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Settings or patches to improve FPS

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:24 pm

Settings or patches to improve FPS

Unread post by traindriver »

Once i hit after 300 trains the FPS goes to 0.4

Is there any patches or graphic settings to improve FPS?

i7-7700hq 16GB NVDIA1050 512GBSSD

i use NVDIA1050 on RT3.exe instead of using intel 630HD
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Re: Settings or patches to improve FPS

Unread post by Gumboots »

300 trains is a heck of a lot. I'm surprised the game runs at all. Anyway, play around with the graphics settings.

1/ Model detail should not be run maxed out. I know everything thinks it's cool to set it all to max, but it's pointless and it increases rendering loads. What "Model detail" does is set the distance at which models change level of detail (ie: change to a simpler mesh). It has no effect on the distance at which skins change from A to B to C, etc. It only affects the actual mesh.

I usually run it on 12 for trains and buildings, which is far enough away that you can't notice the difference most of the time. Occasionally you will be able to pick a detail change, if you are really looking for it, but you'll never notice in general gameplay. For trees I use 14 and for ground I use 16. Even if ground is maxed out you will still be able to see the topography changing when you zoom right out, so in practice you might as well just pick a lower level that's not too annoying. !#2bits#!

2/ Draw distance. I set that pretty high, at 17 for buildings, trains and trees and 20 (maximum) for track. I also set tree density at 100%, but if you're playing a map with lots of trees you could drop that to 70 or 80%, or as low as you feel like.

3/ Miscellaneous > Shadows. The pop-up text warns that this setting can have a large speed impact. I run them on default quality, and couldn't notice any difference in appearance between that setting and High.
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