New map for rrt3: RAVONIA

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

:-) I recently posted a new (fantasy) map for RRT3 1.06, called RAVONIA. Have anyone out there played it? I would like to have your comments, so I can improve my future maps. At last I have figured out, how game variables works, and I have used them for the first time in this map. Any feedback is wellcome!
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

I've been working on this one for a bit.

Love the thought that you have to actually build in a short time with very limited amount of rail. (Generally I like to run businesses until I have a great deal of cash so I can go ahead and push out the rail, but can't do that this time)

One thing I did notice was that even though you're not supposed to be able to start multiple companies, I was able to get one up, then buy it out so I could improve my pv. It only allowed me one, though, so that may be something you want to look into.

I had a hard time getting my stock bought up, and it wasn't long before all the other companies stock was gone, so that hurt as well.

I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to be able to medal at expert.

I've restarted a few times, so this one is going to be one I keep banging my head against for a bit. :-P
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

:-? : I wonder how you have managed to start up a multiple company? I have checked this map in the editor, showing "Disable starting Multiple Companies". Besides, I have forgotten to mention that this map is created for RRT3 1.06, when I posted the map to Hawk. :-)
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Yeah, I saw that in the map editor as well, so it's a total mystery to me.

Also, I am into 1936 now, thought it was supposed to end at the beginning of 1935. No trigger?? **!!!**
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

**!!!** I had Bronce 1935 when I tested the map before posting it. Today I took a look at this map in the editor, and everything seems to be OK. Do you play version 1.06? If that, I don´t understand the trouble **!!!**
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

UncleJR wrote:Yeah, I saw that in the map editor as well, so it's a total mystery to me.

Also, I am into 1936 now, thought it was supposed to end at the beginning of 1935. No trigger?? **!!!**
If you prevent the human player from resigning from his original company that will insure that he can't start another company. He can still merge with other companies if that is desired.
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Played this a couple of days ago. I enjoyed it, especially the whole limited track thing, as I could have expanded much more quickly without its implementation. Truly a challenge to build those massive cross-island lines.
Unfortunately, I was ousted from the game in 1905 even though I had connected all the required cities. :-( The lose event then said that I was supposed to connect all those cities to the Capital, Harwan, or something. However, there is no mention of this in the briefing, it only says to connect the cities.
Great Scenario from what I saw though, arop. Well done! !*th_up*!
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

wsherrick wrote:
UncleJR wrote:Yeah, I saw that in the map editor as well, so it's a total mystery to me.

Also, I am into 1936 now, thought it was supposed to end at the beginning of 1935. No trigger?? **!!!**
If you prevent the human player from resigning from his original company that will insure that he can't start another company. He can still merge with other companies if that is desired.
What was odd is that the option for starting a new company only comes up once. After I did it and bought it out. (after making sure I had over 50 pct of my own company) I started a wholly owned company to see if I could get an additional 300 sections of track (I couldn't).

Perhaps that screwed something up in the counter. I'll have to try it without starting the new company and see if that makes a difference.

Also, loved the thought that I could hook up to the far side (unavailable in the beginning). That was a real goldmine.

And, yes, I'm using 1.06.

That reminds me. Is there a reason we are offered the option to build office buildings? That seems rather pointless unless I need a place to dump all that paper. :-P
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

arop wrote:Besides, I have forgotten to mention that this map is created for RRT3 1.06, when I posted the map to Hawk. :-)
I fixed this. I added a note on the download page stating it requires the 1.06 patch. ;-)
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

:-) Have anyone tried the option at game start to build narrow gauge? With overall track costs -25% you will have some advantage about fundraising for track/industrial expansion, though train speeds will decrease by 25%. Later on, in 1915, you will have the option to rebuild your whole network to standard gauge and overall track costs/train speed will normalize. Impact: Building costs 10 mill. and all (narrow gauge) trains will be destroyed (sold for scrap).
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

I started with narrow gauge and it helped a lot in saving money. The extra was used to invest in industry to help me with the medal requirements. I enjoyed playing this scenario very much and thanks a lot for all of your contributions to the RRT3 game. Keep at it. :-D
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

proudcanadian wrote:Unfortunately, I was ousted from the game in 1905 even though I had connected all the required cities. :-( The lose event then said that I was supposed to connect all those cities to the Capital, Harwan, or something. However, there is no mention of this in the briefing, it only says to connect the cities.
This happened to me too :-x Never mind, I'll start again and see how far I get. Apart from that, it's looking good!

Edit: my memory and my maths being what they are, I changed the status page a bit to help out. See attachments. Don't think I'll get better than bronze this time, but I'm having fun!
Post-1905 (click to enlarge)
Post-1905 (click to enlarge)
Pre -1905 (click on file to make it bigger)
Pre -1905 (click on file to make it bigger)
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

I tried playing this, and it crashes when the game is saved, either right at the outset, or at the firs autosave. I have 1.06, but no other "add ons" installed. Any ideas?
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

I am really enjoying this map. Arop, this may be your best effort yet.

So far I am in 1896 and I just connected all the required cities. My CBV and lifetime industry profits should be fine...but man, my PNW is not looking good. I am hoping that in 30+ years it will improve.

