Newbie Questions

Questions and comments specific to Version 1.06
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I'm really sorry if this is inappropriate or anything; it is just that I tried looking for answers but am getting further confused.

Firstly, I would like to thank the people who helped create the 1.06 patch (Milo and the gang); you guys have made this game much more enjoyable.

Okay, now for my questions.

1) I installed Railroad Tycoon 3, followed by the C-t-C expansion, and then the 1.05 patch followed by the 1.05 No-CD crack, and then the 1.06 patch. Have I done this correctly?
2) I know I have to do something with the RT3 Editor so that I can play the original scenarios (and campaigns?) such that the new engines, cargoes and buildings and structures are available? Can somebody please elaborate (or point me to a resource), because I really am a “noob” at the RT3 editor; thanks in advance.
3) Does the above also apply to all user created maps? Or is it that only those maps that need the 1.06 patch will have the new engines, cargoes and buildings and structures?
4) Do I also have to enable the engines, cargoes and buildings and structures in case I install the items listed on the Xtras page?

Regards & thanks (in advance)
Vishal Bhatia
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citizenvish wrote:1) I installed Railroad Tycoon 3, followed by the C-t-C expansion, and then the 1.05 patch followed by the 1.05 No-CD crack, and then the 1.06 patch. Have I done this correctly?
2) I know I have to do something with the RT3 Editor so that I can play the original scenarios (and campaigns?) such that the new engines, cargoes and buildings and structures are available? Can somebody please elaborate (or point me to a resource), because I really am a “noob” at the RT3 editor; thanks in advance.
I don't think you have to do anything. All 1.05 scenarios are playable in 1.06, although they won't necessarily be exactly the same owing to new assets. (I may be wrong on this one)
3) Does the above also apply to all user created maps? Or is it that only those maps that need the 1.06 patch will have the new engines, cargoes and buildings and structures?
Yes. All scenarios will use the 1.06 game program and all buildings/engines installed therein.
4) Do I also have to enable the engines, cargoes and buildings and structures in case I install the items listed on the Xtras page?
No. Engines/cargoes/and buildings are "enabled" by placing the files in the appropriate folders. Engines and buildings that are to be used/purchasable must be checked in the Editor to make them appear in the scenario.
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Re: Newbie Questions Unread post

citizenvish wrote:
1) I installed Railroad Tycoon 3, followed by the C-t-C expansion, and then the 1.05 patch followed by the 1.05 No-CD crack, and then the 1.06 patch. Have I done this correctly?
I've been looking all over for the no CD crack. Can someone please point me to it?


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Beancounter - You have a PM. ;-)
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Re: Newbie Questions Unread post

Sorry for the late reply... Wolverine@MSU, thanks a lot.

Vishal Bhatia
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In 1.06 if you want to use hotels, restaurants, taverns and post offices, on earler scenarios, you have to go into editor mode, and x the corresponding boxes in the industries window.
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JayEff wrote:In 1.06 if you want to use hotels, restaurants, taverns and post offices, on earler scenarios, you have to go into editor mode, and x the corresponding boxes in the industries window.
Really? I thought that was left untouched in 1.06. As far as I know old scenarios made with 1.05 and earling should function in this sense normally. Although I haven't played lately much, so I can't be sure.

In fact, the 1.06 does show these city buildings in the editor, but as far as I know selecting or deselecting (x the box) does absolutely nothing. City buildings are in the code and are not controlled by editor. Milo would know for certain, but I haven't heard him ages.

Some new locomotives have regions selected. For Example, if a scenario is made with allow North American engines selected, then a new locomotive with NA region will show in this game. No matter under which version it has been made. New industries must be selected individually, if these are not included in the scenario.
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