RT3 Mapping Problem, all locos are available

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RT3 Mapping Problem, all locos are available Unread post

I'm not sure if I'm asking this in the right place, but here goes:

I've been working on my own RT3 map, and I have a problem. At some point I used the "Trains are in my blood" command and now every loco is available everytime. I've tried deselecting all locos. I've written an event to set access to all steam locos to false, same for diesel and electric. So far nothing has worked. Is there anyway to turn the 'trains are in my blood' off? Anybody know how I can fix this?

Thanks for helping me find a place to ask my question Hawk,
Overland Steve
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This happened to me in the Pandaimonia map, but Ihaven't found a way to fix it (and I tried a long time).
I ended up having to disallow train buying, altogether.

The only way to rescue a map after this that I can think of is to wait for PJ to develop a heightmap-extraction-and-import tool. That way, at least you don't lose your landscaping work.
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Have you tried reinstalling the game?
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If you have a hex editor, change the byte at offset 505Ah in your .gmp file from 1 to 0.
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It probably occurred because you invoked the cheat while in editor mode and then saved the map. If you don't have an earlier version of the map to revert back to, you're stuck (except by following milo's directions on how to edit it out at the hex-level).
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The Big Dawg
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If you don't have an earlier version of the map to revert back to, you're stuck (except by following milo's directions on how to edit it out at the hex-level).
...or-you could try this little ditty just created and submitted by milo called Clear Cheat. :wink:

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Hey Milo, thanks for the help.

Is this a DOS command?
And if so can you show me exactly what I need to type in the command line? So far I'm not having any luck. I studied DOS right about the time the earth's crust was cooling and I don't remember very much of it.

Overland Steve
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Milo! How ... ? How! How do you do it??? Brilliant! I'm speechless!
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Overland wrote:Is this a DOS command?
And if so can you show me exactly what I need to type in the command line?
Easiest way to use it, assuming that your original map is called "Foo" and the new repaired map should be called "Bar":
  • If you have any Railroad Tycoon 3 windows open, close them and exit the game.
  • Figure out where your copy of Railroad Tycoon is installed. Usually it's in C:\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3. You can verify this by right-clicking on the "Play Railroad Tycoon 3" shortcut and looking at the "Start in:" field. If the directory is different, use that path instead in the following instructions.
  • Download clrcheat.exe to the Maps subdirectory. If you get clrcheat as a ZIP file instead, download that to a temporary directory, open it under Windows Explorer, and drag clrcheat.exe to the Maps subdirectory.
  • Open a command prompt, probably through Start->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.
  • At the prompt, type this command to go to the Maps subdirectory:

    Code: Select all

    C:\> cd /d "C:\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3\Maps"
  • Again at the prompt, type this command to create the repaired "Bar" map:

    Code: Select all

    C:\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3\Maps> .\clrcheat Foo.gmp Bar.gmp
    It should print something like

    Code: Select all

    Resetting 'Trains are in my blood'...
    Done removing cheat flags!
  • Restart the game, load Bar into the map editor, and verify that it has the correct contents.
Looking forward to your new map!
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Now I remember why I hated DOS.

I typed the command, but I keep getting the same error message, "Invalid switch - /D"
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Try leaving it out and just typing

Code: Select all

cd "\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3\Maps"
The /d parameter on cd is necessary only if you're changing drive letters.
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If you put a shortcut to the MS-DOS command prompt in your maps directory and run the command prompt from there, you should be able to skip all of the "cd" (Change Directory) stuff and just execute the program: "clrcheat Foo.gmp Bar.gmp"
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OK, I'm getting closer. After typing: .\clrcheat my file name.gmp Bar.gmp I get the following response: Usage: clrcheat <.GMP file to fix> <output .GMP file>
and I'm back at the C:\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3\Maps> prompt.

So now what? Does clrcheat create the new bar.gmp file? Originally I thought I needed to copy my file and name it bar.gmp But since that didn't work, I deleted the bar.gmp file and tried again. But there is no sign of a new bar.gmp having been created.

My lack of knowledge of DOS is only exceeded by my stubbornness and desire to salvage this map. I appreciate your patience.
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Clrcheat creates the new file. It makes a copy of your old file, modifies it, and writes it out under the new filename.

Are there spaces in the name of your map? You may have to put double-quotes around one or both filenames. For example, if you're trying to fix a map called "Foo 1920" and produce a map called "Bar 1920", you'd specify the command as

Code: Select all

.\clrcheat "Foo 1920.gmp" "Bar 1920.gmp"
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O.K., I got the program to run and I got the "Done removing cheat flags!"
message, but I do not have a new fine named "Bar.gmp" anywhere on my HD.

So near, and yet so far!
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Could you post the exact commands you're typing? Also check how much free disk space you have.
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O.K., here is a screen capture:


And in case that isn't legible, I've written it out.

C:\WINDOWS>cd "\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3\Maps"

C:\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3\maps> .\clrcheat "DBB 01-07e.gmp" "Bar.gmp"
Resetting 'Trains are in my blood' ...
Done removing cheat flags!

C:\Program Files\Railroad Tycoon 3\maps>

Prompts are in bold

I've run the program half a dozen times, but still no sign of a file named Bar.gmp
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After running the clrcheat and getting back to the prompt, type "dir *.gmp" and see whether the new "Bar.gmp" is listed.
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It scrolls by so fast I can't see the whole list, but it is not on the bottom half.
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then try "dir bar.gmp" or dir "bar.*"
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