Arop, thanks for a great map!
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Nine years later...
I've tried this twice, and am up to 1896. It simply isn't possible to connect all cities by then!!!!? How the dickens did someone manage that? I've laid virtually the full limit of 300 track pieces per year, with a couple of minor exceptions. I have barely covered 2/3rds of the length of the island and with 9 years left, I can't see it being possible to reach Mareka. I wonder what tricks anyone used to complete the impossible?

I have another oddity, train breakdowns have become a monthly event, with up to 3 breaking down at the same time, with engines 8 years or less in age. I've played many other maps and never come across this, very annoying problem. At least I have plenty of money in the company. Seems an interesting map, but I simply don't believe its possible to connect all cities in 30 years :?:

PS I was here over 7 years ago, same call sign ;-)
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

I've had a look at this in the editor. First I realised that given 30 years, you have 9000 lengths of track to connect all cities. It takes 8500 pieces to actually do it, although I suspect someone (Ruth?) found a method that used slightly less track. At the least this means only 500 pieces to spare, or in other words if for 2 years you don't lay the full 300 per year limit, you're sacked! Or 4 years of laying less than 250 pieces, is also going to fail you. I may tweak this map yet ;-) If I do, I'll add in the status whether or not the cities are connected.

Regarding the train breakdowns that drove me nuts, given it got to be EVERY month, except January, and up to 3 per month with 41 engines, and even the same engine two months in a row, and we are talking even 1 year old engines. I believe I found the cause. In settings, sand and water usage are dropped by 50% (I think), but oil usage is reduced by 100%. I would have thought that means no usage, but they still use some. The result, given as Hawk has pointed out elsewhere that they will NOT use a maintenance facility until oil drops below 50%, means the engines very rarely stop at such a facility, increasing the frequency of breakdowns. Why this was done I don't know, it has no benefit, but is in fact a right pain in the ar.. If I do tweak this map, I'll deal with that also. I'll also add in a reference to the fact Harwan, the Capital must be connected.

Despite the small towns, apart from the Capital, one seems able to make plenty of money, especially if you buy industry. Although it's a lengthy game, it's still interesting. :-D
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I've never tried this map, but regarding the oil: when I was doing some testing a while back I found that setting oil consumption to -100% actually reduced consumption by approximately 98%. There was still a residual 2% consumption. This may be a tweak in the game coding to prevent a divide-by-zero error. They did things like that in other places, so this could well be another example.

Anyway, you're right that it can mean a lot of time running with quite low oil levels. I've used reductions of 40% for sand, oil and water consumption before. That didn't seem to cause any problems, as long as the locos were reasonably reliable. The advantage is you get much better range, so consequently better haulage (due to less time stopped for maintenance) and better train rides.

If you aren't paying for top-ups of consumables that should save money on maintenance costs, so you should be able to replace the locos once their oil level gets low without it costing you more than normal overall.
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Interesting Gumboots, but the oil levels were never low. Typically (when breaking down) they were 91, 95, 89, 88, 77, 88 and 77% in examples I wrote down. Engine age,, from 1 - 10 years, only 1 example here was more than 5 years old! Hence why I thought it have something to do with the lack of visits to maintenance sheds. With this particular game, I tended to replace engines once they passed 10 years, normally I'd wait until age 15 plus. ;-)
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That's weird. Sand consumption doesn't affect reliability at all. Water level at zero will temporarily increase the chance of breakdown, but it goes back to normal as soon as you top up the water. Intermediate water levels (40, 50, 60%, whatever) have no effect on reliability.

Oil consumption is the only one that's relevant 99% of the time. If you were getting a lot of breakdowns with high oil levels, then it's possible that there is an event in the editor to reduce reliability. I can't think what else would cause it.
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Re: New map for rrt3: RAVONIA Unread post

Hi Ali, Welcome back! !!howdy!!

In terms of the track connection, I did a quick example. This is NOT from a real game. I went to the editor and set track to 9000 and plenty of cash. This build used 4203 track pieces (4797 remaining) and fulfills the conditions for cities that are required before 1905. Notice the shortcut to get to Eibar (LHS). Other shortcuts are possible, but they will miss more cities resulting in lost revenue in a real game.
Ravonia 4,203 track pieces.jpg
Please note I see no advantage in making all the required connections early. This is just to illustrate that you can connect to all the major cities and take the routes with better demand differentials (chase some profit) as long as you don't get crazy with diversions, and still have the connections by 1905 with single track. Harwan is so much bigger than the other cities that I would plan on factoring it into your early network for the sake of express traffic if you don't start from there.

I don't know why you were close to the limit. When you said "all cities" are you talking all cities on the whole map? The other comments are only in relation to the required cities: Eibar, Haix, Luz, Mareka, and Thaboran which must all be connected to Harwan.

I'm impressed if you connected all the cities with some track pieces to spare. Got a screenshot of the overview map?

I'm confused by your reliability issue. From what I can see, the event is reducing Oil consumption by 70%. Were you using Cabooses? Which engine/s? The game is a bit random about assigning breakdowns and crashes, but it's surprising if this ends up in a pattern of several going at once. :-?
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