Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch

A private forum for those folks working on patches for RRT3.
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Re: Project: Unofficial 1.06 Patch Unread post

Just looking at the list in the OP of this thread. Taking only the items that were completed, and leaving out the rest, 1.06 seems to include the following:
  • be able to turn off non-evented storms and economy changes
  • slightly increase possible zoom distance to cover huge maps
  • fix unimplemented events, such as specialized track counters
  • fix instabilities after deactivating players
  • fix crashes when deleting track
  • prevent AIs from reusing logos
  • fix alignment of custom logos in message lines
  • be able to 'reserve' certain amount of cargo in each building
  • support express traffic to/from warehouses and ports
  • be able to ship at a loss
  • support drop-shipping: leave cargo at station for pickup by another train
Ok, most of that makes sense to me, but some things are not at all clear.

  • be able to 'reserve' certain amount of cargo in each building
  • be able to ship at a loss
  • support drop-shipping: leave cargo at station for pickup by another train
1/ What is this "reserve cargo" supposed to do, and how is it implemented?
  1. Is it set manually in a .cty file?
  2. Is it an in-game, or in-editor option?
  3. What does the "reserved cargo" actually do, in terms of effect on game play?
2/ What are the distinctions between "ship at a loss" and "support drop shipping"?

As far as I can tell from checking old topics here, when people talk about "drop shipping" they simply mean using HAAL to drop unprofitable cargo at another station, after which there is no actual guarantee that it will stay put long enough to be picked up by another train. In which case there is no distinction at all. "Drop shipping" is simply HAAL. End of.

Actual "drop shipping" would imply that you have a defined way of making a dropped cargo stay put where it is dropped, which AFAIK is not actually possible with RT3's cargo dynamics. And in any case, relaying cargo from one station to the next is not something that relies on HAAL. It happens all the time in RT3, even with profitable price gradients between stations.
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