Problem to create victory conditions

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Problem to create victory conditions Unread post

Hello everybody

First, i'd like to appologize for my english but i'm french so ... ;)

Can someone explain to me how to create the conditions i'd like ?

I'd like, after a number of year i chose, that the player win

- gold if he has the compagny with the best benefits and the best value of his stocks and cash
- silver if he has second best of both
- bronze if he has the third best
- lose if he doesn't

Thanks ;)
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Problem to create victory conditions Unread post

In the archives, on the Tips, Tutorials, Utilities page there is a series of 10 pdf tutorials under the heading Guide to Writing RT3 Events.
You can most likely find what you need in those tutorials.

Unfortunately they're not in French.
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