Haul It

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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Haul It Unread post

Have not found a thread on this map. It's the Pacific Northwest map reworked that has a lot of hauling goals. I started playing last night but didn't seem to be progressing very well. Just wondering if anyone has played this map and what kind of strategies they used.
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Re: Haul It Unread post

This map shares the irregularities in seeding patterns that have been pointed out in the Pacific NW map thread. I would have to suspect that the main culprit is the predominately mountainous terrain. It's normal for there to be a couple of seed types with just a few variations, but it seems here that if the game fails to seed one industry due "height variation is too great..." error, it may place something else or just give up completely.

Haulage goals are not robust in this game. They are too easy to cheat. All one needs to do is haul the same load over and over again. Some people place 5 or 6 countryside stations on a regular run and haul the load from one to the next thus multiplying the count greatly. I don't do that (cheating IMO), but if a cargo is demanded 3 cities away and the price gradient is steadily increasing between the cities I will haul the cargo from one city to the next instead of making a direct run which I may or may not do if there was no haulage goal. (Would probably do it for perishable cargo and if volume is fairly high.)

If we talk about finding "possibility" we are talking about pure cheating such as re-routing a train in transit back to it's original station (or to one with an even lower price). Another trick is to have two stations, one right next to an industry the other a Large variety as far away as possible while still covering the industry. Then a train will run back and forth between the two, counting the same cargo over and over again.

Because of these cheat methods, I don't see much strategic possibility in haulage maps, so they are not among my favorites. I never played this one.

In terms of economic options to make money Furniture Plants aren't a bad option, however using too many will make it harder to get the Lumber haulage goal. I would tend to place one or two initially near one Lumber Mill (for steady supply) and then haul Lumber from other towns there as needed, but letting a lot of Lumber drift around the map which is probably the best way to get the Lumber goal. Steel Mills and Tool & Dies are good ideas too. All the seeds I saw seem to have enough Coal and Iron to supply a couple Steel Mills.

As far as rail profits, one should probably (depends on seeding) start in Canada, but there's the option to wait to lay track till March when you can start in the USA. This may be good if you don't see many chemical plants. But you will then be behind on the largest haul (Lumber) so it's a toss up.

When loading the map a few times I came across a seed with only 2 Chemical Plants and 1 crop farm (Corn) on the entire map. I suspect more will be steadily added, but if the economy downgrades early on this rate may be slower and who knows how easy it will be to get "honest" hauls for Chemicals and Fertilizer.

Hope this helps. If you have a more specific question let me know. I wasn't sure from your post whether you were simply not making money or weren't seeing high enough load counts. I could try to give some specifics on a start strategy but with the irregular seeding they may not even apply when you start a new game. Would have to do several unless you describe the seed you are using.
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Re: Haul It Unread post

Thanks for the reply :) I am seeing pretty much what you have explained. I have never used those cheat methods. Probably never even crossed my mind. I'm not a robber baron either. I suppose I have a lot of trouble sometimes with maps because I try to play as realistic a style as I can even though I know this isn't the real world. To me that is the most enjoyable way to play. I like nice track as realistic as possible with logical train setup for the most part. My engine use is more or less the same. Local freights get the type of engines they would most likely get in the real world. Love to use Shay's for hauling logs down the mountain for example. Anyway, I really enjoy reading how others approached a map though I rarely read hints till I've at least had 1 go at a map with no pre-conceived ideas. :-D
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Re: Haul It Unread post

FYI, the only really useful steamers here are the H-10 Mikado and then the U1. Others such as Pacific, Northern, Challenger and Big Boy cost at least double in fuel. Not realistic, but that's the way the game is. This blatant discrepancy triggered my investigations into fuel cost. I'm still trying to work out a system to relate performance and economics, to hopefully do as good job as possible, but at some point in the future there will be a better car weight progression and better balanced engines.

I am assuming you have played the standard Pacific Northwest map before. If you haven't I would try that one before having a serious attempt at this one.

Personally, I don't feel really compelled to play this one. For me these sort of larger number hauls are a challenge, but more along the lines of "Do you know how to do it or not?" Well, I know how to do it, but there isn't much strategy (favorite part of the game) available to improve without going on the borderlines of "cheats." IMO, cheats aren't strategic but the same question "Do you know how to do it or not?" Such game is repetitive. Without my favorite element of strategy, there's really no point to play.
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Re: Haul It Unread post

I've been reading all the stuff you posted on engines and follow it for the most part even though I'd die to be able to run the bigboy or challenger on occasion. I also have played the Pacific Northwest map quite a few times. I've also done a bit of terrain modifying on that map so I can run a reasonable track from Spokane to Portland along the Columbia River. I'm actually a ways into the Haul it map and doubt I'll medal but it's fun to see if I can complete any of the haulage goals by doing it my way. So far I'm only building in the interior, Alberta and Montana. Main thing is to have fun I guess and so far I would say I am. At this point I'm running all P2's. The U1 is not available yet and right now I'm considering electrifying and running the GG1 and/or the Bi-polar. Got some wicked grades on 2 spurs to get chemicals down off the top of mountains. ^**lylgh
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Re: Haul It Unread post

CeeBee wrote:... I'd die to be able to run the bigboy or challenger on occasion.
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Re: Haul It Unread post

Gumboots put the link to where I posted up some temporary files which will work in the meantime. Note: these use the 1.06 start, stop years. :-D

The P-2 is decent on fuel too. I didn't mention it because it isn't a default 1.05, so you must have installed it for another map at one time or another.
CeeBee wrote:I also have played the Pacific Northwest map quite a few times. I've also done a bit of terrain modifying on that map so I can run a reasonable track from Spokane to Portland along the Columbia River.
Yeah, this area always seemed a little strange. As far as I can tell, the river has "disappeared" in order to make track laying easier. If you want, you could post your version in the thread for that map.

The P2 isn't a default 1.05 loco. It has fan-boy stats (a bit over-the-top compared to the surrounding locos), that give it great performance. Running costs are low as well, so you made a good choice. !*th_up*!

RE: potential electrification. I would suggest that you should head down into the USA with the object of getting the Chemical and Fertilizer hauls online rather than outlaying the money for electric track.

The F3 (semi-realistic as a freight/mixed engine?) is half-decent on the more moderate grades. On those and the flatter runs the F3 will give better bang for your buck since you wont have the electric track costs (since electric track costs more, you pay more to maintain it as well). The GG1 isn't suited for the majority of the terrain and the map. The Bi-polar is better, however, it is the most expensive electric to run in the game with a substantial maintenance charge. The Bi-polar will still likely do better economically than steam with the major reason being of course that no water stops are necessary.
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Re: Haul It Unread post

Looked at the map a little closer. Rivers are goofy as heck. Terrain ain't so great either. I played till 1939 and quit. I don't need the grief !*00*! Thanks for all the pointers though. Got more reading to do about loco's it seems :salute:
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