Bermuda Triangle for 1.06!

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Cash on Wheels
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

I did about five test runs on normal a while ago. Notice that my railroad was granted access to cuba for no reason also. Plus access to the lower half of Florida is slashed by 80% twice. EFla & WF both should cost $2M after certain events trigger not $100K.

Tried it twice on expert last week. First go I did all rails and no industry. Horrific failure.

Second try Indy w/ savanah to brunswick rail connection. Did better but like you and stoneman I got hit with the key west hurricane. Had 9 coal load on thr way to Havanna by then.
But to merge with the FDCuba it would cost a mininum of $45M. I though I turned off the 'AI ignore territory at start' condition. Because Jay Cooke/Castro was buying every litte farm in the USA by then.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Cash on Wheels wrote:
Gumboots could this be used for the map? I'm just asking, I don't even know if your 'ships' are complete.
They're not really finished, as in there's some eye candy left to do, but they work. You could use them if you wanted to.

Edit: They were really made for the early to mid 20th century though. The style doesn't suit the 21st century so well. They're not really hard to make, if anyone wanted to do a modern ship.
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I now have a readme on the first page/post. If you download the beta earlier do not bother download the new version it only has minor fixes.
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I figured out what caused East &west florida to be so cheap. The territory variable was set to 1=0. All variables(player, co, terr. & game) are set to zero at the start unless an event changes it. So at the start when placing your first station. The game will cut ef & wf from $8M to $1.6M. So now its set t 1=1. The free Cuba is still a mystery.

Instead of using the 250 bridge count limit I will what RoR reccomended, use a hidden undersea territory (national parks).
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Took a look in the editor to see what's up with Cuba access. Turns out I inherited the rights when I took out the 3rd AI player's bankrupt company. That simple. Unchecking the "One time only" box for the "No Cuba" event will fix this. (ETA: Also needs to test against All Companies.)
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Well, this is an exciting game with lots of variations.

I have played it a number of times now and have not gotten anywhere close to winning. Maybe I will try playing on Normal.

I really like that every game is different, lots of surprises. Hurricanes! And lots of other surprises that I will not mention so as not to spoil others' fun.

I still cannot master the Goldman Sachs thing of taking over Cuba.

But lots of fun.

Enjoy! !hairpull!
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Played again using electric track and the Brenner without industries with the default 1.06. The AI were stronger, but I benefited from no price islands as well so it's much of a muchness for the normal player. I said "without" but its not really true because I inherited industries and non-electric track from mergers, but whatever I built was to that standard. I also didn't issue bonds for expansion, however I did use them to takeover the Cuban AI and inherited a couple also. Finished end of 2056.

The Key West port still disappeared when the hurricane struck. Bahamas was struck as well which is funny because that newspaper claims "Florida is unscathed". :lol:

Other comment is that it would be nice to have a status for the DM medal, especially to count Coal haulage required. Possible trigger Coal Hauled from Haiti >0. Noticed a couple little changes to the map here and there, but I think everything else is working correctly.

About this:
Cash on Wheels wrote:I though I turned off the 'AI ignore territory at start' condition. Because Jay Cooke/Castro was buying every litte farm in the USA by then.
The AI buys industry regardless of territory rights. Not sure that it matters here, but maybe in a future scenario. I have never tried workarounds for this so have no idea whether an industry price for a specific territory and company would be enough to at least discourage the AI to buy in those areas.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

I ran into the problem of having the scenario accept a suspension bridge from FL to Cuba. in 2046 I received a "boot down the track" with the notation of "no suspension bridge". However, the "briefings" indicate to "at least 1. *!*!*!

some where is in the threads, I believe someone built an island?? in order to use regular bridges. Again *!*!*!

A very interesting scenario of imagination. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Ray, try the latest version. There is no way to prevent suspension bridges in the game. We only have workarounds. Try the latest version. It uses a simpler system that blocks suspension bridges from crossing the Straits of Florida and between the islands.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Stoneman wrote:I still cannot master the Goldman Sachs thing of taking over Cuba.
Not required to win gold, But you still need to build up your PNW.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

RayofSunshine wrote:I ran into the problem of having the scenario accept a suspension bridge from FL to Cuba. in 2046 I received a "boot down the track" with the notation of "no suspension bridge". However, the "briefings" indicate to "at least 1. *!*!*!

some where is in the threads, I believe someone built an island?? in order to use regular bridges. Again *!*!*!
The island with the city of Nueva Gerona, Cuba. I added some landcells toward the mainland so the user can place a regular bridge instead of a suspension bridge. I also had to make the Florida Keys more tycoon friendly.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

So, in other words, and even with the "minor" additions, that a player is not able to connect to Cuba, unless they use the Editor and add "island stepping stones"?? From what I visually see of the map, there isn't any other way to get to Cuba except by a "suspension bridge". Correct? **!!!** *!*!*!
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

RayofSunshine wrote:So, in other words, and even with the "minor" additions, that a player is not able to connect to Cuba, unless they use the Editor and add "island stepping stones"?? From what I visually see of the map, there isn't any other way to get to Cuba except by a "suspension bridge". Correct? **!!!** *!*!*!
:salute: {,0,}
This is what I get for not posting a readme thay clarifies the game.

