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TM - Juice Train

Discuss scenarios and strategies for game play.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Blackhawk wrote:If I recall correctly, paper mills and furniture factories usually make a good profit. . .
!*th_up*! That's what I found too.
Paper mills seem to process way above their maximum. Furniture factories do a 1:2 conversion ratio so that's neat. I noticed Lumber mills don't make as much, now they max out at 6 upgraded versus 10 in 1.06. The Paper mill makes up for this, and it is cheaper to boot. I also discovered that Meat Packing Plants produce Hides even when they are not supplied with any cattle. Useful when you plonk one down next to a Furniture Factory if you don't have enough log supply to max it out. They manage to make around 10% on their purchase price without any supply.

So far I am enjoying the Chemicals and Paper to Goods conversion in the Publishing House. Another 1:2 conversion. Only difficulty is getting more than 2 on a square without too much overlap. Seems the building footprint carried over from the Electric Plant which is a bit clunky. Loving the Missile Plant and Sea World buildings, whoever did them did a top job!

Just played Monkey Business, I believe Edbangor made it. At the start I had to build up all industry on the main chimp island. Was this the scenario you were referring to? I am right now playing your (unfinished) scenario North vs. South. Had to add a test for year 1895 to the event that tests for 30 cities, otherwise is playing well and I am stretched out trying to make deliveries. Never mind that you haven't finished it, I can imagine it would get a bit overwhelming. Just playing Trainmaster is a little overwhelming for beginners. Maybe that is why quite a few folks have stuck with 1.05 and 1.06. Too bad as it really adds a lot to the picture. I am growing more fond of it, the more I play.

Off topic question: Is it possible to change the industry recipes in the scenario editor or are they hard-coded, but change frequently with the passing years?
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by Blackhawk »

I am unsure if that is the scenario, but it probably was. Many of Ed's maps had Monkey in the name and I have gotten mixed up on which map was which. I just looked at the TM download page and noticed that some of the maps I once played were not there. Maybe they were never released as "complete" or maybe they are included in the campaign files for the game.

Hawk, if you read this, with Ned seemingly AWOL and the TM campaigns likely never to be fully finished, maybe it would be best to release the TM campaign maps as scenario maps instead? I don't want to mess with Ned's idea of an entire group of TM campaign maps, but I also don't want people to look at the TM download page and only see a couple maps and forget about the ones that are included in the campaign download file.

Good luck in my North v. South scenario. I had a lot of plans for that scenario but I tried to implement too many ideas into one scenario and each time I went back to revise things it was just a chore repeatedly bug test because the scenario's length. I liked that I was able to create a little randomness in that the city requiring medicine could vary. I also liked that I was working on events that looked at how much of one cargo was removed and replaced the following year with the "produced" cargo, and had a penalty system if it was too low. Also making multiple roads towards victory is something I'd like to expand on one day if I ever get time. This wasn't the best scenario for that as it last almost 100 years so it's a lot of work to do events for both paths to victory. Although if I had suceeded with it, it would have provided a bit more replayability. If I was going to redo it, I'd probably shorten the scenario's length considerably. I've always been a fan of shorter scenarios, but I figured I'd try something different and Ned was encouraging us to try longer scenarios to take advantage of TM's ever changing industrial base.

To answer the off-topic question: The changes are hard coded into the industry files so the scenario editor has no control over when the change will occur. I remember back when TM was more in development we all pretty much had the PDF file for the industries open as we played to make sure we didn't miss a change that occurred to one of our industries. !hairpull!
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by Hawk »

Blackhawk wrote:
Hawk, if you read this, with Ned seemingly AWOL and the TM campaigns likely never to be fully finished, maybe it would be best to release the TM campaign maps as scenario maps instead? I don't want to mess with Ned's idea of an entire group of TM campaign maps, but I also don't want people to look at the TM download page and only see a couple maps and forget about the ones that are included in the campaign download file.
Good point BH. I'll look into converting them to scenarios. !*th_up*!

I sure wish I knew what happened with Ned. I've sent him a PM and a couple of emails and have not heard anything back. I hope everything is OK with him.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Blackhawk, I see what you are saying. I was lining up to start hauling weapons and ammo for the 1892 requirement, when the recipes changed in 1890 and I suddenly needed steel instead of iron. Time to back-track and do some predictive planning. Wow, 100 years! This might take awhile.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by Blackhawk »

I've had this tab open for awhile just never responded. :oops:
Hawk wrote:I sure wish I knew what happened with Ned. I've sent him a PM and a couple of emails and have not heard anything back. I hope everything is OK with him.
Hopefully he's okay. We saw him less and less as he was working on his house; hopefully nothing happened to him during his home improvements or with his vision issues.
RulerofRails wrote:Blackhawk, I see what you are saying. I was lining up to start hauling weapons and ammo for the 1892 requirement, when the recipes changed in 1890 and I suddenly needed steel instead of iron. Time to back-track and do some predictive planning. Wow, 100 years! This might take awhile.
I don't know if you are still playing that scenario or not. But yes the frequent changes of the industries in TM can be a handful. Particularly for the longer scenarios, since you need to go back and recheck industries and re-route supplies and trains often. The worst part is when you check your industry ledger and see you're losing money on some of your industries and realize it's cause their supply demands changed! !hairpull! As for the North v South scenario, I think it's easiest to try and get as many weapons/ammo done before the 1890 change, and then supplement that using steel if needed.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by RulerofRails »

I am currently playing North versus South, as I get play time. Second time round I had the Weapons and Ammo sitting on trains just outside Black Dust ready to be delivered as soon as the event came up. I must say you are a genius coming up with the town names! I love all the word plays you came up with! !*th_up*!
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by Blackhawk »

I seem to be rather slow to respond to threads when it is in regards to my own work. **!!!** Thanks for the compliment on the town names. I figured it was a fictional map and there were going to be so many towns, that if the town names had a hint of what the town actually did, it would be easier to remember where everything was.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by nedfumpkin »

Hey! I'm still alive, so watch when you talk about me. Had some coputer troubles that delayed my return.

To go with my loss of vision, I am now the proud owner of arthritis in me knees and ankles. But I am hoping to get back into TM soon as I get it all figured out in my head again.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by Blackhawk »

Welcome back Ned! Good to see you returned. We noticed you now have a pig on your facebook page, will that mean there is a future Pig mod for TM to replace the monkey portraits? ^**lylgh
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by nedfumpkin »

Maybe...there is a file where you can change the you could even use your school yearbook photoos.:)
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by Gumboots »

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about the arthritis. Bit of a nusiance.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by nedfumpkin »

Excruciating pain is what I got. Getting it under control though.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by RulerofRails »

Hi, Ned. Welcome back to the forum. I am a relative newcomer but have enjoyed your contributions and can't wait to see what you get going next. Glad you are ok, sorry to hear about your arthritis, though. Wish you all the best.
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Re: TM - Juice Train

Unread post by Tomix »

Welcome back, and wish you the best.
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