One Korea - Beta

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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One Korea - Beta Unread post

The unexpected death of Kim Song Il in December started me thinking about a Korean unification themed game. After a hasty 'education' via the internet, I put this game together.

Because a simple "connect cities and haul goods" type of game would not really fit the complexity of the unification of the two Koreas, I decided to use a phase by phase game approach. In reality, it would not take the 2 Koreas over 20 years to unify once they start the process, but I had to stretch some realism to make this an RT3 game.

This is a 1.06V game - because 1.06V has endless possibilities for using variables in events. And, it correctly counts electrified track.

I would greatly appreciate any comments, wording edits or suggestions for improvement. Enjoy.

Note: Beta version removed March 1. Final version sent to map archive
Last edited by OilCan on Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

Great~ !!clap!! , I hope you make some nice stuff of korean map. (Besides, My nationality is Korea. :-) )

Anyway, Presently South and North are in tension to each other. (Find Wikipedia about "ROKS Cheonan sinking", "Bombardment of Yeonpyeong", those are the recent one.) Some are even expect about wars, it isn't only because of Political belief but also Hatred emotion. Many civilian were killed during 'Korean War', and Many family were separated.

Of course, Koreans Unify may make many benefit, However hope you remind that this is very serious Issue.

By the way, I am look forward to see your map, because most of the new generation (like me) are bit-temperate about uniting. Good Luck! !*th_up*!

P.S. and Please add some city in South Korea, Maybe this will help you. (this is the rail plan when the koreans are unified. the language is Korean though,,) " ... cleid=995&"
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

A wonderful scenario. !!clap!!

I got Gold on Expert in 2040, and made all the requirements except the $30 million in yearly profit during Stage 2. With a little more judicious purchase/placement of industries I probably could have made that one too. A few comments:

1- The dialog about the Hyeson connection (track missing) came even though I had already connected (rebuilt the missing track). Perhaps a connection check is needed to decide whether to present this part of the message.

2- The 15,000 electric track in NK may be a bit on the high side. I found myself double-tracking almost all of my track to make this one, even stretches of track where the traffic level didn't really need upgrading to double track.

3- After the military bases opened up for traffic, I had a couple of locos that ran out of oil if they were traversing the bases. It didn't hurt the locos at all in terms of frequency of breakdowns though. Does the oil/water/sand usage need to be lowered in these areas like it is in the rest of the map?

4- A few more cities in South Korea would be nice, so that when unification occurs, there are other routes to the North besides Seoul. Perhaps make them "off-limits" at the beginning and then make connection to these cities following unification part of the Gold Medal goals?

5- One last nit-picky thing: in the "Initial Production" event, the part about "hauling less than 5 loads of rice.....", the word "less" should be replaced by the word "fewer".

Other than that it was a pleasure to play, although it did get a bit tedious in the closing years waiting for LTD electricity and LTD Company Revenue to reach the required levels. That's where having some cities in the South would come in handy, to give the player something to do in the closing stages.
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Chocolate_Spilter wrote:Of course, Koreans Unify may make many benefit, However hope you remind that this is very serious Issue.
It is an extremely serious issue. In my humble opinion, it has passed the point of a civil, amiable reconciliation, as the 2 Germanies practiced when they came back together again. Unifying the 2 Koreas will take 2 very determined leaderships who share the same vision and same roadmap to unification. The here HUGE risks or hurdles for both sides. The two militaries with their nuclear arsenals are the biggest hurdle. Standing down 2 million soldiers along the DMZ will not be easy for either side. Can't forget that China will not like having a new NATO type ally on their border and so close to Beijing.
Merging the two economies is the second largest hurdle. South Korea's economy is somewhere around 15 times the size of North Korea's yet a merger will pull down and crash South Korea's economy. North Korea has to build up significantly before the two can merge. North Korea also has to change from a state owned system to a private enterprise system, which will be another HUGE hurdle.
Socially, it will take hundreds of year for the two nations to forget and forgive the 'Korean War'. I point to the USA as an example. We had a 4-year civil war 150 years ago which still reverberates with hostile feelings, especially in the defeated southern portion of the nation. Just yesterday, I drove past a home flying the southern confederate flag in its front yard! The war has been over 150 years!
So yes, it is an extremely serious issue. In no way did I intend for this game to make is any less of a serious issue.
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Wolverine@MSU wrote: A few comments:

