Rails Across Russia - BETA Version

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Re: Rails Across Russia - BETA Version Unread post

Thanks for this OilCan been a long time since I played a scenario for the first time. One thing I noticed was a lot of promises of rewards that sometimes didn't show up or were not as big as I was led to believe. Like when I connected Vladivostok I only got about 5,000,000 rubbles not the promised 10 but I put that down to corupt russian system at the time I am sure things are much better over there now. HAHHAHAHA

Anyways Yes thanks again I look forward to going at this a few more times.

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Zeffern wrote:Like when I connected Vladivostok I only got about 5,000,000 rubbles not the promised 10 but I put that down to corupt russian system at the time I am sure things are much better over there now. HAHHAHAHA
Actually, you were asked to connect Moscow to Vladivostok, to complete the Trans-Siberian Railway, within 10 years to earn $4,500,000.00
If you connected after that 10 years you get $500,000.00
Not sure where you got that you would get $10,000,000.00 or even $5,000,000.00
I could be looking at the wrong event though, but I didn't see another for that connection.
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Re: Rails Across Russia - BETA Version Unread post

Yes of course you are correct. i must of had a dyslectic moment. I remember the 10 year thing and dont really remember the award amount promised. I probably got that 4.5 instead of 5 as you mentioned i am terrible at keeping track of my money as soon as I get some i pause and lay rail till i am broke hahaha. I got it connected within the year actually because i got the 5M for connecting those 3 northern towns to St. Petersberg. and well you know that meant that I was already 3/4 of the way there.

Anyways I guess i will go at it again i re-started the scenario (Dont you hate it when you make some bad mistake and your backup is to old to make it worth using. So i will see it all again.

Thanks again.

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Zeffern wrote:(Dont you hate it when you make some bad mistake and your backup is to old to make it worth using.
Change your auto save to every 6 months or once a year. ;-)
I think it's once a year by default.
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This is a very interesting scenario of challenges. More imagination from the "wisard".

As to saving a players progress, I have learned to save, any time that I make a change of progress. If I wait too long, and my computer shuts down, or some reason that disrupts the program, I may not "remember" what progress I may have up graded, if I wait too long for the normal yearly totals. Live and Learn. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Rails Across Russia - BETA Version Unread post

Yes great advice on the auto save for sure I will have to look into those settings. I guess I really only consciously make saves just prior to doing something silly like borrowing a bunch of cash and building a new extension to my network or getting in on something like the steel business.

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Well, I see that some players are having a problem with the bonus in the connection of Moscow to Petropavlovsk for that $4.5M. However, I made the connection in 7 years and only received $1.5M. **!!!** But then, it is nothing new, as I only receive the Hudson in playing the Gilligan/s Island. *!*!*! :salute: {,0,} LOL
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RayofSunshine wrote:Well, I see that some players are having a problem with the bonus in the connection of Moscow to Petropavlovsk for that $4.5M. However, I made the connection in 7 years and only received $1.5M. **!!!**
RoS, the $4.5M is for a connection between Moscow and Vladivostok, not Moscow to Petropavlovsk. The $1.5M is the correct amount for connecting between Moscow and Petropavlosk. Ya vol comarade? :-D
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I hit 200M CBV and 200M PNW and gold in Jan 1907 on Expert, first play, no AI. Just switched to Class 500's, think I'm going watch the rest of the events play out. Distillery in Odessa to start and into rails early, the rest was natural. Very nice scenario!
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This map was cool, had 120 trains running at the end. Would play again.
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Just for anyone who wants a bit of background information on this era, I was looking for stuff on the Class S 2-6-2 and found a bit of Russian railway history. Here's what it says. :-D
Теперь ели мысленно перенестись на железные дороги России начала XX века, то можно увидеть достаточно патриархальную на нынешний взгляд картину. Пассажирские перевозки на большинстве линий обеспечивали две-три пары поездов в сутки. Вес обычного пассажирского поезда в ту пору составлял 200-300 т. Составы из пяти-семи вагонов неспешно двигались с маршрутной (коммерческой)* скоростью 20-25 км/ч, что не намного отличалось от скорости грузовых, или, как их тогда называли, «товарных» поездов. Они подолгу стояли на станциях, давая возможность пассажирам залить кипятком свои чайники, купить снеди на платформе и поругать железную дорогу за медлительность.

