England war effort (beta)

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England war effort (beta) Unread post

I messed up the scale a bit, and tooks some artistic license.I tried to make the map and industries acurate using this map --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/boston_pub ... 531527882/ But I had to "balance" things out a bit. I also used a population density map for reference on making the size of cities... but I admit I probably got a lot wrong. Overall I'm happy with the way it turned out. BTW I am using v1.06

I haven't added any competition yet. Feel free to add some if you like.

The existing england senarios are descent. But I wanted it to include some of the smaller cities in between the majors. After all England is still a very well used passenger rail system, even with cars, they still love their rail there. I was inspired mainly by the BBC show "Great British Railway journeys"

I doubt very much I will fix any major scale problems, as that would require pretty much re-drawing the whole map and re-doing the events. Which I wont do. I will try and fix any minor problems, like rivers in the wrong place or some hill is too high etc. You know, minor stuff that doesn't require an overhaul. I realize I may have placed some cities in some wrong spots.I was eyeballing it, and may have gotten a few wrong.

I have beta tested the map myself, I used cheat codes to aquire huge sums of money so I could link all the industries to haul the quantities of goods required... I had vast sums of money and still only got silver.... although I admit I suck, and am nowhere near as good as some of you veterans. I wanted to cover both wars because either WW by themselves is pretty short. SO I tried to represent the pre/post war economies including mining strikes and huge unemployment during the time in between wars. So although it is a long scenario 37 years I put the haulage requirements high, and decreased prices for some of those cargos, to the point of unprofitability(during peacetime). So even though you can haul unprofitable train, it'll cost you.

There are no rubber farms in england so I made tires an import/export item, as well as a few other items.Like There is not much oil existing on England so it is an import item too.

I'm still trying to polish it up more, so I encourage any criticism. I appreciate honesty and don't worry about hurting my feelings. Do keep in mind this is my first ever map and scenario writing.

Edited by Hawk: Zip attachment removed. This map is now available in the archives after being finished up by OilCan. See the link in the last post in this topic.
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Well I haven't tried it yet but things that I have noticed some misspellings, and I have question about the paper hauling that related to the propaganda event.

-Scenario briefing - receive misspelled 2x
-Archduke event - imminent misspelled
-Zepplins - zeppelin misspelled
-Propaganda - 1. successfully misspelled, 2. governments should be government's, 3. receive misspelled, 4. it tests for YTD Paper hauled... is that supposed to be LTD Company Paper hauled or YTD? If it's supposed to be YTD I would clarify somewhere in the briefing/ledger that it needs to be 50 loads of paper hauled in 1 year.

-Status - All of your information in the status page does not fit. You'll need to reduce the amount of text. Something like this may save you space:
You've hauled: Troops (100b/200s/300g)
Uniforms/Clothing (100/200/300)
rations/meat (50/100/150)
Ammo (X/Y/Z)
Weapons (X/Y/Z)

Paper hauled this year
or you could group some of the things together like the items that are needed for bronze, silver, gold.
You've hauled:
Troops (100b/200s/300g), Uniforms/Clothing (100/200/300), rations/meat (50/100/150),

Ammo (Y/Z) Weapons (Y/Z)

Diesel (Z)

Paper hauled this year

-Stock Markets - or should be of
-Gold - Allied = Allies, it's = its, serice = service
-beginning - Parliament, subsidizes, millitary misspelled
-German remilitarising - parliament misspelled 2x, remilitarisment?? re-militarization might be better?
-Conscription - exemptions misspelled
-Titanic - message is too long. It's should be its, misspelled people
-World War 1 over - has releaved should probably be have been relieved.
-POland - France misspelled
-Heavy toll - commas between steel, coal, and food . . .
-bevin boys - misspelled parliament, conscientious
-influenza - With
-Ve Day - Germany's (not germanies), surrender, spontaneous
-warcosts - cannot

Currently you have the ability to build houses, hospitals, retail stores etc activated. You'd probably want to turn those off in the industries tab in the editor.
You also have ports/warehouses able to be built by the player. Did you want these turned off as well?
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Another check of some of the events:

Gold - you're checking Game year >= 1846. You want to test <= 1846. Also change to testing it at the end of the year.
Silver - you're testing it monthly, you'd probably want to test it at the end of the year

Also you'll want to order the events in the editor Gold above Silver above Bronze. Since the way the game tests the events is from the top down to the bottom of the list. Otherwise if the Bronze is above the Gold/Silver, and the game checks to see if the events have been satisfied, it'll see that the bronze was satisfied and reward that medal and end the game. So you want to do the event with the most demanding conditions above the other events. Gold, then Silver, then Bronze, then Lose.
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Hah, yeah I guess I'm a little too used to using having spellchecker. :oops: Man do I need spellchecker, probably should wear my glasses too :lol: I think it is obvious how well I did in grammar.... I'm also mildly dyslexic.... Excuses, excuses, I know. I do appreciate you corrections though.

Hmmm I want the paper one to trigger, once 50 loads are hauled to anywhere. Not 50 in a single year. It should be LTD

I agree I need to shorten the status page. I will implement that thanks.

