Engine Age and does it matter?

General discussion about Railroad Tycoon II.
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Engine Age and does it matter? Unread post

Hi everyone,

I noticed that while playing RRT2 after awhile the engine maintenace goes to $0 when looking at the history of my trains. Early on in the game (early 1900's) engine maint was always a cost but after a certain year (I can't remember when) the maint goes down drastically.

So this leaves me with 2 questions. Is this normal? and also I would have figured the older the locomotive the more maint cost it will have but I've got some 27 year old trains that have no maintenance fees, just fuel charges.

Should someone be changing out old loco's for new ones? I know the reliability gets worse over time but that's about it. Does the fuel consumption charges go up for older locos?

Thanks for reading
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Re: Engine Age and does it matter? Unread post

I don't know about RT2, but with RT3 the fuel cost does increase over time. On the other hand, so does maintenance cost. As far as I know RT3 maintenance costs never drops to zero, and we have tested it past 25 years.

The zero cost after a point may be deliberate in RT2, or it may be a bug. I don't know if anyone has ever tested it to nail down the algorithm behind it (we did this for RT3).
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Re: Engine Age and does it matter? Unread post

Sounds like a bug, but I don't remember it. Perhaps it's a glitch that is not reliably replicated? Maybe starting a fresh game can solve it. Did you use any cheat codes? Not having experience, but I suppose that using those codes may cause unexpected behavior afterwards?
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