1- The dialog about the Hyeson connection (track missing) came even though I had already connected (rebuilt the missing track). Perhaps a connection check is needed to decide whether to present this part of the message.
Good catch. I'll make the change. I didn't think a player would re-connect the track so early in the game, but I should have known better.
Wolverine@MSU wrote: 2- The 15,000 electric track in NK may be a bit on the high side. I found myself double-tracking almost all of my track to make this one, even stretches of track where the traffic level didn't really need upgrading to double track.
As you know, it is sometimes hard to make a goal far enough to be a challenge but not become tedious or pointless. At one time, the gold was 10,000 but I reached that too easily in my trial runs. So, maybe I set it at 12,000.
Wolverine@MSU wrote:3- After the military bases opened up for traffic, I had a couple of locos that ran out of oil if they were traversing the bases. It didn't hurt the locos at all in terms of frequency of breakdowns though. Does the oil/water/sand usage need to be lowered in these areas like it is in the rest of the map?
I noticed this too. I thought it was a game glitch but the light bulb went on when you mentioned the military bases. Of course! Oil, water & sand are zeroed out for all the territories except the military bases because I added them after a couple of trial runs and needed something of interest to show up in the third phase. If a train passes through a military base, it loses the override for oil, water and sand. I'll fix this.
Wolverine@MSU wrote:4- A few more cities in South Korea would be nice, so that when unification occurs, there are other routes to the North besides Seoul. Perhaps make them "off-limits" at the beginning and then make connection to these cities following unification part of the Gold Medal goals?
There were 3 other cities besides Seoul in South Korea in earlier versions. I deleted them all only leaving Seoul because I wanted the player to focus on buying and building industry in North Korea, not in South Korea which already has lots of industry. I also did not want a player making lots of money shipping goods & food within South Korea; I wanted the player to struggle making a go with North Korea. I will ponder on your idea of making some 'extra' cities off limits until the final phase. it would take some of the heavy traffic out of Seoul.
Wolverine@MSU wrote:5- One last nit-picky thing: in the "Initial Production" event, the part about "hauling less than 5 loads of rice.....", the word "less" should be replaced by the word "fewer".
Thanks for the kindly reminder. I'm getting better at 'less' vs 'fewer'. Old habits are hard to break.

A sincere thanks for all your comments. I hope to get the final version out within a week.
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

OilCan wrote:
Wolverine@MSU wrote:4- A few more cities in South Korea would be nice, so that when unification occurs, there are other routes to the North besides Seoul. Perhaps make them "off-limits" at the beginning and then make connection to these cities following unification part of the Gold Medal goals?
There were 3 other cities besides Seoul in South Korea in earlier versions. I deleted them all only leaving Seoul because I wanted the player to focus on buying and building industry in North Korea, not in South Korea which already has lots of industry. I also did not want a player making lots of money shipping goods & food within South Korea; I wanted the player to struggle making a go with North Korea. I will ponder on your idea of making some 'extra' cities off limits until the final phase. it would take some of the heavy traffic out of Seoul.
You could "tax" any shipments within or to S. Korea if it were a separate territory (apart from Seoul). It could be a "per/load" tax based on "YTD loads hauled to Tterritory by company" although you'ld have to figure out the appropriate "tax" to impose. As for buiding in S.K., just keep the industry cost astronomically high like you do in Stage 1.
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

