Adding Files to the Archive!

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The Big Dawg
Posts: 6504
Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:28 am
Location: North Georgia - USA

Adding Files to the Archive! Unread post

Please Note:
Before submitting a map for the archives, please start a topic in the appropriate forum and post your map - in zip or rar format - for beta testing.

ATTN: Earthlink and Mindspring users:
Please see this post in the forums as to why you can't use either of those email addresses.
Also, and are now blocking email from the IP address this site is hosted on.
Plus, if you use Gmail, make sure you check the spam/junk folder. Gmail has recently decided that email from this domain is spam.
If you don't find a reply there it's most likely due to Gmail blocking this domain completely.

The following information is not mandatory, but it will make things easier for me.
Not following these recommendations may result in it taking longer to get your file added to the archives. The more I have to do to edit your files to meet these conventions, the longer it will take to get added.

Adding some information in the message box of the below link will also help a lot. Info like what version of RT3 you file is intended for, who you are, your email address, or any other pertinent info. If I have to go searching the forums for any info about your upload it will greatly add to the time it takes to get added to the archives.

File Naming Convention:

The download counting script I use doesn't like spaces in file names. Use and underscore or hyphen in place of a space. It doesn't like any other special characters.
Use only letters (uppercase and/or lowercase) and numbers.

Example: (or rar)


Read Me's:

If you add a read me to the zip/rar, name it the same as the zip/rar.


A text file is the recommended file format for read me's. Any other format will have to be converted to a txt format by me, adding to the time it will take before being added.



Screenshots should be in jpg format and no bigger than 1024 pixels wide, using the same naming convention as above.

Example: for more than one shot if needed

Getting the file to me:

Once your file(s) is/are ready, go to this link, fill in the form fields, use the ‘Browse’ button to find the file(s) on your hard drive, then hit the ‘Upload’ button.
Once the upload begins you'll see a crossing gate in action.
Animated_Train_Gate.gif (43.77 KiB) Viewed 4604 times
As long as the crossing gate is working, your file is being uploaded. Once the upload is complete the crossing gate will disappear and you will get a message saying the upload was successful.

I will be sent an email automatically once your file(s) have been uploaded. No need to email me and let me know.

For files larger than 200 MB, please Contact Me for FTP information.

Please Note:

Attaching maps to a post for beta testing is perfectly fine. However, once the scenario is ready for the archives, it's not a good idea to count on me to notice that's it's ready. Being busy with other things I don't always read every word in every post.

Once it's ready please follow the information above. :salute: