Recent (2013) 1.06 update issues on Steam under Win8

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Recent (2013) 1.06 update issues on Steam under Win8 Unread post

Hi everyone :)

I know there are some old threads about this, but since many things changed on Windows, I want to ask again to make sure I do the right thing.

After 2 years, I decided to re-install the game from my Steam account on my new notebook. To my (positive) surprise, it worked flawlessly, if I click "play" it will open, normally, the 1.05 version, without any problems!

However, I cannot apply the old 1.06 patch there. I get a message on the installer saying it can't update the rrt 3 file. I tried some old solutions, like extracting the install to the Steam app for RRT3 folder, copying the RRT3 folder elsewhere for pathcing... same error.

Does anyone have any clue how to solve it?
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Recent (2013) 1.06 update issues on Steam under Win8 Unread post

It sounds like you might be bumping into two different problems.

1) Steam's proprietary exe file.

2) Windows security settings.

The 1.06 patch is looking for a specific rt3.exe file and Steam's is different. Also, if you installed into the Program Files (86) directory or the Program Files directory, Windows won't let you make changes to files in those directories.

What you could try is this:

Create a new folder somewhere on your C drive and name it something like Railroad Tycoon 3 - 106. Then copy everything in the Railroad Tycoon folder to this new folder. All the files shown in this screenshot.
RT3.jpg (23.11 KiB) Viewed 3162 times
Then go to this link, and follow the instructions there.
Note the two RT3 exe's in the above screenshot. One is the original and one is the exe from the above link.

Now run the 1.06 patch and point it to the new folder you created.

Because you have the Steam version, I can't guarantee this will work due to Steam's proprietary file settings, and I don't know if this will work on Win 8 (I still run XP and I wouldn't touch Steam to save my life. Been there! Done that! Won't do it again), but it's worth a try.

If the above doesn't work, see this post by one of our esteemed members, although this post is intended for those with the RT3 cd.


Even if you were successful at updating your Steam install to 1.06, Steam would just overwrite it the nest time your computer connected to Steam.

Also, see this thread about multiple installs for further information about this method.

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Re: Recent (2013) 1.06 update issues on Steam under Win8 Unread post

Thank you! It worked flawlessly. It is a bit tricky to get it done (place a file that can be patched), but I follow all instructions and it went fine.

Game is apparently working normally on Win 8. Amazing that it can! IT was a torment to get it working on Vista, not it has no problem working at all!
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The Big Dawg
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Re: Recent (2013) 1.06 update issues on Steam under Win8 Unread post

Great! Glad you got it working. (0!!0)
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