Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch

A private forum for those folks working on patches for RRT3.
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I don't remember if this has been the way RT3 works or if it is embeded in the map.

1. The 1866 ledger end of year event fired in June of 1867.

2. Each time a dialog fires, I hit pause. When I close the dialog the game comes off pause on its own.

3. I had the Indians raid the railroad twice in the same month. It came off pause each time but the month didn't change. At the same time I had 3 other different events fire with a dialog. closing each one automatically restarted the game. So game restarted 5 times in one month without my help.

I was unable to figure out, how to drop ship unprofitable cargo on the first around trip.
Since I was running on the fastist game speed, the trains did fill up as I struggled with the pause button on the 2nd round trip having more dialogs fire.

I save often and will go back tomorrow and slow down the game and try again to drop ship cargo. My game speed may be causing the problem.

This transcon. map is tough. It won't let me build track ahead of the mules and scrapers. But, I'm learning.
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A note to the zoom increase. The was no real reason why we capped the zoom at that number, but one of the issues I remember seein on very rough maps was that the video card buffers were overrun. I handled that case nicely so it wont crash but however, you'll see empty chunks that couldn't be allocated on the video card.

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The Big Dawg
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So that's why the empty chunks. :)
It's good to know it was intentional and for the good of the game/player. !*th_up*!
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Yeah, thats why. Its basically preventing the engine from blowing up. The engine was built, for the most part, in a pretty robust manner when dealing with out of memory situations. It was built to scale gracefully rather than blow up... :)

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That pretty much fits what I was seeing. The extra zoom doesn't seem to increase the empty chunk problem much, and it does let us see almost an entire 1024x1024 map now. Thanks for the info!
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Thats nice...
...every time I think about it... if I only would've been able to get away with spherical map, there would've been no end to the map!! :) so you would've seen a sphere if you zoomed far enough.

Oh well...

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1.06 Beta 5 Release Unread post

Here we go again... Sorry for the huge gap in updates; not sure when I'll get time to spend on RT3 again. This release adds partial support for pure al's new cargos, fixes bugs in economic and weather events, and probably includes a few surprises that I forgot to track when working on it. Pure al's and Bombardiere's buildings did NOT make it into this release, nor did the planned changes to the existing buildings - but the underlying code to support them *is* included, so with luck some clever person can release a Building Pack along the same lines as the Loco Packs.

Beta is available from the FTP site as Patch106\ If you have the experimental cargos installed, please remove them before installing this patch. Also, if you have Ned Fumpkin's Atlantis scenario installed, you'll probably have to uninstall it before the new cargos will work.
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I assume we should remove the previous patch (if installed) before we install this one?
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Wolverine@MSU wrote:I assume we should remove the previous patch (if installed) before we install this one?
Yes. Also remove the experimental cargo files if you have those installed.
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I know that it may be a little late to ask for this, but is there a way to increase the "baseline" volume of the sound. I know I can adjust it in the "Settings" window, but compared to non-RT3 audio levels, the RT3 sound is really weak. If I adjust the volume levels with the mixer controls in Windows to give an adequate sound level, the volume in RT3 is very much lower. Is there a way to fix it in RT3?
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Sorry - froze development so that this patch can finally go out. If there are bugs to fix in B5, I might be able to slip this in.
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1.06 Beta 6 Release (public) Unread post

Uploaded B6 to the anonymous account and asked Hawk to replace the current public B4 with it. The new release contains just fixes for the three bugs reported since B5. Sorry, Wolverine@MSU, didn't get time to hunt down the audio level setting.
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It's in the engmod folder. Look for
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Re: 1.06 Beta 6 Release (public) Unread post

milo wrote:..... Sorry, Wolverine@MSU, didn't get time to hunt down the audio level setting.
That's OK. I see you did fix the "Game doesn't stay paused after reading ledger at beginning od year" thingy I asked about. I still find myself with finger poised over the <Esc> key and mouse pointer over the red button to pause immediately after the ledger closes. It's going to take a while to get used to not having to do this "press and click" routine.
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The latest version of the patch is in public beta and can be found on the Extras page, as of Sept. 30, 2007
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Re: Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch Unread post

Just out of curiosity: does anyone still have copies of the early 1.06 Alpha builds?

I noticed that HAAL was apparently finalised by 1.06 Alpha 02, and am wondering how hard it would be to make a version of 1.06 that dropped HAAL. A comparison with an early Alpha, that had the minimum of changes from 1.05, may be useful.
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Re: Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch Unread post

I have a couple Alpha files. One is named with an RT3.exe date of 8/15/09 at 57 MB and one named with an RT3.exe date of 4/30/04 (that sounds a bit peculiar) at 77.7 MB.
I think they're a little too big to attach to a post so I've uploaded them both to my family genealogy site.

Let me know if this is what you're looking for. I'll look and see if I have anything else.

Edit 1: Links removed. Files deleted from site to save on storage.
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Re: Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch Unread post

Thanks. I'm not after TM alpha, but I'll take a look at the first one.

Milo's post here says he released 1.06 Alpha 02 in early February, 2007. A date of 8/15/09 doesn't fit anywhere near that, but that could just be the date the file was copied.

Edit: Ok, took a look at it. It's a TM alpha. :)
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Re: Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch Unread post

Boy, do I feel stupid now. *!*!*! Not sure what I was thinking. ^**lylgh

It looks like the oldest 1.06 I have is named rt3_1.06_b4, which - according to the included readme, says it's 1.06 beta 4. The readme and the exe are dated 3/26/07. It's small enough to attach here.

I'll look a little deeper and see what else, if anything, I can find. Of course, since you have Alpha 2, this one probably is of no use to you either. :oops:

Edit 1: Nope. I dug through everything I had and found nothing older. Sorry!!

Edit 2: BTW! It looks like color isn't working on the hr code now. Is that intentional?
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Re: Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch Unread post

No, I don't already have Beta 2. I just noticed Milo's old post, in which he said that Beta 2 included the final version of the HAAL code, so figured that would be the best starting point if it was available. If it's not available, no problem. I'll stash Beta 4 anyway and see if I can make heads or tails of it.

And yes, the colour is disabled in hr now. It just makes a basic hr tag in the HTML, and all styling is applied by the style's CSS.
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