K's Big Cliff_46

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.05 and earlier.
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The Big Dawg
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K's Big Cliff_46 Unread post

The following text is a compilation of what was salvaged from the old Gathering Forum. It contains postings from several different people.
Thanks goes out to Wolverine for putting this all together.


K's Big Cliff_46
i've just posted a new map at my site, http://www.mizus.com/kraellin/RT3
the file name is K's_Big_Cliff_46.zip so dont confuse it with the image file there named big cliff.
this is primarily a single player map. i doubt it would play very well in multi. this map was made initially to try to show off some of the features of the game and the editor. since then i've added some events and extra stuff to make it a decent scenario as well.
the one caveat to this map is that it's pretty unrealistic as far as representing something in the real world. i doubt any railroad company would attempt what you need to do to get the gold in this one. still, i found it fun and did win the gold, so i know it's possible.
one other caveat is that there are a LOT of particle objects on this one. that means a LOT of little animations and this may bog down slower machines. just go into your graphics settings in the game and find where to turn off the particle objects and either turn down the detail or turn them off altogether.
good luck and have fun
Thanks for maping these maps, Kraellin. I haven't tried any of them yet, but they are downloaded and installed ready to play after the campaign.
Hope there will be a lot more maps coming from players. I'm hoping to make a map from Norway/Scandinavia when I fell competent enough. It'll probably be challenging to recreate Norway's coastline and all the mountains, and quite a challenge to lay track there, I suspect...
I haven't the slightest idea how to make a map, but I might try scripting a different scenario out of one of the original maps. It might not even be possible, but I'll give it a whirl.
It is , indeed, possible. Open a map in the Editor and see how events etc are scripted. You can learn a lot from that.
If you get stuck then ask in the Map Making Forum.
Heh..Heh..Now THAT's a BIG cliff. Now if I could only find those locomotive rotor blades..
Thanks for the interesting challenge.
Thanks for another great map
Trying to get through the campaign for a second time, but will look at this asap!
It is , indeed, possible. Open a map in the Editor and see how events etc are scripted. You can learn a lot from that.
If you get stuck then ask in the Map Making Forum.
There are a number of scenario-less user-made maps out there that could use some modifying. With the map makers permission I think it would be interesting to do some historical scenarios with some of these maps - in particular, I'm thinking of the industrial development of Pennsylvania late 19th century, and the development of the Florida tourist industry in the late 20th century. Hell, with how some people complain about Express revenues being overbalanced, I probably wouldn't have to change that Florida map much except for adding a few newspaper articles about opening FL attractions.
you're welcome, guys.
lemme know if it's too easy and maybe i'll trim it back a bit. oh, and watch out for snakes
well, it is a rainforest. there's bound to be a few in there
anyone notice the burning of the rainforest yet?
Whenever I try to load a heightmap, even the ones that came with the game, I get an error. Yes, I'm using the new patch. ANyone else have this problem?
Well, I think I've gotten pretty good...so let's have a look at this map..."Connect the two cities". OK, I can do th--HOLY CRAP I'M NOT THAT GOOD!
Looks challenging, I'll give it a go sometime. Thanks!
Quote: Well, I think I've gotten pretty good...so let's have a look at this map..."Connect the two cities". OK, I can do th--HOLY CRAP I'M NOT THAT GOOD!

