Speed cap on suspension/bridges

Discussion of Pop Top's last release of RRT.
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Speed cap on suspension/bridges Unread post

Anyone notice this weird occurrence?

A loco running on a very long suspension bridge is capped to roughly 81% of its speed. I set a very high pull weight modifier so speed with all loads reach maximum.

The e-88 has a top speed of 330, and max speed while on the suspension bridge hovers around 269, 270. **!!!** This cap is not affected by cargo weight or consist length. Full passenger consist, or full alcohol consist, or 1 car consist or 8 car consist all give the same speed cap.
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Re: Speed cap on suspension/bridges Unread post

Makes sense. The game most likely treats them as steel bridges, and steel bridges in RT3 cap train speed at about 80% of their 0% grade maximum with whatever consist they are hauling. Wooden bridges cap speed at 50%, while stone allows the full 100%.
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Re: Speed cap on suspension/bridges Unread post

So suspension bridges while looking lovely is not really good for speed. Sometimes its possible to get a stone bridge instead of suspension when crossing long distance over water. Anyone experienced that?
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Re: Speed cap on suspension/bridges Unread post

Yeah, the game's bridges have some eccentricities :D I found out about that trick when playing the Rhodes Unfinished map. In that case it wouldn't work with timber bridges, but would work with steel bridges.It's a good dodge when you can get away with it.
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