Вот воспоминание одного неравнодушного наблюдателя - Константина Паустовского, который с детства отличался пристрастием к железным дорогам. Уже в детские годы он совершил свое первое большое железнодорожное путешествие. Это был 1902 год.

«Дорога на Брянск была тогда круговая и длинная - через Льгов и Навлю, Только на третий день поезд пришел в Синезерки. Он шел не торопясь, подолгу стоял на станциях, отдуваясь около водокачек. Пассажиры выскакивали, бежали за кипятком и в буфет, покупали у баб землянику и жареных цыплят. Потом все успокаивались. Давно было пора ехать, на станции воцарялась полная тишина, жгло солнце, плыли облака, волоча по земле синюю тень, пассажиры дремали, а поезд все стоял и стоял. Только паровоз громко вздыхал, и из него капала на песок горячая маслянистая вода.

Наконец из станции выходил толстый обер-кондуктор в парусиновом сюртуке, вытирал усы, прикладывал ко рту свисток и заливисто свистел. Паровоз не отвечал, все также отдуваясь. Тогда обер-кондуктор лениво шел к паровозу и снова свистел. Паровоз - не откликался. Только на третий или четвертый свисток он, наконец, огрызался коротким недовольным гудком и медленно трогался...»
Which is all perfectly clear, right? ^**lylgh Ok, you want it in English?
Now, if we were to mentally transfer to the railways of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, then we can see a rather patriarchal picture at the present look. Passenger transportation on most lines provided two to three pairs of trains per day. The weight of an ordinary passenger train at that time was 200-300 tons. Compositions of five or seven cars moved slowly with a commercial speed of 20-25 km / h, which did not differ much from the speed of freight, or, as they were then called, "Commodity" trains. They stood for a long time at the stations, giving passengers the opportunity to pour their teapots with boiling water, buy some food on the platform and scold the railway for slowness.

Here is the reminiscence of one indifferent observer - Konstantin Paustovsky, who since childhood has been addicted to railways. Already in his childhood he made his first great railway trip. This was in 1902.

"The road to Bryansk was then circular and long - through Lgov and Navlu, Only on the third day the train came to Sinezerki. He walked slowly, stood for a long time at the stations, puffing up near the water pumping stations. Passengers jumped out, ran for boiling water and a buffet, bought from women strawberries and fried chicken. Then everyone calmed down. It had long been time to go, the station was full of silence, the sun was burning, clouds were floating, dragging the blue shadow on the ground, the passengers were dozing, and the train stood and stood. Only the engine loudly sighed, and from it dripped hot oil on the sand.

At last a fat ober-conductor in a canvas frock coat came out of the station, wiped his mustache, put a whistle to his mouth, and whistled whistling. The locomotive did not answer, everyone was also puffing. Then the chief conductor walked lazily to the locomotive and whistled again. Steam engine - did not respond. Only at the third or fourth whistle, he finally snapped a short, disgruntled whistle and slowly began to move ... "
So late 19th century Russian "express" ran at the awesome speed of 15 mph, when it was running at all.
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Re: Rails Across Russia - BETA Version Unread post

The track&trains event has effects sand usage + 0, overall track cost + 0. Is this just to setup the modifiers? Other effects in the event have increases or decreases.
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Re: Rails Across Russia - BETA Version Unread post

This sort of thing is harmless. Originally the author probably used a modifier, but during testing decided to adjust it for balance. During the adjutment process they thought to try without the effect (zero), and then the map was playing well enough they didn't need to adjust anymore. And just never returned for the cleanup.
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Re: Rails Across Russia - BETA Version Unread post

Alrite this one is really tough with low density and growth rate. Long distance between citys also factor into costs. I got the iron coal bonus, extra ranches. Couldnt get the oil events for whatever reason before getting gold.

Fun map for those looking for a challenge. The industry start - where you buy up industry initially instead of laying track wont be so effective here.
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My eyes are not as good as when I was younger, but I don't see any Attachment in order to download
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Re: Rails Across Russia - BETA Version Unread post

It's in the archives now. ;)
Near the bottom of this page: http://hawkdawg.com/rrt/rrt3/rrt3_asia.php#railsrussia
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