this scenario! Thanks so much. Really one of my favourites of all time. Extremely simple, no frills and events, but well-thought through goals that make this a complete, and complex game to play. I've one improvement suggestion:
PNW is always a bit of a random goal, since it varies so much with the economic cycle. I thought I was doing well, but wasn't too sure of making it and then the economy boomed, and bang, the gold medal came with it. A bit anticlimactic. PNW is great when you can buy on margin, making stock trade tricky because of the possibility of margin calls. In this case it makes less sense. You just buy whatever stock you can afford and hope it's enough. I would therefore suggest to change the PNW goal to a player cash requirement. I guess it should be a bit lower, since you would have to sell lots of stock and that brings the price down. Maybe $60M, or even $50M. But it would force players to think ahead, and anticipate the economic cycle instead of just waiting for it to boom (or not...).

A few minor points I ran into:
* I hauled 2000 of rock, but never got the bonus. I came close to really needing it so I felt a bit cheated. I did wait to see if it might be pauid in 1930, at the deadline, but nothing.
* There were some frustrating moments in the beginning, when I saved the exact amount to buy a share, but just couldn't click "buy". I tri-le checked. I really had $69 while the price, both in the stock ledger and next to the graph, was $69. At other times I found I could run a small deficit of -$2 or something.
* The number of track miles laid counts backwards when you double an existing single track. I had to wait untill at had the 5000 miles bonus to double the track, causing serious congestion.

I wouldn't know how to sort these out. Maybe it's just that my rt3 runs a bit buggy. But it didn't dent the great fun I had playing this.

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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

Great map, although I was disappointed that after achieving Gold I stopped receiving the anual 500 miles of track. I would have liked to connect the last few cities.
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

Typically once the Gold is achieved the events stop testing.
You should have been able to keep laying track though, I think.
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Re: New map: Tunesia rrt3-1.06 Unread post

Just double-checked. Available track is 0 and it's not possible to lay tracks.
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