New Buildings

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Stoker wrote:Another question I have concerning buildings is where are the "standard" ones contained in the program files? Are they "packaged" in a compressed file (apparently) and if so how do I unpackage them to get at the base files so I can monkey with them?
Apparently nobody has answered your question, sorry about that!

Anyways, if you look in RRT3/Data/3D you will see several PK4 files that must be unpacked. If you're going to do a lot of modding, you can do what I did, which is to unpack each of these into the "PopTopExtraContent" folder, and then move the original PK4 to a "Backup" folder that you create. This will force the game to load assets in the unpacked form, and you can get at those assets on a whim. Of course, there's danger in this too; you might modify one of the game's default assets, and be basing your work on the modified version of the file, but then if you give your work to someone else who still has the original PK4 intact their game might load the original version instead. Best policy is to never directly edit the game's default files unless absolutely necessary; instead, create copies with new names, and then edit the copies. The exception would be files like the ones in Cargo Types; if I want Goods to load onto my new Goods Boxcar, then I have to change this file to reference the new assets. Still, I do create a backup first.
=Winchester, Paston & Portsmouth=
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

JFMarvelous wrote:yes there is. My "a" folder consists of "filelist.txt", "pack4.exe",and "6 shipyard.tga" files to pack.
a file.jpg
My strong suspicion is that you are not "in" the folder you need to be in, in the dos prompt. If you are using vista or anything that's obsessive compulsive about administrator priveleges enable them to use the dos prompt.
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

**!!!** my dos command line reads (\"My Documents"\a\pack4.exe filelist.txt pk4name.pk4) (Have also tried using actual file name as in pk4shipyard.pk4), same error comes up !hairpull! Did you look at the filelist.txt I posted before to see if I did it right :?: !$th_u$! for your help.
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

btw, I am using XP Home SP3.
also landfill I have (12-9-08maybe) has no "buy" option. Is this right?
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

have made some progress !hairpull! I have the dos commamd open to this point( "My Documents"\a\pack4.exe"\ ) I can not "tab" open" file.txt" and typing in from ---4.exe\filelist.txt pk4name.pk4 and(pk4shipyard.pk4) and ---txt\pk4namepk4 and maybe a few other ways too !hairpull! error says the directory name is invalid :!: so is it snytax or txt or what *!*!*!
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The "\" character tells DOS that you're looking in a directory; if you say "pack4.exe\filelist.txt" then it is trying to interpret that as the directory named "pack4.exe", and of course such directory does not exist. You want to get to your "a" folder and then type in the command with spaces and not slashes:

"C:\...\MyDocuments\a: pack4.exe filelist.txt output.pk4"

You only type in the bold portion; your command prompt should already be showing that you are in the "a" directory.
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

Thanks for the info WP, I appreciate it! I am concentrating on getting out a "new" (redux of the SP poptop map with complete new script) 1.06 version right now, but I am slowly learning the guts of the game andd will certainly try my hand at modding some stuff soon.

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Stoker, if you want some marching orders, I've only reached a halfway point in my freight overhaul mod; I have released a number of unique cars with improved skins that are on my own page and this one. My original intent was to extend this to every cargo in the game, providing a distinctive car for it, with staggered transition dates such that the increase in train weight is more gradual. Now, I'm thinking of adding a parameter to it: Making all freight cars come in blocks of 2 or 3 cars each. I was previously told that this is not possible, but now that I have had some success with 3D editing it does indeed seem possible to me. I'm about to do the work on a proof-of-concept car.

At any rate, a mod so all-encompassing will take a lot of work. It is the dream of long strings of hoppers behind heavy N&W steam that urges me onward, but perhaps you might have a passion for oil tankers or auto-racks, etc. Might you have an interest in biting off any of this to chew? Even if I don't meet with success in developing cuts of 2 or 3 cars, I still want to finish what I started in terms of unique car skins.
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

still getting an error (does not recon. command) as an enternal or external program or batch file
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

It's very simple.

Type in


And then hit enter.

Notice how the words at the left of your curose get shorter? You know how you click through windows up and down? Well you have to type your way up and down windows.


Takes you down one folder

cd nameoffolder

takes you up into the next folder. Go one folder at a time since you're obviously new at this, dos prompts and stuff of this nature can be a pain if you're new.
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

I have tried unsuccessfully to unpak the original files as WP&P advised "Anyways, if you look in RRT3/Data/3D you will see several PK4 files that must be unpacked. If you're going to do a lot of modding, you can do what I did, which is to unpack each of these into the "PopTopExtraContent" folder, and then move the original PK4 to a "Backup" folder that you create.".
Is there a specific program I should use to unzip the PK4 files? *((hlp))*

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I'm sure it's mentioned elsewhere, but I've been using Watto Studios "Game Extractor" for this purpose. The other PK4 utilities that I tried barfed on the RRT3 format, it may be that there is only this one utility that works for RRT3.
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

Thanks. Trying to use Wattos extractor, it is pretty wonky but I have managed to unpack the original building files. I have seen reference to "PJays" extractor. Is this still available?

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Re: New Buildings Unread post

If you d/l the current zip file for the Trainmaster passenger coaches, I've included a pk4 unpacker, and the pk4 packer utilities...with instructions.
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Re: New Buildings Unread post

Ned's Passenger_carriages download includes a pk4 pack/unpack utility. I think this is the link to it, or in extra's download page. I don't know if this is PJay's or not?
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the pack utility comes from the game, but the java unpack I do think comes from PJay. I've had it for a very long time.
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