Egypt by rejima

Discussion about reviews and strategies for user created scenarios made for RT3 version 1.06.
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Egypt by rejima Unread post

Being that I am the 1st member to download the scenario, I will probably get some critical feedback on my comments. Or at least some suggestions of play.

Any way, unlike Egypt by OilCan, which I found to be "doable", that the challenges in this scenario will streach the mentality of the player. But then I am not the aggresive Tycoon of which there are the "best" of other members.

I found the financial revenue access to the territories of a considerable amount. 3 @ $10M each. Now I have not player too many years, but unless some "concessions" are given to reduce any of those amounts, play will require $30M to gain all their accesses for the goals.

At this point, which is really in the initial stage, I have started a 2nd attempt, as I am forgoing an "agreement" with a Suez Company, to haul a specified amount of commodities. Coal, Iron, logs. There are supplies within the authorized access area, but it is the goal to haul oil and a connection to Jeruselem, which eventually require all access to be purchased. Seems to be quite an ordeal for the medals. BUT, maybe some more talented member will give some suggestions of play as I am sure the goals are possible. Well, for some. LOL :salute: {,0,}

The word for Egypt in the 'authorized archives' is misspelled as "Egytp", so it does not get hightlighted. That is odd, as it was spelled correctly on my initial download. **!!!**
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Re: Egypt by rejima Unread post

Ray of Sunshine wrote:The word for Egypt in the 'authorized archives' is misspelled as "Egytp",
Thanks for pointing that out.
I got it fixed.
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Re: Egypt by rejima Unread post

Well, I didn't get any medals with this one. Just tried to get the BZ, as trying to obtain $30 to get accesses to Arabia for Oil, Palestine for Jerusalem, and don't remember the 3rd, but required in tresspassing to get Jerusalem.

Any way, the BZ didn't materialize either. I did all of my operation on the West side of the Nile, to obtain other requirments of commodities hauled and cities connected. However, just at the point of attempting to try and connect with Cairo, and with a limited amount of revenue, the basic Sterling which was my only engine in operation, started to crash. Hence I would have to buy bonds. The revenue balance helped to lay more track, but each year another engine would crash. Therefore, more bonds, to the final debt of $4M, which helped to eat up any type of revenue surplus.

The 1st set of Sterlings didn't have such a problem, and were replaced every 10 years, but the replacements were "dropping like flys" in 6-7 years. Much of the revenue went especially for a Textile and Cotton Farms. It is almost a "MUST", in order to help attain some revenue profit in a players operation.

Might attempt playing again some time, but will leave this one to more aggressive players. :salute: {,0,}
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Re: Egypt by rejima Unread post

this scenario is quite frustrating. At the end of any year there is a flood that destroys all your bridges on the Nile, so i stopped playing after 3rd year....i don't think bridges are destroyed in real world any year, isn't it? !*th_dwn*! ...hope for a new release fro this scenario, just not impossible to do.
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Re: Egypt by rejima Unread post

The Nile does flood every year, but the bridges stay where they are. Destroying them seems a bit harsh. Perhaps creating a flood territory that reduces train speed dramatically while the Nile is flooding would be a better solution.
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Re: Egypt by rejima Unread post

Gumboots wrote:The Nile does flood every year, but the bridges stay where they are. Destroying them seems a bit harsh. Perhaps creating a flood territory that reduces train speed dramatically while the Nile is flooding would be a better solution.
That's why they built the Aswan dam.
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Re: Egypt by rejima Unread post

Maybe one should try this scenario first on easy! I did so and got the golden medal after 41 years ... see below.
Egypt STS.jpg
Egypt STS.jpg (54.76 KiB) Viewed 4602 times
I play with a German version of RT3, so you see "Ja" instead of "Yes", etc.
Egypt TRK.jpg
Egypt TRK.jpg (17.47 KiB) Viewed 4602 times
There's no business like RT business ...
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