And no I don't want to have houses available or ports, I left that in for the beta, but I will remove that. It is very annoying going through, I agree.

I found a problem of my own the update at the very beginning should be a game message, I swear though that I changed that and saved the changes..... but it comes up as a newspaper, which is not supposed to be.

The conscription event keeps triggering every year. I'll have to fix that.Which is odd that it didn't do that the first time I tested the scenario... maybe I've gone bonkers.

I did not know that about the medal events, I will make sure to change that.

I also need to weed down the engines available, it is just too cluttered. The Russian trains should definitely go. I have no Idea what should or should not be available though.
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To help with spelling, you can type whatever you want in an editor like MS Word, OpenOffice, or anything that has a spell checker. Once you have the text like you want it, and all the spelling is right, just copy the text from the text editor and paste it (Ctrl+v) into the box where you want it in RT3.
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That is a very good idea, thanks. That will help a lot.
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I didn't have time to play-test your creation. However, I took some minutes to "glide" through the map, as it was your first creation and done from scratch.

So, from the perspective of someone who lived in London and traveled during those years (mostly by train as I didn't own a car in the UK at that time), here's my 2 cents:

1- you are missing some important industrial cities - namely, Coventry, Middlesbrough (and Newcastle is misplaced, btw - should be more to the north, and place Middlesbrough in that spot), Leicester and Stoke-on-Trent - as well as some historical cities that cannot go unmapped, namely, Bath, Chester and Warwick.

2- a few others may need a little better placement - the one that strikes the most is London itself - it should be placed directly above Brighton. Others like Norwich (not Norwitch), Lincoln, Nottingham or Cambridge seem a little off-target as well. I think you can cross check your map with, for example, http://maps.google.uk for better accuracy.
(My trick is to look at the city location and find a coastline reference that is horizontally aligned, then do the same for a vertical reference. Memorize those two references from the real map and then do opposite process to place the town in the scenario)

3- you've got cotton being produced around Manchester and Liverpool - while there was plenty of wool and massive textile industries there since early periods of the industrial revolution, cotton simply won't grow in those wet/cold lands. It's best if you input the cotton via the ports.

That's 3 cents already :-)

Sorry not to have any comments on events and gameplay, but I just won't have time for it for the coming weeks. I'm sure more will jump in. Also, later on, you will want to add more paint and color differences to the map - get a nice satellite image of UK and get OilCan and arop to help you, they're our master painters.

Best of luck and so far so good, mate!
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I can't say I know a lot about British history, or what towns are important. So if I left some out it's probably because I'm using inaccurate maps, or I just didn't know about it. I will add those towns, thanks for the heads up. I'll look into accurately placing them more too.

As for the cotton I'm only going by the only resource map I could find, which is in the link I provided earlier...... (although the map doesn't say what is imported or exported), so The cotton being available in and around Manchester may be from ports (which probably makes more sense) .... but I really have nothing else to go by other then that old map in the link. I spent hours looking for natural resource maps, and that is all I could find. There is also no coffee farms in any part of the UK but I figured there has got to be a lot of tea farms and just left that to the imagination. Processed meat coming out of the ports is supposed to represent fishing. It comes processed already because I figure it is a much more complicated process to butcher cattle then to gut and fillet a fish... thus it comes processed. I took liberty when placing weapons and ammunition factories as I cannot find actual info on that,my map just says "engineering" so that's what there is...... also I have no idea where barracks actually are so I randomly placed them. Conscription basically made it so you got troops from all over, but placing a barracks in every city seemed a bit unbalanced.

It's nice that someone who knows something about England said something. So thank you. It just came down to trying to decide which towns to include and which to exclude, because I can't include all of them...... OK maybe I could, but that's is a lot, and I didn't want to clutter things up.

I wouldn't test play my map yet, until I work out the bugs anyway.
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I don't like to advocate my own cause, but I suggest you read this thread:

Specially, take note on the steps to make the map as accurate as possible mainly using historical maps from David Rumsey and our contemporary map by maps.google.com

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Re: England war effort (beta) Unread post

I found a map that has coal, iron, and a little bit of wool that I can see on it. It's a little blurry when you zoom in enough to be able to read it. However, if you download the original pdf file this image was located in and zoom in on the map there it is much easier to read. The map is on page 52. http://www.library.ubc.ca/edlib/lessonp ... Powell.pdf
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Re: England war effort (beta) Unread post

I like the concept of the challenges, and will leave the spelling, city locations, and formatting of the ledgers to the members who are user creators.
After playing for 25 years, I have only 4 engines, and managed to cnn with the southern port, believe Portsmouth? Any way, the economies have been lousy, even to get to this point, and finally came out of recession, recession, recession, which I believe is part of the RRT3 programming. But it makes for a discouraging play.
what I did notice is the constant yearly notice of the "government has made it mandatory for males, etc etc for active military duty". Don't believe that necessary in repition.
Good luck with the spelling criteria. Just something to make life a little more hectic. LOL :salute:
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Re: England war effort (beta) Unread post

Work on this map has been continued by OilCan. See this topic for more details.