You need run a coal train from Cordele, Ga to key west, FL. The coal u delivered to key west will then make its way down to Cuba on its own. So to make it go to the other end of cuba you need to takeover the Castro's railroad in cuba. After you taking over the FDC run a custom consist coal train (at loss) to the objective city.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

That CoW,
Is a lot of info, and "very" interesting concept of any scenario of which I have played. As for a text message, it would have helped, but nobody is perfect, AND, being new at the "game" of creating, I can see how it was missed. !!howdy!!

I did have the intention of running a consist of coal from Carole(?), but first had aligned consists of sugar and produce from the supply farms. In the meantime, before those trains arrived at Carole(?), I constructed the suspension bridge. And that was where the problem started. *!*!*!

Thanks !$th_u$! for the info to help the progress of playing your scenario, which I believe is a very interesting concept of imagination, and am looking forward of more of your talents in the future. :salute: !*th_up*!
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Just being slow on thinking. RoR indicates to use "latest" version. On checking all threads, I only find the original on page 1. SO, has the latest version been overridden? **!!!**
As I have not been able to "span" from either Cuba to Hati, or from Dom. Republic to Puerto Rico except by suspensions, will the Steel Mill have the same results as that of "floating" all the way to Puerto Rico? *!*!*!
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Well, if the idea, or the want of possibility, is to connect 89 cities, I don't know how it is possible without a suspension bridge. **!!!**
While waiting for a reply from my last thread, I continued to play on the initial version. I ran into problems with it as well, which might be corrected in a later version.
I restored the damaged system to Key West and had coal setting for a year but nothing was "floated" to Havana.
So, with that as a problem, maybe the version was programmed not to do the "float". Hence I switched the consists of coal to MIA. Same problem. Nothing "floated", at least for a year. Guess I will just wait to see "where" the later version is installed.
:salute: Plus any other comments :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Cash on Wheels replaced the version on the first page when he posted the readme file. So, yes, that's the one to use.

The only way to float cargo is to drop it off at a port where it can enter the water. Then wait for it to float to another port on a distant land/island (Cuba). There must be a price gradient between the two ports (price at the second is higher than at the first). This map is setup with a price gradient for Coal that will ensure it floats from Key West down to Cuba. You can see the price on the water from the map price overview by placing your cursor over an ocean "cell". Just like on land, cargo will only float towards a higher price.

This is still a beta. As far as I can tell, the port in Key West isn't supposed to disappear. If the port disappears, Coal cannot enter the water, so there is no way to get it to float down to Cuba. Miami doesn't have such a good price gradient for Coal heading over the water to Cuba, so shipments from there will be harder to accomplish. Hurricanes are random, so if you play it again, a hurricane may not strike the Florida Keys . . . . or you could wait for the next version.

City connection count:
The game counts a city connected as soon as it is linked to at least ONE other city. Linking any pair of cities on an island together (for instance in Jamaica), will count both cities for this goal. No need for a bridge. Remember that unconnected track is allowed here for a reason. :-)
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

I wrecked the KY port again? :roll: fixed now

other fixes : adjusted the firm choice cost from $750k/250k to $400k/$50k instead

one of the hurricanes came in february! moved to hurricane season.

fix the other hurricanes double whammy problem.(I hope)

Castro ending less dramatic.

Fxeid msot slpenlig errros.

repo'ed the Montgomery paper mill complex from the NW to a SSE postion in the city.

....I'm not releasing this game until I get gold on expert within 32 years.
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Cash on Wheels wrote:Fxeid msot slpenlig errros.
^**lylgh ^**lylgh ^**lylgh
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Re: Caribbean for 1.06! Unread post

Cash on Wheels wrote:I'm not releasing this game until I get gold on expert within 32 years.
Why 32 years? Are you reducing the time allowed?

PS. If you are concerned with difficulty, my finish years are only from relaxed testing-style plays with personal conditions. I haven't made attempts to finish as quick as possible. "Floating" takes some time, so there is a limit to how much one can push via efficient growth strategies. If I go for it while still using legal methods, Gold should come under 20 years (without jumping companies and full-price mergers), and maybe 25 years for DM.
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