hehe. yup, that's the reaction i was looking for wait till you see what it costs to do it
Can you connect the 2 cities? I tried a nose-dive off the cliff; expensive bridge/overpass that never touches down. The same thing happens if I try to link to either "high-point" on the other side.
Clueless!? I am all that
you dont have to connect the two cities to each other, but each has to be connected to the 'Port Area'. and though that doesnt really solve your dilemma, yes, it is possible to do it, just a bit difficult is all. trust me, i did do this without any cheats, so i know it's possible.
yes, it is possible to do it, just a bit difficult is all. trust me, i did do this without any cheats, so i know it's possible.
I just connected a few resources and thought I'd see if the "direct" approach was possible...so there's a trick!
Well, I'll just have to poke around a lil more
hmmm, i just thought of a condition where it may not be possible. i always used the default date on the map to test it. if you're playing earlier there might be a condition where it wouldnt work. i'll have to check.
if you just cant win at an early game date, like before 1880 or so, try the default date. i forget what i set as a minimum date for the map.
I just had to see that map. WOW! Incredible. Sure shook my camera up whilst following the train.
I got curious about something, so I jumped into the sandbox. I wanted to play around and figure out a good route to the top. Not an easy task.
After a couple attempts, I layed a short piece of track at Corydan. I zoomed waaay out and clicked on the end of the track and ran it until it came out on top. I was amazed at what I saw. The track left Corydan and went straight up, all the way to the the top, then built a bridge.
Just for the heck of it, I ran a train on it. Surprisingly, the train ran fairly fast up that 90 degree track.
Then I got another brain storm.
I ran onto the ports, then started another track to the right (north-maybe?) up the mountain.
I layed that track in short sections, to avoid tunnels. Got up to the top, bridged the gap, and went on to Chiquanta (probably spelled wrong).
I called up two DD40's, gave 'em a full load, and sent them on their way.
To my astonishment, the train that ran through Corydan, then up the 90 degree incline, arrived at Chiquanta in better than half the time of the one climbing the mountain.
It would appear that the one, small, section of track-going straight up, is less of an obstacle, to the game, than the gradual climb. Interesting!
Anyway, great map. Now-let's see if I can make any money.
thanks it was a fun map to make.
yeah, both methods will work. i found that straight up tunnel also while making this thing. quite odd. you shld see it when you run a norris on it now, obviously the idea is to run the rails to one side or the other, up those steep slopes, but, oh well.
the map was originally made without those steep slopes. it was intended to be mostly a scenic map, but every time i looked at those cliffs i would go, ya know, that would make a good event so, i added the side slopes and events later on. the original is just the sheer cliff with the falls. i've taken more screen shots from this map than just about any other. you can get some nice shots at various camera views in high res with all the graphics stuff pumped up. you may not be able to scroll, but you can get some nice shots remember, to see the particle effects, you have to be in the game with the game not paused.
Finally got it all connected
Never found the tunnel, but once I got the route down the side working I quit looking. Great map! Nice view from the bridge too
so, did ya get the gold?
yeah, that's the only bridge i know of where its supports dont touch the ground the view from underneath is kind of interesting too
Gold!? /snicker
Spent way too much time gawking at the scenery Silver will do for a first run through...next time I concentrate on Victory!!!
hehehe, well good. yer not supposed to get gold on the first try
I thought I would drag this up from the past. I played this map yesterday; I noticed the Industry was behaving oddly! There is no limit to the output of the manufacturnig industries. Distilleries and lumber yards were outputting 20 loads/year, and they weren't upgraded! What gives? I was able to turn a $7,000k profit in 4 years, and I already had 250 loads to the port area. Very odd, don't you think?
yeah, i dont remember specifically what i tweaked in that map with events, but i'm pretty sure i raised productions significantly, and demand at the ports was also 'over clocked', iirc :)
I finished the map! Pretty easy, even on hard. I delivered just over 3000 loads (1000 required) to the port area. I had 6 x double tracks leading into the port area, all dropping off incredible amounts of cargo at 7 different stations. The profits were obscene; $30M+/yr.
I eventually connected the lower area to the upper area, and that adventure alone cost over $20M in rails! (I did double track all the way). I actually made most of that money back in hauling cargo back down on huge 8 car trains... not surprisingly, I didn't bother hauling much cargo back up!
hehe, i can see i'm gonna have to change the requirements... maybe make you haul x number of loads UPHILL ;)
but well done :)
then he would simply haul only uphill. best way would be to have haul x amount of cargo uphill and haul x amount of cargo downhill
Heh heh. The uphill loads are definitely the key factor: The trains coming down the hill can easily carry a full 8 loads, no caboose.
Going up that gigantic hill, however, would be a real difficulty. It takes almost a year for a light cargo of 2 loads to make it up the hill! (train dependent obviously). Some great views, though, watching those trains climb the mountain, and looking down on your track layout.
i remember when i tested that map and i also had some interesting rail and stations around the ports. i'd be interested in seeing a screenshot of your situation around the ports near the end of your game.
Ali Barba

Unread post

:) Just wanted to say I remember playing this one a few months ago, and found it very interesting, and not too hard either. I did a zig-=zag railway up the right hand side to keep the grades reasonable and did the bridge across the gap on the far right hand side, where the 'legs' of the bridge never tounched bottom! I thought it was a great map! Ali
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Re: K's Big Cliff_46 Unread post

It's really an exciting map! !!clap!!

Got Gold in about 1934 - of course, you've to stay till 1940, because of the author's intension.

Strategy? Maybe some hints, if you hang ...
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Re: K's Big Cliff_46 Unread post

Finished this game today. Enjoyed K's Grand Bay ten times more than his Big Cliff. Once you figure out how to connect the cities, the challenge is over. The industry output and opportunities are way too generous. The haul goal can be met about mid game.

This is a good game for those who want to learn and 'experiment' with industry strings - how to connect resources with mills and how to develop complex industries. The extreme over production of a chosen industry will more than compensate for any errors or mistakes in setting up the industry.

I did use 100% electric trains on this map for no reason but to convince myself not to use electric again.
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