This scenario is one of the best I have played. I started slow, with trying to get some progress with the requirements, in lay track to the necessary farms, but mostly that of attaining those requirements out of Seoul. By slow, I only changed out 1 old engine each year, although at the same time, acquiring the newer engines for selected routes for commodities.
I did not have any programming problems, but did have to do some "testing" once the requirement of "complete" electric system. I had taken a short cut early in the play/game, to eliminate the curve in the Yang Dang, Kumya, and Military Base, and disconnecting the loop. The ledger showed me with 99% electrified. But trying to use the "full updating of electric" logo, it would cost $55.3K. And I only had $33.2K revenue. SO, I "cheated tested" with the "bailout" for the cost of bulldozing for a $93K revenue. However, when I finished bulldozing, I still had the $93K revenue. That left me to "reboot". I would just have to pay the penalty of removing it. But when I did a little bulldozing, it did not deplete my revenue, even though I removed all of the loop. I didn't like that, so rebooted it again, and just electrified the loop. I had to use a portion of it later in gaining access to the now authorized access to the TZI. An interesting experiment.
My 1st engines (nbr 17 in the fleet) to purchase was the Class 460, and hence for the next 6. But I used the E60CP to replace the steam engines after a few years. Needing faster engines, I purchased a fleet of BR E111 to help with the incline terrain. But it wasn't until the offer by Facebook? or whoever, for the reduced price for the Brenner. The same with the E88, when the offers were made.
The BR E111 was very adequate, and was also used when China authorized obtaining their whse supply of oil.
It was not until the opening of Russia, with time running out, that I used 5 of the DD080-X for faster long haul, and to make the deadline. However, I did manage to get the Gold in 1941.
Like MSU, I missed getting the $30.0K requirement in phase 1 by only a few months.
The final years was taken in the laying of double track to meet that 15.0K GwH.

I did like the suggestions presented by MSU and Chocolate, to have a few more cities in SK. A restricted area for a time, to be opened after a time. :salute: {,0,} ::!**! !*th_up*!

Looking forward to any revisions.
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Thanks Ray. i'm glad you enjoyed the game and was able to make Gold. I tended to use the Re 6/6 engines on the flatter ground and the E60CP in the mountains until I could afford the more expensive engines.
The engine sales are set to be random. There is a 25% chance of a sale every April: meaning about once every four years. I would buy 8 -10 engines during a sale and park them at several stations until I needed them. I probably use more engines than I should and I end up bogging down a game towards the end of it.
I love the E-88s - they are SO fast! Set them on priority and they will cross the breadth of North Korea in no time.

I hear the message about more S. Korean cities. I have pretty much convinced myself to add more cities into South Korea - but restricting them until phase 3. I'm on the road most all of tomorrow and will use that time to think it through.

Actually, this game came together fairly easy. After doing some research about North Korea, the game goals fell into place - and are , sadly, fairly realistic. I'm certain the FBI and CIA have me flagged after all the North Korean web browsing I did!
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

OilCan wrote:After doing some research about North Korea, the game goals fell into place - and are , sadly, fairly realistic. I'm certain the FBI and CIA have me flagged after all the North Korean web browsing I did!
^**lylgh ^**lylgh ^**lylgh ^**lylgh !**fldwn! !**fldwn! !**fldwn! ^**lylgh ^**lylgh ^**lylgh
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

I gave this scenario another "shot". The only comment I gave a wonder, was to that of laying 12,000 sections of track. All the cities were basically connected years prior to 2044 and possibly around 2033. SO, all that was left to attain the goal, was to lay extensive track to cities already served. A lot of "double track" helped, and actually was necessary for the goal. BUT, it was not wasted, as it was also an addition of revenue for the CBV of $500M. And that goal was only finished within a year of the 2044 deadline.
An enjoyable scenario. Takes some thinking, or planning, to attain the medals. NOW, in reality, we shall see how the new ruler will affect the global community. Especially with the indication of nuclear enhancement and long range missles. ?? Maybe this scenarion should be sent to them as a suggestion. LOL :salute: {,0,}
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Thanks for the comments. Glad you enjoyed it.

