Beta test map - West San Diego County

Maps that were never completed by creators that appear to no longer be active.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

belbincolne wrote:Aha - can't load v.4 because I don't have all the new buildings installed. I did at one time but some of them seemed to cause problems so I uninstalled them. Think this applies to several players. Perhaps you'll need to make 2 versions one with and one without them.
Did you install his betas or the finished versions?
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Like I said, the beta might be causing problems that the Coast to Coast can't fix. It was a beta after all, and that means a test.
It's always a good idea to stay away from beta's unless you're actually testing something and are willing to uninstall and reinstall.

Was that beta put out by PopTop?
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No it was not official - it was someone on this forum and, as I recall, there was only just the one version. The ports were incredible - just made oodles and oodles of money so that every scenario using them became incredibly easy.
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To the best of my knowledge no one on this forum made the 1.04 beta patch. That came from GamersHell, not this forum.
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Aye, but I must have downloaded it from a link here.
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There was a link to it in a post in one of the threads here, but the link was to GamersHell.
I remember seeing it but I don't remember which thread it was in.

Edit 1: Here's the post. viewtopic.php?p=6242#p6242
There has never been the 1.04 beta available here on this site. ;-) Only the Coast to Coast Expansion, the official, final version 1.04 patch.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

Bel, if you can't work with the buildings I'll kick out a map without those on it just to get the economy working as best as I can before I... well put the buildings right back in.

You'll need to use the warehouses at the four, far parts of the map to get all the industries going.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

RT3 version. - Beta 005
Uses *NO* special buildings.
Updated Oct 08th

The default start date is 1973, you can go far as back as you want but go no further forward. If you fail to win at least bronze by 2009 you will lose the game and the company you own. The date you can go no further back then is 1848, anything before that is Mexican history. As it is, the population in 1848 wasn't able to sustain a railroad at the time, the whole county comprised of about 1,500 people. No joke.

The industries have been fixed up, prices artificially jacked when need be to expand things. The ports in San Diego and Oceanside spit out what local industries need, and Morris Junction and Alpine feed the inland areas. There is some balance but that's only to maintain SOME resemblance to the real life area.

Tire factories have been eliminated from the map.

Recylcing plants become more frequent later on in the game and feed industry shortages. No one should be going broke on this level. There's been newspaper clippings going from 1848 forward and I plan more. Some are interactive and there are easter egg bonuses (unlocking trains) at various points of the map.

This should be the final beta, if it's playable I'm finishing it up and that will be that. The Ned (megamod) version, standard mod Version and 1.06 version would be next. Thankfully the extra options make planning out the industry map much easier.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

Obviously I still can't play this scenario so long as its got the new buildings in it (Load fails - no ice platform). can't make out what you intend with two (three?) versions - would have thought you'd need only 1.06 versions with and without the extra buildings - or don't these work in 06? - which is what I thought was causing me problems before. As I'm still having problems in some scenarios it may not have been them anyway.

If the new buildings are all thoroughly tested and working o/k perhaps you could post a link to the download for them.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

This version requires both the Ice Platform and the Stock Yard, both by WP&P and available at this link:
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

One must be hiding from me.

I'll change the graphic to a port so I can hopefully find it easier and delete the sucker for sure this next time.

(( And as why for the versions, because I want to have as realistic a depiction of the county as possible, but then, I don't want to do all this work for an audience of one either 8p ))
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:twisted: with a rusty pair of scissors!
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I downloaded it. That's how I knew it need the Ice Platform and the Stock Yard. I just haven't had a chance to play it yet.

What needed fixing and what did you do to fix it? Your post wasn't to clear on that. ;-)
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

1) Is the economy viable
2) Are the routes worth reaching
3) Can the routes, including some tunnel making required to Dizura, Alpine and Morris Junction, be reached conventionally?
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

As of this moment I've added even more events to the level (not uploading a new one yet). So far I've got all the census events and one even a year pretty much from 1848 all the way up to 1890. After that I've got events most years, but there are some city history gaps I want to fill in as a local.

I've also turned up a tycoon in my research, and a possible real life scenario I can make out of this all, but I'd need a San Diego, Arizona, Mexico map and I'm not ready for that yet ^^;;

That tycoon's tracks are still in use today by the San Diego trolley and some low level Mexican tourist lines.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

Not currently required, but I have PK4ed a user avatar of John D Spreckels for anyone wishing to use that tycoon...
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coruscate wrote:FIXED!!

:twisted: with a rusty pair of scissors!
OK! I'll ask again. What did you fix? **!!!**
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

While I appreciate your interest in labeling all the parks, bases, etc., it sure does make it hard to see all the cities.
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The ledger mentions Industry profit and loads hauled of cheese, but I didn't see that as a medal requirement.
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Was there a particular reason for the 'dam' across Lake Hodges, instead of making the player build a bridge?
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When I connected to Twin Oaks the newspaper said I got $100K, but I didn't. I think it's because in the event you have the effect set to apply to the human player only and I think it should be apply to the company/player for which the condition is true.
For conditions you have it set to test against all companies, which should be fine.

Same thing with Valley Center.
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Re: Beta test map - West San Diego County Unread post

The "fix" was removing the buildings that were causing you two to crash out.
Hawk wrote:While I appreciate your interest in labeling all the parks, bases, etc., it sure does make it hard to see all the cities.
I love it that way, plus once you see the history events you can see where they are talking about. Sweetwater Reservoir and San Pasqual battlefield show up at least once... very edumacational.
Hawk wrote:The ledger mentions Industry profit and loads hauled of cheese, but I didn't see that as a medal requirement.
Currently not, I'm just adding and testing as I go on that regards. Just wanted something smart assed to check it.
Hawk wrote:Was there a particular reason for the 'dam' across Lake Hodges, instead of making the player build a bridge?
Oh I probaly should see if a bridge will work... just didn't bother with that from the start...
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