Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.

Online matchmaker for RT3?

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Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

Hi guys I am writing this inspired by the Populous (1998) matchmaker, which is a community made lobby to start games with each other.
I would like to make something like this for RT3. Right now I am working on how to launch the game directly to the desired server someone is hosting. You could compare this to the GameSpy Arcade which is dead right now, but with more functions such as launching different versions of the game etc.
I would like to know if there is any interest for a multiplayer solution like this!
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

I've never had any interest in multiplayer myself.

This thread may shed a little light on it for you too.

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3236&p=32492&hilit= ... yer#p32492

Doing a search on the forums using multiplayer as a search term will give you about 8 pages of results.
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

Thank you for responding.
May I ask you why not? I've played multiplayer on LAN's with 4 people and it was great messing around with each others stock etc.
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I prefer to play at my own pace. Saving the scenario and going back to it another day, etc.

I have been involved with MP in another game and I just didn't like it as it required too much of my time at one sitting.
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I fully agree with
Hawk wrote:I prefer to play at my own pace. Saving the scenario and going back to it another day, etc.
I play RT3 for MY fun and not to beat or fight against somebody else somewhere on earth. Possibly, I'm too old ... (0!!0)
There's no business like RT business ...
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Sugus wrote:Possibly, I'm too old...
I believe the politically correct term is "chronologically challenged". !!jabber!!
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

Hmmm I don't even think I can make something like this because the servers don't show up in RT3.. :(
Someone knows how to fix this?
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

When I saw the title of this thread I thought maybe a "Dating" site was being proposed. Kind of like Farmer's Only.com.

I can hear the jingle: "You don't have to be lonely, at RT3 only .com" Followed by a talking loco saying" Shooter game players just don't get it" ^**lylgh

Here is a link to the Farmer's Only.com commercial for those of you that don't watch American TV.

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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

Thanks for the feedback guys!
Even though there wasn't to much enthousiasm here for the RT3 dating application I still made the custom lobby for the game, because I wanted to play with my friends again which works now!
So give it a shot! http://www.railty3.tk (RT3 only .com would be better indeed Stoker :lol: )
The RT3.exe file will be altered to a custom version for the gamespy masterserver redirect, better online synchronisation and other multiplayer improvements so make a back up of your current RT3.exe if you want to try it out!
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

FlorianF wrote:Thanks for the feedback guys!
Even though there wasn't to much enthousiasm here for the RT3 dating application I still made the custom lobby for the game, because I wanted to play with my friends again which works now!
So give it a shot! http://www.railty3.tk (RT3 only .com would be better indeed Stoker :lol: )
The RT3.exe file will be altered to a custom version for the gamespy masterserver redirect, better online synchronisation and other multiplayer improvements so make a back up of your current RT3.exe if you want to try it out!
Which version you use? I might take a stab at some multiplayer tycooning.
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

AdmiralHalsey wrote: Which version you use? I might take a stab at some multiplayer tycooning.
Version 1.05!
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

I don't usually multiplayer anything either. But I had good fun running a "tournament" for Gran Turismo 2 on the gtplanet forum, 18 rounds of races with people dropping in and out over 18 weeks. And I sometimes participate in Angband competitions (http://angband.oook.cz/competition.php) where everybody downloads the same starting save file. Something like this could be fun with RT3.

Weekly challenge, given a savegame and some goals and a time limit, post photo of end of year books or whatever to prove what you got (CBV, PNW, whatever...) Could be a challenge to see who can build the most CBV from a given tricky situation in a year. Should be able to get through the weekly competition in a couple hours max, to keep it reasonable, and so you can try a few times if you like. Something like that...
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

low_grade wrote:I don't usually multiplayer anything either. But I had good fun running a "tournament" for Gran Turismo 2 on the gtplanet forum, 18 rounds of races with people dropping in and out over 18 weeks. And I sometimes participate in Angband competitions (http://angband.oook.cz/competition.php) where everybody downloads the same starting save file. Something like this could be fun with RT3.

Weekly challenge, given a savegame and some goals and a time limit, post photo of end of year books or whatever to prove what you got (CBV, PNW, whatever...) Could be a challenge to see who can build the most CBV from a given tricky situation in a year. Should be able to get through the weekly competition in a couple hours max, to keep it reasonable, and so you can try a few times if you like. Something like that...
That's a great idea! I am currently fixing bugs and a new user interface but I definitely want to implement that feature!
I could set up a game for everyone participating and then setting a timer so everybody has the same amount of time to try and get the highest CBV or PNW. The matchmaker could keep track of these data and submit them after the time is up so we have a nice scorelist.

Another idea I had for tournaments is having a few games where people just play regular multiplayer on the same scenario and afterwards the winners play against each other also with a scoreboard.
I think this sure opens a wide array of extra fun to the game!
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

Not saying I'd necessarily want to go this far with it... but fun to think about, a RT3 world champion list, with like 10 challenges picked by the community from whatever versions, and a scoring system that combines results from all 10 (normalized standard distribution should be fine.)
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

Very interesting indeed. Any possibilities of a Trainmaster version? Now if you could make a exporter for .3dp you would be legendary. ^**lylgh
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

I think RT3 1.06 and TM since it is based off 1.06 would have issues with trying to play it online. If I recall correctly there were some issues when trying to use 1.06 online and its stability.
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Trainmaster multiplayer won't work I have on 2 computers so I could play against my brother we started our companies and the game quit.
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Re: Railroad Tycoon 3 Matchmaker Unread post

Thanks Stoker for the farmers dating site commercial. I am sure a sheepish look won't do.
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