Grandma Ruth?

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Grandma Ruth? Unread post

who is she? lol, i just see that is says that "grandma ruth" is moderator of this topic. i just don't see HER. is there some article that i will find from a year ago about her?
gismoskip, current RT3 player working on the maps of tomorrow for RT3. better belive it.
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

She's not posted now for well over a year . I think her full name is Ruth Billheimer. see and also see here ... asp?id=363 (I believe this is probably the same person) as in this excerpt from a post in 2010 appears to tie up with the age in her profile here (as does her location). "I have no secrets - I am a 60-year-old Socialist and proud of it!"
and also this which may explain the lack of posting.
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

Silverback wrote:She's not posted now for well over a year . I think her full name is Ruth Billheimer. see and also see here ... asp?id=363 (I believe this is probably the same person) as in this excerpt from a post in 2010 appears to tie up with the age in her profile here (as does her location). "I have no secrets - I am a 60-year-old Socialist and proud of it!"
and also this which may explain the lack of posting.
thanks. i was just wondering . . . . .
gismoskip, current RT3 player working on the maps of tomorrow for RT3. better belive it.
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

I thought she passed on several years ago. Wrong Grandma Ruth? :-?
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

Where did you hear that Gary? I hadn't heard that.
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AZ Rail Rat
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

I must be thinking of someone else - - - You know how it goes when you get OLD! :cry:
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

I hear ya' Rat. ^**lylgh
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

AZ Rail Rat wrote:I thought she passed on several years ago. Wrong Grandma Ruth? :-?
I think Hawk may have mentioned the passing of her husband.
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

Wolverine@MSU wrote:I think Hawk may have mentioned the passing of her husband.
Wow! I don't even remember that. **!!!**
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

I got to wondering about Ruth today. I've sent emails to 4 different addresses I've found for her (well, I'm not sure about one of them). 3 of the emails were just sent a few minutes ago and one came back addressee unknown, but that was at her old work place so that's not surprising.
I sent one at the beginning of this month to the address I have for her in my address book, but got no reply.

Doing some searching on the Internet, I know she was still with us (alive) in Feb. of last year. That's around the time her husband died of cancer.

I also found out that she's a member of the Bradford Metropolitan District Council, City Hall, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD1 1HY, Tel: 01274 921941

The Wiki listed in a previous post by Silverback showed 2 websites of hers, but both are now gone.

Hopefully I'll get a reply from one of the other emails I've sent.

Edit 1: I think I just found an article that would lead one to believe she was still around in Jan. of this year.

http://www.airedalewharfedalecravenccg. ... -campaign/

Edit 2: Great News! I heard back from Ruth. She's doing well and finally getting her life back together after her husbands passing in Feb. of 2012.
It seems her new job as a council person is keeping her quite busy and leaves her no time for RT3.

I did tell her to stop by and say Hi to everyone though.

At least now we know she's still around and doing well. :mrgreen:
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

Good to hear. !*th_up*!
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

Yes, these are really good news! :-)
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

I'm glad you decided to pursue this Hawk. Thanks for sharing the information about Grandma Ruth.
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

I was wondering as well, as to what happened to her. She had some good comments and suggestions, but glad to hear that she is doing well. ::!**!

As for trying to remember, or forgetting, I can't say too much along those lines. LOL Well, I think that is what I wanted to say. *!*!*!
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Re: Grandma Ruth? Unread post

Hi guys! I'm back but the system wouldn't let me be "Grandma Ruth " so it's just "Ruth" now. Won't have a great deal of time to spend here but I really do appreciate your kind thoughts. I have a scenario that's was almost completed years ago that I will try to finish and post. meanwhile I have found that a friend of mine is a fan of this site, going to try and find him now.
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