You know, sending this game to the North Korean leadership and military just might be the answer. They would have to be introduced to RRT3 first - which I think they would greatly enjoy. Playing RRT3 would allow them to express their secret capitalistic tycoon desires. Of course, some of the generals would want a game where they used their railroad companies to build weapons with to invade their southern neighbor, but that's to be expected. But once they all had a shot at playing this One Korea game, attitudes would probably change. I think it would be hard to stay mad at your neighbor once the railroad fever hits. :-D
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

Is this still Beta ?
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

Logales wrote:Is this still Beta ?
You didn't read the first post in this thread very well, did you. ;-)
OilCan wrote:Note: Beta version removed March 1. Final version sent to map archive
Have a look on this page,
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

Indeed ... and I was still there on the forum when this happened ... Shame on me :)
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

I played this scenario a while back, and I got a lot of enjoyment from it. Think I got bronze on Normal. It inspired me to make a spin-off map of what may happen in a not-so-perfect-world, but since I suck at doing stuff, it never came to fruition. But thanks anyway for the great map! !!clap!!
"Train roll on, on down the line. Take me many miles from my home."
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

I heard today that Google has made available detailed maps & satellite images of North Korea. They would have been helpful in making the game map.
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Why would you need a detailed map? There's nothing in North Korea anyway.
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That's a good point.
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

Maybe I'm trying too hard... but oof, this scenario is tough!

1st playthrough, I bonded out at the beginning (7.4% average,) electrified most track (I think it may be most economical to simply "electrify all,") attempted to set up a profitable auto-consist network with Class 460s (immediately scrapped all existing engines,) and attempted to meet the goals as they came. Missed the 75 rice, missed the $30k revenue by a long shot. Made a few bad industry placement decisions. Made 30+ furniture, but rarely any ceramic. 10 years from the end, it wasn't looking good for gold (on Expert) for either the $500k revenue or 45k GWH. Really struggled to keep generation over $1.5 GWH/year. Let alone the $3 GWH to get factories up to 100%.

2nd playthrough now. Started conservative, still scrapped all original locos, went with 6/6's for low speed initially to make the speed challenge easier, all custom consist/deciding what to do next each time a train arrived at a station. Only electrified as needed. Kept bonds to a minimum. 6 or so dedicated trains out of Seoul, maybe 8 regularly returning to the Chinese warehouse, making profitable side trips on their way back from delivering coal and oil. Cleared the 1st phase in Feb 2019, almost two years early and with 11 months to spare for the $1M bonus. Also added Brenners the 3rd year, and when 460s went on sale in 2018 replaced all the 6/6's, cleared the speed challenge for a fat wad of cash in Jan 2019. Looking good so far...

But here's my frustration: will I ever generate 3k GWH even with manual control of the locos? Not sure I will... Only need 1.5k GWH average to win in 30 years, maybe I'll be able to keep it over 2k GWH for the final 20 years. Maybe I'll be able to get over the 30k/year revenue hurdle as well. But boy will it be a lot of work! So, am I trying too hard??
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Re: One Korea - Beta Unread post

low_grade wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:03 pm Maybe I'm trying too hard... but oof, this scenario is tough!

But here's my frustration: will I ever generate 3k GWH even with manual control of the locos? Not sure I will... Only need 1.5k GWH average to win in 30 years, maybe I'll be able to keep it over 2k GWH for the final 20 years. Maybe I'll be able to get over the 30k/year revenue hurdle as well. But boy will it be a lot of work! So, am I trying too hard??
I agree that it is a tougher than usual scenario. Keeping tabs on the flow of cargo is important. It has been a while since I last played it, but I've always achieved Gold. Yes! One can reach the GWH goals - supply coal to every electrical power station that you can find. May I suggest that you build your own tracks as quickly as possible and stay off the existing line as much as possible. You do have to closely manage trains for several years, but once routes are in place, auto consists will reap nice profits. Your posting has spurred my interest. I'll get started in a new game this week-end.
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